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Posts posted by Malakithe

  1. 51 minutes ago, Malakree said:

    The thing to note the breadth of units that are available in the new battletomes, in this regard I highly doubt that we will see an Ironjawz battletome without new stuff, it will either have it or be a combined battletome.

    After the previews I had exactly the same hopes. Single Battletome: Great Waaagh! 

    Endless Spells - Can only be cast by a Great Waaagh! Wizards.

    Foot of Gork

      Reveal hidden contents


    Predatory Endless Spell - Can Fly up to 6" 

    Summon Foot of Gork: The Foot of Gork has a casting value of 10. If successfully cast set up this model anywhere on the board wholly within 12" of an enemy unit.

    Stomp 'Em: After this model is moved, the player who moved it picks one unit within 12" of this model, that unit takes  D6 mortal wounds. The player than rolls a dice, on a 6+ Gork continues to stomp and the controlling player then immediately makes another move with this model, this continues until either the roll is not successful or the Foot of Gork is dispelled.

    Great Destroyer: When rolling to see if Gork keeps stomping after dealing mortal wounds to a unit add 1 if that unit did not have the Great Waaagh! keyword. Instead add 2 if that unit did not have the Destruction keyword.

    Waaagh! God: This model must end it's movement within 12" of a unit. If this is not possible then this spell is instantly dispelled as Gork gets bored and wanders off.


    Gaze of Mork

      Reveal hidden contents

    Endless spell

    Summon Gaze of Mork: The Gaze of Mork has a casting value of 7. If succesfully cast set up this model wholly within 18" of a the caster.

    Die Stupid Wizard: After this model is set up you may select a wizard within 12" of it. They take d3 mortal wounds.

    Stupid Magiks: Whenever an wizard attempts to cast a spell while within 30" of the this model, before they roll any dice, you may roll a dice. On a 4+ that unit takes d3 mortal wounds. On a 6+ that spell instantly fails, do not make a casting roll for it.

    Waaagh! Magiks: Wizards attempting to cast spells from the Lore of the Great Waaagh! or a warscroll with the Great Waaagh! keyword are not affected by this model.

    Scenery Piece

    Great Waaagh! Banner

    • After both players have finished deploying you may deploy this scenery piece within 1" of a friendly unit. 
    • Whenever a Friendly unit within 1" the Great Waaagh! keyword moves, you may move the Great Waaagh! Banner the up to that units movement characteristic. It must finish this move within 1" of that unit.
    • All Great Waaagh! units wholly within 18" of the Great Waaagh! Banner at the start of the combat phase may reroll any failed wound rolls made during that combat phase.
    • At the end of each combat phase roll a dice for each Great Waaagh! unit under the effects of the Great Waaagh! Banner. Add 1 for every 10 models slain during that combat phase. On a 6+ that unit may instantly pile in and attack again.

    This would be pure money

  2. 1 hour ago, Skreech Verminking said:

    Oh god, Stormfiends with 9-10wounds each.

    although I don’t know if shock gauntlet will stay with the  6or more to hit role.

    For some reason I really doubt it.

    Only issue is you would get just one model, not the unit. Unless your running 3 or more Masters

  3. 18 minutes ago, sorokyl said:


    They could very well announce new minis to be released the week after the tome comes out.  There is a studio preview this Thursday. 

    I am not holding my breath but I give it a 20-50% chance. 

    Yeah true. There is that new one with the box but i would like to see updated stuff. The scults on most look fine but the whole range needs multi plastic kits

  4. No new minis like Legions but updated rules will be amazing by itself. I would like plastic kits though cuz f all those metal/finecast.

    I have no doubts the terrain will be like gravesites in a way. Deepstriking or unit replenishment or both.

    The endless spells like like aoe area denial type stuff which is cool.

    Well there is that new one with the rocket launcher looking weapon.

  5. 36 minutes ago, Skavelynn said:

    Awesome! I guess my complaining from yesterday worked 😆

    I'm glad they are going for the LoN style tome, it's what I was wanting and think it will work well for skaven. Can't wait to read it. The endless spells are a little underwhelming looking imo plus no new minis, but hopefully the bombardier and rules are neat.

    What do you guys think about the gnawholes? I wonder if they'll be used for teleportation, or maybe summoning units from them? In lore the skaven use them to travel between the realms

    I had a feeling they would get terrain like a burrow or holes for deepstriking or unit replenishment 

  6. 12 hours ago, amysrevenge said:

    Allegiance: Gloomspite Gitz
    Loonboss on Giant Cave Squig (110)
    - General
    - Moon-cutta
    - Trait: Fight Another Day
    Madcap Shaman (80)
    - Artefact: Moonface Mommet
    - Lore of the Moonclans: The Hand of Gork
    6 x Squig Herd (70)
    6 x Squig Herd (70)
    6 x Squig Herd (70)
    Bonegrinder Gargant (400)
    Bonegrinder Gargant (400)
    Bonegrinder Gargant (400)
    Bonegrinder Gargant (400)

    Total: 2000 / 2000
    Extra Command Points: 0
    Allies: 0 / 400
    Wounds: 110


    I would swap one for a SpiderSham to mess with people even more via magic lol


    • Like 1
  7. 16 minutes ago, Skabnoze said:

    Well, what can I say - I like giants.  And what is better than a giant?  An even bigger giant - thats what!

