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Posts posted by PJetski

  1. Seems really bad at first but the more I think about it the more I like it. Seems like a pain to activate but smaller screens will be dying and Auric Hearthguard are passing wounds from heroes... all that turns into bonus damage on Hearthguard Berzerkers.

    If the Flamemaster has the PRIEST keyword (the article calls them "priestly") to learn/chant a prayer then it will see play.

    I suppose anything could change with updated warscrolls/allegiance, though.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Neil Arthur Hotep said:

    It's certainly a possibility, but after everything I have read from people who worked on GW rules design, I have never seen anyone say that higher-ups push them to make units or books overpowered to push sales. I have seen talk of executive meddling in other areas, but not that one. So personally, I think it's a case of something else going wrong, like the rules writers not having the time or ressources they need to ensure a better level of balance. Say what you will about how Wizards of the Coast handles Magic: The Gathering (there is certainly plenty to criticize), but the level of care and testing they are putting into their rules design definitely put GW's efforts to shame.

    I believe it was confirmed by a former employee that they made Riptides and Wraithknights overpowered in 40k 7th edition on purpose to drive sales.

    I'm not sure they are still doing this business model today but it's not impossible to believe they push certain models in the rules because they want to push sales for those models. It certainly would explain a lot of their game design decisions.

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  3. 15 minutes ago, Clan's Cynic said:

    Remember when GW themselves said they didn't expect people to spam Iron Hands Dreadnoughts, despite there being stories of playtesters warning them exactly that was going to happen?

    Either they're wilfully ignorant, do not care, or are woefully naïve when it comes to these situations.

    Or they make money off it...

    • Like 2
  4. 59 minutes ago, Kadeton said:

    I wouldn't say that Flesh Eaters stopped being top tier because people learned to play against them. GW just eventually noticed that they had a particular combo that was too strong, and nerfed them into the bottom tier with their usual subtle approach.

    GW did nerf them but they remained strong for a long time. I think FECs slide to obscurity had more to do with people learning to play around the specific threat ranges of Terrorgheists (denying the run & charge spell made it much easier to just deploy out of their range) and learning the basic tactics of how to screen & counterattack.

    There was also a meta shift towards shooting/magic after the Tzeentch, KO, Lumineth, and Seraphon battletomes were released. All those "fight first fight twice" melee armies that plagued the first half of 2nd edition were always weak to ranged damage, but GW decided to backload all the shooting battletomes into the second half of their edition.

    • Like 6
  5. 9 hours ago, JackStreicher said:

    Because MWs aren‘t going away anytime soon, so a ward is the only remedy.

    Wards are just effective health. A 5+ Ward is like having +50% wounds. 

    People want Wards on big monsters because the ones without them tend to die quickly and easily, and a Ward is an easy solution. There are many other solutions.

  6. On 1/1/2022 at 11:53 PM, Malakithe said:

    Huh...never would have thought to include Stormdrakes but I wonder what for? I imagine is mainly for movement purposes. And thats a lot of Aurics 

    High mobility

    MONSTER keyword (tactics, rampages)

    18 wounds on a 3+ save and 4+ spell ignore

    Helps round out the list which is otherwise all slow infantry

    • Like 4
  7. 3 hours ago, Ahzur said:

    Greetings everyone!

    This Christmas I got 2 stormdrakes as a present. I've never intended to run them in my lists, as I'm not a huge fan of spamming them (I know, you can kill me). I usually play the good old 4x fulminators, 6x vanguard-raptors, lord relictor, liberators/vindictors (depending on the points), and filling the rest with Bastian, Yndrasta, Aventis, imperatant + annihilators...

    My question is: now that I have these 2 stormdrakes, is there a point to run them as a filler of my core build (replacing something like the annihilators), or they are meant to be used in numbers and with the knight-draconis hero? I think I could make room for 2 drakes + a knight-draconis in my list, but I don't know if this would be efficient or not.

    The thing is that with my common build I feel like a sort of a glass cannon, and the drakes could be an anvil I could use.




    2x Stormdrake are a fine addition to many lists - their tremendous speed and MONSTER keyword make them great for scoring extra victory points, supporting charges (both yours and your opponents) with their monstrous rampages, and they deal decent damage to boot.

  8. 31 minutes ago, JackStreicher said:

    According to Rumors GW switched to another Poster-Boy faction for AoS.

    Which faction might it be? I am assuming Lumineth, however Soulblight appears to be a bestseller.

    Who is this Rumors and why wont he stop lying

    • Haha 4
  9. In order of importance:

    1. The rules match the models; the gameplay is unique and matches the army aesthetic. The subfactions should be thematically appropriate.

    This is the most important thing to me - I can tolerate playing an imbalanced game with poor mechanics, but as long as the miniatures do what they look like they should be doing then I can at least have some fun with it.

    2. Internal balance - Lots of viable unit options; ideally every unit has some niche they can fill. All subfactions should be useful and interesting.

    You should never look at a model you like and say "I will never find a use for this in any list". In my eyes this is the greatest mistake that can be - and frequently is - committed by Games Worskhop.

    3. External balance - Capable of making powerful lists with interesting strengths and exploitable weaknesses.

    If you hit all 3 of these points you've got a great battletome in my opinion.

