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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. Best stormhost for Dracoths? I'm thinking Astral Templars
  2. The art was commissioned by and is owned by Fantasy Flight Games, so it's unlikely it would be used as a battletome cover. Not impossible, but very unlikely.
  3. Fake. https://www.artstation.com/artwork/rLx8m No mention of Underworlds in the White Dwarf article. I wonder if they're going to cut it in order to push support for WarCry instead?
  4. My recollection is that Skaven were always listed as a single faction on ageofsigmar.com and during the 2nd edition preview articles https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/05/26/26th-may-faction-focus-skavengw-homepage-post-3/ I could be wrong, but I believe that Moonclan and Spiderfang were listed under a single Grots faction, too. This year they were officially merged in the Gloomspite Gitz book.
  5. Gutbusters are a separate faction on ageofsigmar.com so they probably won't be put into Beastclaw Raiders. It seems like there are plans to update them.
  6. In general I would drop Sequitors in favour of another Ballista, Incantor, Azyros... but it's especially useful if you are playing against FEC and have the +1 hit spell from Hysh. Ballistas hitting on 2+ rerolling 1s is straight up nasty. You don't need Sequitors to anvil when you can absorb the attack with disposable Liberators and then drop ballistas in to kill all his monsters in one turn. If you are running a Castellant you should try to find room for Chronomantic Cogs to reroll saves on your Dracoline squad. Otherwise I would consider switching your 1x6 Dracoline to 2x3 so you have the option to spread your Empower to ballistas around and have additional dispels & unbinds. You will (theoretically) get less value from the Arcanums CA, but in my experience its rare to get maximum value due to 1" weapon ranges.
  7. Start of summer and Christmas are the two biggest times for sales. It's likely we will see Slaanesh during one and Sisters of Battle during the other.
  8. Same way you deal with any melee army: Aetherwings and shooting
  9. Welcome to the thread You have a lot to learn my dude
  10. As if I needed another reason not to use Sequitors 😂
  11. Longstrikes are 180pt for 3, and only 6 wounds. They are a fragile and expensive unit. If they ever take damage you are in a seriously bad position, and sometimes you just can't stop that from happening, like when facing Skyfires. From ~1.5 years of playtesting and tournament experience with Longstrikes (first with Aetherstrike, now with Anvils) I have found 9x Longstrikes is the perfect amount - it deals enough to kill almost any target with a double tap, but it doesn't overcommit to shooting and gives you enough points to bring the right support units. You can bring 12, but the extra 3 shots per volley is often overkill and increases the footprint of your unit significantly. You never want to fully commit to shooting with any army in AOS 2 because there are some hard counters (Sylvaneth woods, Plaguebringers, Fulminators) and specific Realm rules can completely neuter you. A mix of melee and shooting is preferable since it gives you tactical flexibility. Furthermore, while it is tempting to go all-in on shooting with the Anvils command ability you don't want to put all your eggs in one basket. A dual threat approach of Longstrikes and Evocators (or a similar melee powerhouse) makes it much more difficult for your opponent to counter since they have to wipe both units off the table to deny your insane damage output. When building Anvil lists you should try to strike the right balance of long range shooting power, a melee hammer unit, and the right support units. It just so happens that 9 Longstrikes is the right amount to optimize all these factors.
  12. Dracolines have a lot more tactical flexibility (especially with a Heraldor) because of their speed, but the mortal wound output from Evocators on foot is absurd. I think Evocators work better in Anvils, Astral Templars, and Gavriel lists, while Dracolines do better in any other list.
  13. This thread needs more rumour representation
  14. You should always take Ignax's Scales on an EOTG if you are playing Thunderquake
  15. I can't help but feel envious of the new Skullcrushers, especially at their point cost. I really hope GHB2019 has some significant point cuts for Dracoths and Drakesworn Templar.
  16. Im expecting another battletome + chamber in 2020, but definitely not in 2019
  17. My favourite part of every preview is when everybody loses their minds despite only seeing a tiny piece of the whole picture
  18. At least we're not arguing about gold coins any more
  19. There's still a place for melee units, but Stormcast definitely have to take a mix of shooting/magic and melee. I think Dracoths are going to be a super important unit going forward. Fulminators being able to get 0+ save rerolling 1s against shooting is really valuable.
  20. GW did not create your expectations. You have only yourself to blame.
  21. What makes Longstrikes so good with Anvils is their range. Evocators will do more damage with the command point, but its limited to enemies in their range. Longstrikes can double tap every turn and against priority targets because of their long range. 9 LS + 10 Evo works so well because one of those units by itself is enough to cripple most armies. The Longstrikes force the enemy to come to you because you have the superior shooting power, then the Evocators mop them up. Ballistas dont have the same range, power, or reliability.
  22. It's really powerful with Evocators. Since the ability says "pile in and attack" you don't even need to be within 3" of an enemy to activate it. With 2" reach Grandstaves and the 3" range on Celestial Lightning Arc you can do some significant damage even if only one model is within 6" of your frontline when you get charged. Getting multiple attack phases with Evocators will almost definitely win you the game every time.
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