    I have to say that I don't care for the Forgeworld model though.  I would probably end up getting a couple 3rd party models and also converting some.  I had been trying to decide if I should buy one of the ones I like or start on the conversion ideas that I have been thinking of.  Maybe I should just do all of the above!

    Conversion ideas! I wanted to give the Hag a mushroom bra and make mushrooms or pointy weapons and stuff poking out of her bag.

  8. 4 hours ago, Skabnoze said:

    Speaking of Bonegrinders, I was just looking and I noticed that he now has the Gloomspite Gitz keywords.  That means that we can take him in lists without worrying about ally points.  And that means that we are no longer restricted to just a single one. 

    Move over 4 Troll Hag army - here comes the 4 Bonegrinder Gargant army!!!

    I just might have to do this...

    So, 4 Bonegrinder Gargants comes to 1600 points.  If we use a moonclan general then we can take squigs as battleline so that is 180 for 3 min units.  That leaves 220 for whichever general you want and something else.  That is amazing...

    4 Bonegrinders lol wtf man

  9. 1 hour ago, Skabnoze said:

    3 more Hags, cheap battleline, and some destructive endless spells.

    If hurling 1 hag into the enemy is a tough choice then imagine doing it for 4 turns in a row!

    You sir are a monster lol

    @gnaleinad anti-magic sounds good but I wouldnt focus to heavy on it. For the most part that combo would shut down all casters except Arkhan and Nagash and unbuffed Lords of Change. The issue is no other factions go magic heavy except for maybe other Gloomspite Gitz and possibly certain SCE lists.

    @PlasticCraic now the gears in my head are starting to turn for a hag list lol

    • Haha 1
  10. 13 hours ago, PlasticCraic said:

    I do want to write a Hag Star list for Gloomspite with the following attributes:

    - Someone casts Cogs, she slows it down

    - She casts Arachnacauldron

    - She heals back up

    - Someone Hand of Gorks her straight into range of her Vomit and her Warscroll spell (or an Endless spell if it's situationally better)

    - Hopefully get her into the Moon quadrant and / or near Arcane with the Hand too

    - Give her Etheral Amulet and she is rerolling all saves, ignoring all rend and healing up D6 per turn

    - She is up in their grill, casting and unbinding multiple spells* with bonuses to everything, damaging their wizards with her unbinds and vomitting all over them

    - Tell your opponent to have fun dealing with that

    *You could also take the artefact that gives an extra unbind, so she is unbinding 3 spells per turn with bonuses to all, potentially damaging their casters with each

    Nasty nasty...what would you include in a 2k to support this idea?

  11. IF Grimghasts got nerfed how would you want to change them? Their role is...strange. If their points go up, they become useless as they bump into other units of similar cost or knock out those units of similar cost. Their points wont go down. They wont change the warscroll cuz that would just ****** off everyone. I think the real issue is that Nighthaunt itself is ****** compared to GHoN. Their spells/items/allegiance in general is sub-par.

    The only thing I can think of from a balancing point of view is swap Grimghasts to the allies spot. Give points reductions to other Nighthaunt units and shift around other Nighthaunt units from allies to useable in the Legions.

  12. 33 minutes ago, adreal said:

    Wow, 85 pages......

    So I'm thinking of going spiderfang

    Scuttleboss-masterful spider rider, totem of the spider God

    Webspinner on arachnarok-headdress of many eyes, sneaky distractions

    Webspinner on arachnarok-gift of da spider God

    10 spider riders-bone drummer, spider totem

    10 spider riders-bone drummer, spider totem

    10 spider riders-bone drummer, spider totem

    Arachnarok spider with war party

    Arachnarok spider with war party

    Spider rider skitterswarm


    Skrapscuttle's arachnacauldron

    Not trying to kick you out but there is a separate spiderfang topic. Much better spider advice in their. That being said Fang is better on the Boss while the Totem is best on a Arok

  13. 3 hours ago, mikethefish said:

    Very much agreed.  Personally I am more interested in spiders and Troggoths, rather than Squigs.

    That being said, I have no interest in running ALL spiders or ALL Troggoths.  I'd just rather use them to supplement an existing Grot army.

    So far the only Squigs I run is sometimes 6 or 12 Cave Squigs, just to fill out that last battle line

    IMO spiderfang is best solo due to how many buffs they have. Spiders easily have the best synergy within theirselves...possibly the best in the game

  14. 37 minutes ago, Mutton said:

    8 attacks, with 5's and 6's being mortals under the light of the moon or with the artifact. Each 5 or 6 doing 4 mortals. It's closer on average to 8-12 mortals with all of the buffs (which aren't difficult to get). And we're talking a hero that's only 100 points. Anyone else think that's a tad insane?

    The Scuttleboss is a straight murder machine. But give him that Fang item and give the Totem to an Arok. Thats even more MW output for him

  15. 27 minutes ago, Honk said:

    The „not-in-the-list heroes“ like Lady O, briarqueen or ?Kudross? need to be allied in, with all detrimental effects (deathless etc.).

    not sure about the endless spells... the summoning rules of the hourglass, reaper and vault state: summon by Nagash or nighthaunt wizzards. So your guardian of souls, who only gained extra legion keyword and didn’t lose the nighthaunt keyword, he is totally fine to summon them. They should count into the allied points though...

    Are those spells useful at all? 

    EDIT: also can Nighthaunt battalions be allied in?

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