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Posts posted by Malakithe

  1. 13 minutes ago, Honk said:

    Totally true, heavy elite like gore-gruntas, bloodcrushers, eels or fulminators are either way cheaper or way more powerful. 

    I fear that GW has an extra elite-tax on our units, because they try to railroad us into a skelli horde... that is kinda fine for me, as a casual player who likes to win, but also appreciates the fluff.

    the tricky almost impossible part to balance is the high competitiveness parallel to a fluff narrative game.

    and they are not doing it to build a fun game, but to sell models and make money... or how do you explain that royal terrorgheists ignore behemoth rules in a gristlegore army?!?

    Yeah 6 monsters in a list might get out of control lol

    Fluff wise though ghosts and skellis are all the same. Enslaved to the will of Nagash and his lieutenants. Vamps and Necros raise and control minions to do what they want. Whether those minions are paper thin bed sheets with rusted weapons are walking bones doesnt matter. I like that LoN can include NH stuff but at the same time the NH on paper is so much better and more reliable in a LoN list then actual LoN stuff. 

    I feel not many understand that certain units have certain roles. I love having Morghast in a GHoN list for cracking armor but they are so awkward to include in lists. Its so much easier to spam 2 or 3 units of 30ish Grims to do literally ever role. I would rather include Grave Guard but why would I? They are literally a worse version of Grims or Blades 

    • Sad 1
  2. 2 hours ago, basement dweller said:

    I think a boss on squig to get the +3 to movement and some squig herds would fit in nicely with trolls.  Gives you some models to hold objectives and screen your trolls from scary charges...yet still effective on their own.  Havent done a full list yet...

    Yeah thats what im thinking. Im trying to come up with something

  3. 1 minute ago, Honk said:

    Sorry, but totally disagree... while it is true, that skelli spam or wolfpacks are most efficient, while Bloodknights and morghast are tricky to use in a min/max environment. There will always be the hottest 5h!t, the broken combo for the hardcore players.

    The real problem imo are „integrated“ units from NH who are not balanced against LoN mechanics and then break the fun...

    put them on ally list, redo the „summonable“ keywords like they did for FEC and suddenly they are not stronger in the wrong army anymore.

    But the main reason people take the NH units is cuz LoN doesnt have any units that even compare. Grave Guard and Morghast and Blood Knights absolutely need points reductions to ever be relevant or comparable to simply spamming Grims. 

    The summonable keyword wont get reworked as its almost ingrained into almost every warscroll and allegiance mechanics for LoN and NH

    • Like 1
  4. The changes im thinking could happen is they swap around what units are 'allies'. Also LoN need some heavy points reductions across a few units in order for LoN players to be tempted to use LoN units and not take NH stuff. Increasing the points for Grims wont solve anything except to further ****** over NH players

  5. 20 minutes ago, MrRoff said:

    I would like to see them get something extra in their kit. Not just point tweak or changed battleline, currently I haven't seen a singel NH / LoN with Glaives where I play. 

    Probably because they have no point in any list. 4 per 60pts? With a max of 16 per 240pts. And almost the same statline and damage output as Chains..who happen to be 40 per 280. Easily clear who the winning of that is lol

    • Like 1
  6. Theres no way that Grims dont get a points increase given how popular they are. GW is just like Blizzard in the fact that they tweak things based on community metrics. 

    Grims share a role with Blades which is kinda strange but at the same time if Grims go up in points what will people take for the shredder unit? Many units need points tweaks I think. 

    I have no idea what the point of Glaives are. The are just bad in all aspects. There is no defined role or purpose for them. 

    • Like 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, soots said:

    I feel like several options in skaven has really taken the heat off Grimghasts.   If they change grimghasts theyll have to visit a lot of skaven units as well imo. These 2 new tomes really changed what is "normalized".

    Skaven dont really have anything that can laterally compare except for maybe Stormvermin as far as elite goes. And they are 500pts for a full unit. 

    The real issue is LoN dont have any real hammer units that can compare. Grave Guard are too expensive for what they do when you put them side by side.

    Morghasts need a points reduction as well.