    • Like 4
  10. 9 hours ago, Dogmantra said:

    Sequitor observation: after a casual games day, I think sequitors get a bad rap. I don't think they're necessarily worth the extra points over Libs or Vindictors if you're going full tryhard, but a block of 10 isn't the worst thing to run imo. Bring 5 greatmaces and deploy 7 models in front (including all greatmaces), 3 in the back, or if you want to be really cautious, 6 in the front, 4 in the back (there are edge cases where 7/3 does lose you a single model to coherency, but the big thing here is you don't really care that much about the regular weapon Sequitors.

    11 attacks, 3+/3+/-1/2 hits surprisingly hard, although of course Vindictors can do about the same output with 21 attacks 3+/3+/-1/1, MWs on 6s. The benefit comes in the Sequitors being actually pretty tanky. 4+/5++ save is really nice, and it sucks to not have the 3+ of the Vindictors, but the 5++ ward makes up for it, and the ability to take exploding 6s to hit instead of the ward if you're against real unthreatening chaff is a nice little bonus.

    The other teeny tiny upside they have is that this specific list I was trying to squeeze into one drop, so there's not much reason not to upgrade from Liberators because taking another unit would put me over the edge to two drops. But that's extremely minor.

    So yeah, I don't think they're the best battleline option, I don't think they're even necessarily all that good as a battleline option, but I think they aren't total garbage like they're sometimes made out to be.


    The other upside is of course that they have the coolest models, and they are not holding their shields at useless goofy angles like half the vindictor sculpts.

    I think they would be a viable pick at 130pt instead of 145

  11. 8 hours ago, HollowHills said:

    Stop the Count.

    The crab won but GW fixed it because they wanted to frustrate our meme. Half the people who voted for Belakor aren't even alive. 

    Requiring ID that proves you are alive is discrimination against Shyish voters 

    • Haha 10
  12. 19 minutes ago, Gaz Taylor said:

    Just some rumours from Cinderfalls Gaming YouTube channel. Not too sure how true these are and suspect they are also from here as well but a nice round up of current rumours…


    link - 


    As mentioned by @Neverchosen with how things are with the pandemic, shortages as well as leaving the EU, the schedule is all over the place. No idea how things will pan out but I’m sure it will be good for AOS in 2022.

    No shade on Cinderfall Gaming but they frequently make videos on whatever they dredge up from 4chan, so I don't put any stock in these "rumours"

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  13. 32 minutes ago, zilberfrid said:

    Well, we already had this image in Soulbound:Female_Fyreslayer_01.jpg.7e8d117148687f490ab76d211a116dd8.jpg

    Just my opinion, but I think this is awful and I hope it's not used as concept art for any future Fyreslayer models. 

    I don't mind if we keep getting only males in this faction - I don't think the Fyreslayer aesthetic meshes well with the feminine form. There is something about "ripped muscle berzerkers with huge beards" that seems to be antithetical to the feminine aesthetic. If they do make female Fyreslayer models I hope they take a different route than this. It's not impossible to do by any means, but I think almost any attempt at directly mixing these two aesthetics will be botched and end up looking like this ghoulish hobbit.

    It is really difficult to do female dwarves properly in any fantasy setting because dwarves are a caricature of the masculine - industrious, stubborn, proud, defenders, etc. I think Warcraft did a good job with it when they moved from WC3 to WoW and introduced female dwarves as a playable option. GW did a good job with femcast (aside from the plethora of gauche modern haircuts that will age poorly) but they are more of a regal and refined faction.

    There is an interesting contrast between the Fyreslayers, a patriarchal society that survived the Age of Chaos by doubling down on their values, methods, and tradition, and the Kharadron that survived the Age of Chaos by abandoning all ties and literally rising above them through their advanced technology. From a narrative perspective it would be interesting if KO were more egalitarian and meritocratic while the Fyreslayers remain zealous and patriarchal. It creates tension and drama to have a standard fantasy race split into opposites in this way.

    • Like 5
    • Confused 2
  14. On 12/26/2021 at 10:10 PM, AmonRa said:

    Normally a chaos player but looking into stormcasts. Gotta say, that is a lot of unit entries. Not looking for a GT winning list but any resources on what units are actually good?

    We did a pretty thorough breakdown on our podcast The Stormkeep when the book came out. If you've got 4.5 hours you should give it a watch

    We later updated the tier list with the Errata/FAQ in October - planning on doing another quick update based on the December Battlescroll


    • Like 4
  15. As a Fyreslayers player I don't see a reason I would ever want more Hearthguard or Vulkites - I already own too many of each kit.

    I am interested in starting an Idoneth army, but not one that would use this much infantry. I only care about their sea creatures.

    This box is gonna be a pass for me, but I'm excited about getting new battletomes in the mix. Unfortunately at the rate they've been going lately we probably won't see new battletomes before April.

    • Like 1
  16. Thanks for the testing @Beliman. Obviously just adding S/T will cause all kinds of issues to the current state of the game, notably that MONSTERS become incredibly tough, especially 3+ save MONSTERS - even with capping Save bonuses at +1 they become a lot more difficult to take down against most kinds of attacks. Every army will need some way to get high strength weapons in order to deal with them, and many units will need their points adjusted.

    This is a massive overhaul to the game that would require "Index" type warscroll books to be printed to update every unit in the game. This is the kind of thing you would see during the launch of a new edition.

    In the past I have proposed a more elegant solution:

    1. Attack rolls against MONSTERS have -1 to wound rolls. MONSTER units ignore this penalty when attacking.

    2. Some units will have the HUNTER keyword. Units with HUNTER ignore the the -1 to wound penalty when attacking a MONSTER.

    This is the easiest way to implement a S/T-type system in AOS. It also creates a lot of design space for future rules and interactions.

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