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Everything posted by Yokai

  1. If memory serves, rule previews usually comes after the first preorder announcement (ie next week if the first preorder announcement comes this sunday).
  2. New WarCom article about the history of Beastmen. Maybe the Slaangor picture is previously unseen?
  3. Ugh, that was horrible. Nostalgia really is onehelluva drug.
  4. My guess is that GW didn't sell enough of the Godsworn Hunt, so they try to piggyback them with Khagra's Ravagers to get rid of them. (see the Shadow & Pain box set for another example).
  5. Berber duardin? Oh crud, yet another army I didn't know I needed up until now. πŸ˜›
  6. Guess troll ****** does wonders for the skin, amirite? πŸ˜›
  7. SchrΓΆdinger's Slaanesh. Chained and free at the same time. Typical GW. πŸ˜›
  8. This is my biggest grievance with the GW marketing strategy as well. There is no roadmap or equivalent to look at regarding future plans for your favourite factions, and that has made me more wary of purchasing new stuff. It hurts my enjoyment of the game, and it hurts GW financially. Compare with this, for just an example how competitors are handling it better.
  9. The stakes are high in this discussion, but it's a fine point!
  10. Huh, a Cursed City preview with the witch hunter fellow went up briefly on WarCom, then disappeared again. Anyone managed to catch it? Something about silver bullets and stakes burning the undead "alive", as far as I saw.
  11. Now THAT is what I call a vampiress! No doubts about the gender anymore, eh? πŸ˜›
  12. Looking pretty solid to me. Still funny that the Vampire Lord wasn't in any Rumour Engine, but still spoiled in its entirety just before the presentation. Sucks to be GW sometimes. πŸ˜›
  13. Pfft. Warhammer Community, what do they know?
  14. Eh, I disagree. That body looks plenty female to me.
  15. There's more than Seraphon in the deep jungle... *sound of skittering spiders intensifies* πŸ•·οΈπŸ‘ΊπŸ•·οΈ
  16. Sounds likely considering quite a few of the rumour engines have been vampire-ish, and financially sound for GW as well. It will be nice to see what we can sink our teeth into this year (please let it be vampirates!)
  17. The twinsouls faces are just deep enough into the uncanny valley where we usually find celebrities that has gone too far with their plastic surgery and whatnot. Perfectly Slaanesh, I will be getting a lot of them when they come around.
  18. The same GW that updates Space Marines on a yearly basis whilst other armies languish with models 20+ years old? Yeah, that GW. πŸ˜›
  19. New Rumour Engine is up! Looks pretty Stormcast-ish to me.
  20. This is pretty much how GW operates. They are not (completely) the bumbling fools they are sometimes thought to be, they are acutely aware of the competitive meta and they don't want to rock that boat. Everything GW does rules-wise makes much more sense if you look at the models used in the competitive scene as a smaller subset of the whole range. That's why the competitive Hagg Nar army lists are largely unchanged since the Battletome release, all else is for casual play. The Morathi book is a bone thrown at the casual players, nothing more.
  21. I think that is very likely, especially since Tyrion is explicitly mentioned in the community article describing the realm of Hysh. Source
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