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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. Arcanum is there for Cycle of the Storm and his healing spell. Stacking Cycle of the Storm on models with a 2+ rerollable save with 5Wounds each is really good, especially when you can heal them up afterwards. I would not drop the Arcanum for an Incantor. I don't include Sequitors as the battleline in this list because it just adds more melee damage to a list with a lot of melee damage. I think 2x Lib + Jud is better than 3x5 Sequitor, since you can use the Liberators as a dedicated screen while Judicators hold an objective and keep shooting to put pressure on the enemy. As discussed previously in this thread, I think 5man squads of Sequitors are a bad choice. They die just as quickly as Liberators outside of melee but cost 20pt more, and after losing their 2 shields they die even quicker. I prefer to run Sequitors in squads of 10 and this list wont have enough room for that since it's all about those Dracolines.
  2. Yeah I've talked about it a few times in this thread It's not the best list but it's a good mix of speed, deep strike, melee, and shooting. Its versatility can lead you to victories through objective play
  3. Celestant on Stardrake is not worth using without Staunch Defender in my opinion. Damage output is not worth 560 points, command ability is not spectacular... only reason to run a Stardrake is for its huge body and ability to survive tons of incoming damage. Drakesworn Templar might be viable without Staunch Defender, though.
  4. If you can't bring them as battleline then they're not worth bringing in my opinion. Same goes for Judicators.
  5. No, I mean cogs. The 2k list Ive been using is this: LADrac 6x Dracolines Castellant LAGC Azyros 2x5 Liberator 1x5 Judicator 3x Ballista Cogs 2000/2000 It doesnt have the Ordinator or a 4th ballista that I mentioned earlier.
  6. Re: Dracolines The best way I found to use them is a fast hard-hitting anvil of 6 models. Toss them into the enemy army after giving them rerollable saves (cogs) +1 save (Lantern) & Staunch Defender LADrac with Staunch Defender. Keep a LAGC nearby for healing and Cycle. With two Cycle of the Storm, 5 wounds per model, and a 2+ rerollable save they tend to live for at least two turns. With Celestial Blades, Pride Leader, and Empower they do good enough damage that your opponent can't ignore them. While your enemy is dealing with the Dracolines you shoot them down with the ballista core (4 ballistas + ordinator + azyros). It's not the best list, but I think it's the best way to use Dracolines. At 300pt per squad I find them to be inefficient after 6 models.
  7. Has anyone found a 3rd party retailer that makes evocator + female stormcast shoulderpads? I really don't want to use the hammer symbols.
  8. Alright you technically can but it's pointless. Units with HAMMERS OF SIGMAR can't gain another stormhost keyword, and you can't use the Anvils command ability on anything but ANVILS units, so there is no reason to mix stormhosts like that.
  9. With the Beasts of Chaos battletome I think it's fair to assume that every faction that got an article during the pre-Soul Wars launch is getting a Beasts of Chaos-style battletome (or more) at some point. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/05/faction-focus-index/
  10. You can't use Gavriels command ability and the Anvils command ability in the same list. Deep strike charge (9" = 28%) is not reliable. Translocation (66%) and Cogs (58%) are not reliable tools. None of them let you get melee range during the hero phase (which is when you activate Anvils CA) so you need to survive that melee phase and then hope for a double turn... it's just a terrible strategy. Anvils should be used on shooting units to (almost) guarantee value.
  11. The "Anvilstrike" list is 12 Longstrikes shooting twice per turn. Trying to use the Anvils CA on Evocators is a waste, its too easy to play around a slow melee unit. Hurricanes short range, poor accuracy, and low rend makes them a worse choice for the command ability than Longstrikes.
  12. Just put the greatmace on the primes You dont have to follow the instructions 100%
  13. Firelance generally isn't worth running unless you are going to build it into Dracothions Tail to deep strike half your army. Also, 2x Bastiladon isn't as good as Stegadon + Bastiladon. Use those extra points to upgrade the Troglodon into an Engine of the Gods.
  14. Im glad other people are starting to see the huge flaws with blobs of 20 sequitors This is why Im not a big fan of Sequitors: In groups of 5 they die too quick to be worth their points. Liberators make a better screening unit In groups of 20 they just get flanked and cant pile in. In units of 15 you should just pay 40 points and run 20 instead Not worth running unless they're battleline, and the only good Arcanums are the LAGC and the LAD (usually isnt worth using outside of Dracoline lists). If you make a Stardrake your general for Staunch Defender you dont run Sequitors. It feels like units of 10 is the sweet spot. It gives you enough damage and durability without sacrificing mobility or opening yourself to crippling flank maneuvers. I think 10 Sequitors + 5 Judicators/6 Castigators is a better use of 400 points than 20 Sequitors.
  15. Why not? You can easily squeeze in a LAGC. You dont want Gavriel or Vandus as your general anyway since they cant take a Command trait.
  16. This battletome seems amazing. Makes me wonder how they dropped the ball so badly with Stormcast...
  17. Very. Thunderquake Starhost is one of the best lists in the game.
  18. Has anyone tried using a Slann and Starpriest as allies? Starpriest -1hit is always a good spell, and the Slann can cast 3 realm spells per turn (and can channel them through the Starpriest for added range).
  19. Starlight to give them -1hit and charging a Bastiladon with rerollable saves on their flank so their pile-in doesnt give them a lot of models in range to attack.
  20. In case you guys aren't following the Balancing Stormcast, I made a list of changes I want to see for Stormcast. Goals: Remove the Staunch Defender crutch by adding it to the Battle Trait as an aura while wholly within 6" of a hero Reduce point costs of weak/underused units like Celestant Prime, Retributors, Prosecutors, Desolators Add new unit niches to units lacking purpose like Castigators, Exorcist, Liberators Improve functionality or significantly reduce the cost of the truly awful battalions Improve Stormhosts - including a redesign to the Hammers of Sigmar command ability so it is less abusive Increase list diversity Let me know what you think! Stormcast Battletome Changes.pdf
  21. I don't understand why they didn't do something like "If you target a unit with 10+ models then each hit causes d3 hits instead". Castigators could have been a very cool anti-horde unit, which would fit with the idea that they shoot the fantasy equivalent of grenades. Or at least make them Battleline if an Arcanum is your general. Im so disappointed in the new battletome.
  22. Point for point, Castigators about the same as bow Judicators. Depends on what army you're facing. Judicators are battleline and that's usually the deciding factor for me.
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