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Everything posted by PJetski

  1. 9-0 with the Anvilstrike list so far in tournaments. Seems like there is virtually no way to lose unless you get greedy and make mistakes. Even enemy double turns aren't much of an issue between Aetherwings and Geminids.
  2. That's true of any Endless Spell that does damage, and not a feature specific to the comet. Not many people run Morathi any more - 480pt is too hard to justify unless she is using her command ability (but then you're not getting the Hagg Narr command trait).
  3. It depends on how you approach the game. Comet is great for dealing damage on an opponent that has stacked his army tight, which is the normal response to a very aggressive melee list (like Dracoths or Dracolines). Personally I don't use the comet any more. I think 100 points is too much for a spell (even if it is the best spell in the game) when our basic wizard is 140 points with 1 cast and no bonuses. The -1 cast debuff is nice but it's not that important when Incantors have dispel scrolls. Just use the Geminids instead. They're 60pt cheaper, have a high threat range, and really mess up most armies with the -1 hit or -1 attack debuffs. They're a great insurance policy against opponents getting double turns, since you can activate them and pass over a ton of units. There are lists that can make both comet + geminids work together, though...
  4. You can't use the Anvils command ability on the same unit more than once per phase.
  5. It's probably a base for Underworlds. The style of coins and vase is the same as the recent ETB kits. We're only 6 months away from a new season of Underworlds, after all.
  6. Khorne is confirmed next We'll also see Slaves to Darkness and Slaanesh some time this year Then we will probably also get battletomes (with endless spells, maybe terrain, maybe a new hero) for every faction on the ageofsigmar.com website
  7. No, this is false. A pile-in is a move that allow you to move within 3". You cannot finish a normal move (ie. a move in the movement phase) within 3" of an enemy model. In any other phase there is no such restriction. Almost all abilities that allow you to move in other phases specify "as if it were the movement phase" or "a normal move" or some other qualifier. Aetherwings are one of the rare exceptions and they do not have such a qualifier, so they do not follow the restrictions for moving in the movement phase. The FAQ further clarifies that their movement is not a charge move. Although it is very similar to a charge move since it happens in the charge phase and you roll 2d6, you cannot make a charge move outside of the charge phase on your own turn unless you have a special ability. Since it is neither a charge move, nor a normal move, it is an unrestricted move in any direction and with no bearing on your proximity to enemy models.
  8. I agree with @Karragon here - Evocators get one round of combat then die to the counterattack. Competent players will put their important units >3" away from the frontline so they can't be tagged with Celestial Lightning Arc, then on their turn you lose your 800 point deathstar unit to the counterattack. A turn 1 charge just ensures you make it to melee with all 20 models still alive, but it doesn't change the inevitable riposte. It's also not a great strategy with any units that can mess with your charge/combat positioning like Aetherwings or Skinks. 20 Evocators is too many points to spend on that kind of strategy; 20 MW is almost always overkill after 60 Grandstaff attacks and you could get by with 10 models just fine. I think you need to bring something else alongside your Evocators, so if/when your opponent wipes out (or denies them) you have a secondary threat. Either Ballista (AT) or Longstrikes/Judicators (Anvils) work just fine.
  9. Have you thought about using Keep Chopping? Seems like it would be a good fit in your deck, given the number of push cards you are running.
  10. If the Soul Grinder can make it into AOS then it stands to reason that any of these daemon engines could be brought over, too
  11. Aetherwings don't do anything without Raptors nearby I would rather have an Incantor than a Veritant at 500pt -Veritant -Aetherwings +Incantor +Geminids
  12. I don't have the book on me right now, but there is a section in the core rules called "Reserves" that states setting up a unit does not count as moving for rule purposes. Judicators that enter play through Scions of the Storm (or get set up through Translocation, or a realm spell etc.) do not count as moving so they would get +1 attack that turn.
  13. Smaller game sizes aren't balanced and heavily favour cheesy combos. Staunch Defender + Warding Lantern on 4+ Dracoths usually rolls over everything in smaller game sizes where mortal wounds aren't very prevalent.
