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Everything posted by Xasz

  1. Nice, I was a bit sad that I couldn't fit a Sorcerer Lord into my 30 Blood Warrior setup. I guess my Bloodstoker found his artifact.
  2. Tempting, although I'd still take the wound rerolls, charge reroll + extra move for general, guaranteed first activation and some healing over that. Just seems more generally useful and distributes the power more equally among BTs. Except the trait, Reapers of Vengeance doesn't appeal to me personally. Unless, if I had to play against magic reliant lists on a regular basis. I'd probably take Reapers without a second thought.
  3. Nvm, I thought you wanted to activate Tyrants of Blood's rules multiple times.
  4. You are right, checked the wording. Not sure if I like it that much. If I'm not missing something , it's "just" n + 1 activation where n is the number of BTs in your list (assuming optimal situation without Blood Tithe) as Tyrants of Blood allows only one cycle. If everything is dead around the BT this ability doesn't really matter, feels like 'win more'. Blood Lords seems more flexible.
  5. He's talking about the protection bubble, which is model by model.
  6. 5 wounds. Bloodstoker is just a lot more dedicated to a single unit than before and will probably a lot less frequent than before. I don't see double battalions being super common. All of them are a commitment to a certain setup and forcing in another one feels like diluting that initial setup. Not to mention that they got a lot weaker with just one bonus rule. I might be wrong though, just felt unnecessary in my drafts over the last couple days. (another artifact and CP would be nice)
  7. You just killed about 15 Nurgle Marauders, I guess I'll sleep well tonight.
  8. My plan is to give the BToIR the weapon that allows him to hit on 2+ against heroes and skip the reroll prayer.
  9. The problem with the lore is that book/story portrayal of Khorne and Battletome/online representation diverge quite heavily. In the latter Khorne dudes cannot hold a coherent thought for no longer than a chicken and it's pretty much "kill, maim burn" on every page with each side being more "killy, maimy, burny"... it gets old before you reach page 3. (its not technically wrong, there are cannibals and cray crays that are aligned to Khorne but that's not all and wouldn't make for interesting lore by itself) In the bigger and more developed stories we learn of things pretty much forgotten by the one-dimensional intern-writing style you usually find in battletomes. We see Khornes industrial side, smiths, rituals, arenas to elect a leader to follow, their twisted sense of honor, hierarchy and characters aligned with Khorne actually playing for the endgame...
  10. I really hope this is a mess up from GW and will be FAQ'd in ~2 weeks. :[
  11. Yeah, it's pretty much between resanguination and bronzed flesh for the second priest.
  12. With BB being spamable, we have at least some form of reliable mortal wounds, to either generate a threat zone or damage them. My previous assumption was, that ALL prayers would have a rule of one written into them. It's still not really a counter, but it is something. BTs are just the cheapest of the upper tier monsters (big bads? centerpieces?), they might pale to the 400+tier and above but they still do what you expect them to do (just not for a very long time but you can bring 4 of them). The 7th reward is intriguing to me and might be really annoying if you can activate it turn 2-3.
  13. I think they had lists in mind in which someone would only spam big units of them and not an MSU style setup. They are not that bad if you would focus your entire list on those models but obviously the price tag doesn't scale too well with what we are cooking right now. To be honest, I consider those two battalions only a slightly worse than those that focus their one and only rule on a single 5 wound model.
  14. Which is pretty much all I care about, spamming the other prayers doesn't really work due to negative redundancy, being non-stackable or there is just no /limited value due to enforced natural 6s.
  15. Why even bother with Gore Pilgrims? Pressing the maximum of 4 behemoths/BTs into one list and having two priests for support sounds way better to me than paying tax for another battalion and Mr. Banner. Who cannot keep up with the important models, does only add 1A to weapons that already have 4-6 and has a good chance of not getting these models wholly within. I highly doubt that he is a valuable addition for a monster list, we are just deeply programmed to automatically add him to everything... I don't think we are on the same page regarding the definition of "monster". I'm talking about models like the vampire lord on dragon, star drakes and the lot. Models that hit like a truck and are rather survivable due to good saves, healing capabilities or debuffs. BTs fall into this category as well, just on the less survivable and cheaper spectrum. Just do the math on how many no rend attacks you'll need to down a VLoZD, disregarding the fact that he can heal. Now factor in that you will not always be the one to hit first and that your opponent can interact with you through clipping your unit on both sides or just deny you combat (usually these high end monsters have high movement and flying). The one unit I can see work for this kind of style are Blood Warriors, as they will always hit at least once and have some stuff going for them with Bloodmad and Goretide. In a game you will probably get them to 3-5 attacks per model (I know you could do 6, but that's not easy to pull of in an actual). There is a good chance you can trade favorably by sacrificing units of 10 Blood Warriors but it is not really reliable. That's the point were I would ally in some daemons and leave the mortals only territory. Skullfiends with WoK, Valkia and whatever doesn't sound half bad in my opinion. I've lost track, can we spam BB or not?
  16. So we are back at 2-3 priests Which means mortals have something against big stuff (if they come close enough).
  17. For once it was worth visiting the worst site out there. Sadly I cannot do what I wanted to do but at least the abilities are streamlined in a way that we are not gonna need a whole FAQ page in the near future. I still think Blood Sacrifice is awesome and will help a lot. You start the game with 1-2 points and get one each round. The first turn you are probably not gonna use a whole lot, unless your opponent made mistake and you can capitalize on it (catapulting models over the table turn one is a thing of the past). If there is a slow turn (like probably the first one) you cast sacrifice and turn it into another Command Point the turn after, unless you raked up enough for one of the nastier things (the rain sounds super entertaining and annoying with a monster list). You'll end up with 7-8 CPs over the game which allows you to spam 2-3 abilities in the game deciding turns. I'm still thinking about the Bloodthirster list. In my current draft I cut the Bloodsecrator has he offers not enough for 140 points to the setup and squeezed in another Bloodthirster (now at Skarbrand, one of each BTs, 2 priests and some rabble, Tyrants of Blood + Bloodlords). If someone comes up with something interesting for Goretide + Bloodmad, I'm all ears. My version is at MLoK, Valkia, 2 priests, Aspiring, Bloodsecrator, 4x 10 Blood Warriors, 5 Skullpreaser, 2x 10 Reavers and an extra CP. Which is pretty much Bloodmad plus some characters and somehow feels super awkward. I kinda want some Wrathmongers but I don't want to cut characters either...
  18. They are unreliable at best and will probably only be added as afterthought. Considering Khornes rather new reliance on Command Points, it's not unlikely that you rather take the Command Point for the last 50 instead of a judgement that is semi difficult to cast, needs a priest rather near and/or might disappear without doing anything substantial.
  19. It's more about WHEN you can use all of the abilities and what restrictions are in the big box on the top half of the page. There is potential for a lot of micro-management.
  20. I'd still like to know the exact wording of Blood Tithe in this book... the wording really can make or break the system and GW doesn't have a very good track of implementing it.
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