  8. 4 hours ago, Vasshpit said:

    Whispers on the rumor winds of the past suggested a release comparable to the size of wave one. 

    As a customer and fan, I'd be more than disappointed if some of these above ideas are all that happen....

    Ironjawz really deserve and need more than just another set of endless spells that sit on a shelf, a few new spells to which players only use one, and a terrain piece.  Im hoping for several waaagh totems / banners that increase bravery, movement, some kind of debuff.

    Its hinted and stated time and time again that Ironjawz are actually pretty cunning and not just "hulk smash" so im hoping GW follow this course of design suggestion into wave 2 of da Jawz with new units that open up more tactical depth. 


    My absolute fav factions are Ironjawz and Fyreslayers. Ive felt for a long time they are both in dire need of almost the same stuff. Both factions need complete warscroll and battalion reworks and rewording and additional units 

    • Like 2
  9. 6 minutes ago, 5kaven5lave said:

    Bombardier inflicted 11MW on himself after he rolled 1 to hit on his first shooting phase...

    Haha sounds like a epic way to go out..too bad you wasted 100pts. Probably only use the model for conversions 

  10. 10 hours ago, Lucky Snake Eyes said:

    @Malakithe @Honk I need you guys to weigh in then, should I drop the glaivewraiths for a wight king to be a tankier general? I'm hesitant to make the VLoZD my general because I want him to have some freedom of movement and not have to worry about him being near anything, the necros are already going to be hanging around my skellies so i figured might as well slap nagashizzar on one.

    IMO Glaivewraiths arent very good. They dont really fit any roles as they are eclipsed by other stuff easily like more Skellies and Grims. Grims are frankly OP af in a GHoN list with all other buffs to summonable stuff. 

    The Wight King can be good as a behind the lines general if your running heavy Deathrattle and only if he has Lord of Nagashizzar. He suffers from being slow but so does the rest of Deathrattle stuff. 

    You dont really need the VLoZD to be general as he is a great beatstick that can just fly around on his own. With the Ethereal ammy he is going to be hard to shift and a huge distraction anyway. 

  11. I wouldnt discount newer guys like KO getting a 2.0 update. If SCE and Khorne are any indications. The factions that are left without books might get rolled into existing ones that get reworked. Take it another step further and things like Free People and Dispossessed might get rolled into a LoN style Alliance Free Cities type book since they all co-exist anyway. 

    I can see whats left of Creatures of Chaos being rolled into Slaves/Everchosen/Darkoath. 

    Fryeslayers will get its own rework. Slaanesh is coming. There is no way BCR isnt getting a rework. Might even seen the rest of the Ogors rolled into BCR. Bonesplitterz need a reword. Even Tzeentch can use a rework. Everything is pretty much on the table right now. The only releases that will take more then 2ish weeks will be ones that get new models. Which most wont. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Oreaper84 said:

    Fyre slayers have a once per game movement buff and their whole army shoots, IJ have random but at times amazing movement shenanigans in their allegiance ability and Ironfist battalion. Khorne has murder host and a single whipped unit...i think bc we dont have shooting and magic, we need to outclass all but the fastest in either out of sequence movement (like if you can pick 3 units instead of one with the lvl 3 tithe), durability (i dont like this option if im honest), or solid raw speed choices. Maybe a combo of all 3? 

    Yeah the complete lack of range and magic is hard to deal with

  13. 12 minutes ago, Holy_Diver said:

    So, I saw the path of this army from the beginning of Aos and I want, in the new tome, a lot of movement AND close combat buffs. 

    They suffer from the same things as Fyreslayers and Ironjawz...one trick pony. Briskly jog up the field to get into combat. For factions that are so hell bent on wanting to get in peoples faces they sure are slow about it

    • Like 1
  14. 3 hours ago, Malakree said:

    I'd say pretty low if I'm honest. If I had to guess the battletomes.

    Sylvaneth, darkoath, aelves, free people's, seraphon, slannesh, ogors. Probably 2/3 new releases to go with them.

    EDIT: Oh and this year's stormcast releases alongside the darkoath.

    Not cool man...not cool

    • Haha 1
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