  14. The best pure shooting lists are Shadowhammer Compact and some variant of Anvils with 9-12 Longstrikes, but I generally don't consider pure shooting armies to be a viable choice. You put all your power to effect the game into a single phase and then you don't have much of a backup plan if the dice go poorly or if you get a bad matchup (Sylvaneth, Warrior Brotherhood, Fulminators, Plaguebringers). They can also be shut down by table scenery placement and realmscapes. The best approach is a mix of shooting and melee. The AT list is ballista core and 10+ Evocators. The Ballista love +1 hit (and the 6" move is great on Total Commitment) and the Evocators love the 6" move alongside a Heraldor, Cogs, and Lightning Speed to get a turn 1 charge. It's not worthwhile to try to fit a battalion into an AT 4 ballista list in my opinion
  15. I would always rather have Astral Templars +1 hit and 6" move than the Sword of Judgment when playing with 4x Ballistas + Ord You are correct, I fixed it on my end. They go down to ~56ppw against 4+ saves, which becomes 28ppw when you double tap with Anvils.
  16. 3 shots with a 1/6 chance to headshot is 0.5 headshots per volley. 0.5 headshots at 2 mw = 1 mortal wound on average
  17. Prosecutors weren't being modelled properly. 2 attacks with trident at 2 damage should result in 1.78 damage on average (before rend). Ill attach the updated version. The value in the "Total" space is without rend. Prosecutors are a pretty efficient shooting option. I updated Longstrikes to account for the mortal wounds. I added Castigators with reroll hit1, but it's generally worse than the Rend-2 option... it's a very minor accuracy boost but there are other sources of rrh1. Let me know if you have any other feedback As for shooting lists, have you looked at the Shadowhammer Compact battalion from Daughters of Khaine? It's 20 Judicators + 20 Heartrenders both shooting twice per turn
  18. 40k is about to get a huge release wave similar to a new edition, so that places the Darkoath some time later spring or early summer.
  19. From my experience Gnawholes are very pretty to cover and deny. I haven't had a problem deploying or moving a single disposable unit on top of each Gnawhole to zone out jezzails/WLC/Plagueclaw teleports (the gryph hound that comes with the Veritant is quite useful for this task) or just deploying key units out of potential threat range. If you see them bringing an Eshin hero with the Gnawhole artifact and Skitterleap to combo teleport you just need to have your dispel scroll in range to deny. Even assuming they get that combo off because of a double turn and they teleport the WLC through the gnaw hole... it's not going to be using its double dice ability, since that requires an engineer nearby. The most damage it will do is 6 mortal wounds, which is only killing 3 Longstrikes. WLC are so swingy and unreliable that it's a questionable tactic at best. If positioned correctly you should get the advantage over any Skaven shooting unit because they don't have the same kind of movement/deployment tactics as the Stormcast. When in doubt you can always save your command point, drop them into play, and set up for a double CA the following turn with both Evos + Longstrikes. It's definitely too early for definitive statements but so far I don't think a mass-shooting Skaven list is viable - it will crumble far too quickly to aggressive double pile-in armies like Slaanesh and FEC.
  20. Anvils vs Skaven shooting seems to be heavily favoured for the Stormcast player, at least in my experience. Longstrikes outrange WLC (29" vs 27"), you can translocate to the spot you need to snipe whatever you need because Skaven have lousy board control, and 2 dispel scrolls stop the important spells (like combo mirrors). The real threat is Plagueclaws with their 34" threat range, but you can deep strike and/or Translocate into a good shooting position and Im not sure 4x Plagueclaw lists are a viable choice to go 5-0 in a tournament setting.
  21. You need to screen your ballistae with chaff units like Liberators
  22. Can't judge them in a vacuum. What's the rest of your list?
  23. I have never thought about a situation where a Celestial Vindicators Ordinator would be in melee, and had a command point to spend, and there were no better uses for that command point, and then you roll 2+ 6s to hit 😂
  24. Evocators do much more damage, and it's especially noticeable when you get an extra round of their Celestial Lightning Arc ability in the hero phase. Their longer range weapons allows you to counter pile-in from behind your battleline units. Sequitors also take up twice as much space, which makes moving them around very awkward. The only benefit Sequitors have is that they have more wounds, but that's not really a concern with the Anvils list I run.
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