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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. Her elf form has 6 wounds and her snake form has 12. I think it's fair to assume that the wounds she has suffered before transforming carry over into her snake form.
  2. 1. Sea elves 2. Ghost pirates 3. Some combination of the above 4. Water Duardin that go spelunking 5. Battletome: Fishmen
  3. This is a great point but doesn't this also railroad them into a single playstyle? They could be a very strong warband but a one-dimensional approach to the game that is very "feast or famine" doesn't seem like a lot of fun.
  4. First impression is that this warband seems really... bad. Seems like you want to spend the first turn inspiring and then try to kill your opponent over the next two, but their low movement makes this very difficult to accomplish. Are they good enough in combat if they don't inspire? Are they just meant to play as objective sitters? That playstyle is very easy to disrupt. Not impressed.
  5. HERO and Leader are not necessarily the same thing, just like MONSTER and Behemoth.
  6. Temple? Temple Guard? New Saurus Guard models confirmed!!
  7. Not sure how tattered cloth (leather?) and some chainmail looks Aelvish It looks like the details we would see on the Blightkings
  8. Stormcast are getting a new SC box soon, so maybe they didn't want to cannibalize sales from that release?
  9. What could they show us at Adepticon? There's more elves coming according to that tau forum post, but it would be really weird if we didn't get new Death before that.
  10. Usually, but not always. They had a rumour engine of some death guard stuff (vials, I think?) that was revealed almost immediately after.
  11. How many rumour engine posts can (finally) be crossed off the list now?
  12. The Lantic Empire has been mentioned many times across multiple battletomes. I'm excited to learn more about them.
  13. AOS was always touted as a narrative that would progress as time went on, so "the current event is only being done to introduce the next event" will always be true. The Realmgate Wars existed to set up the Season of Hope, which was there to set up Malign Portents, which will probably lead to some conflict with Slaneesh, then that will lead in to something to do with the ogors or goblins, and so on... It's a marketing tactic to keep people actively engaged in the product line as a whole rather than getting tunnel vision over their specific faction getting updated maybe once every 5 years.
  14. Seems legit. There's no way a new account registered 3 days ago could tell lies on the internet
  15. I was at GW earlier today and saw a poster that said Sly Rambo & the new Lord Celestant are available starting Dec 26
  16. We already have those, kinda. Palladors ride Gryph-Chargers, which are half horse
  17. Here's how I see the next few months going down for releases: October: Death Guard & Shadespire November: Nurgle (AOS) & Necromunda, remaining 40k codexes December: Chapter Approved, christmas bundle boxes January+: Deathrattle, Nagash AOS campaign
  18. Warrior Brotherhood and Skyborne Slayers... Interesting
  19. They also reduced the Mortar from 36" to 12"
  20. Going first in AOS is very different from going first in 40k. Having less deployments through is one of the reasons you play a battalion
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