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Everything posted by Xasz

  1. Personally, I really enjoy playing deathstars and I am looking forward to play the tyrant lists. Due to lack of daemons I'll probably roll with this for a while (which might actually be decent): I kinda want to test Valkia, which would result into a slight variation: - 10 Bloodreavers, 1 Priest, + Valkia, Judgement Axe
  2. I think people forgot how deathstars operate, probably because they've never been such a big thing in AoS compared to 40k (due to some key rules being amiss)... it seems all we currently know is hordes and strictly going for points. With a deathstar, you smash the most important aspect of your opponents list and then either go for the next big target to completely cripple him or if possible (like the Space Wolves, Dark Angel deathstar from 40k back in the day) split the deathstar and go for his troop choices/scoring units. Picking up the scraps, going for points yourself or straight up tabling him. Doesn't always work, sometimes your important units get toasted before they reach their target or are in a bad position. Potentially resulting in a horrible loss... It is usually a "pubstomp" setup which gets rather tricky to play when pitted against experiences players. (... and it's obivously not for everyone)
  3. I'd rather have a CP than a niche effect that is only relevant when my opponent brings a certain setup.
  4. Threat saturation is the name of the game, especially in Khorne. Priests add aspects to Khorne that no other units do while being rather cheap. If you don't like them, don't play them but they are one of our better units/heroes. At least we can agree on the judgement being questionable at best. The most interesting one for me is the axe but it seems unreliable. With altar you have a ~55% chance to summon it, which seems meh. Although the cast attempt is pretty much free as they do not block prayers being cast. (On top of being save from unbinding)
  5. Nah, I'll just run another BT instead. On another note, I wonder if Mage Eater and the WoK BTs ability stack.
  6. Yeah, I misread the UF BTs ability to just affect a single unit overall. My bad.
  7. The combo is nice but makes the list a bit too deathstar-like for my tastes. For some reason I overlooked this ability, I guess because the other Reapers of Vengeance stuff is rather mediocre/situational. I'll have to think about it again, although I feel like a clever opponent could play around this with clever movement and the exalted BT seems mandatory (which would mean buying FW stuff i.e. becoming the antichrist).
  8. Redundancy. Sometimes models are not in range, stuff dies or something went wrong.
  9. I think you mean Slaughter Hosts. Considering the Tyrants of Blood setup it's currently one person advocating Reapers and seemingly the rest favouring Blood Lords. Make out of that whatever you want. Personally, I am certain Blood Lords is better (at least for my play-style) but if Reapers works for you or anyone, more power to them. On another note, I really like Chaos Lord on Manticore setup posted here. He seems a bit class-cannony but he should be a nice hammer on an ok base-size.
  10. Enough that it runs into the gaps and recesses but not so much that it starts running down to the base and/or start pooling. It's a bit vague but the best guideline anyone can give you. Maybe watch a couple vids, where you can see the actual process. If it starts pooling (happens when shading bigger models) you can just "pick" up with your brush. If you want to darken down the model further (i.e. really dark iron look) you can apply multiple coats of that color. I did that with 3 coats of Nuln Oil on models that had Leadbelcher as base color.
  11. It's just a paradigm shift, all the other factions now know what's gonna happen to them and I am sure no one is looking forward to the "wholly within" fest. Plus a round of streamlining between abilities. BoK is just the first and will therefore stands out for a while. (Sadly, being the first book when something like this happens is rarely good, sometimes the developers realize they nerfed too much or back paddle on their design choices a few months later i.e. with the next books. At least we have the GHB coming up?!) Personally, I look forward to playing a 3-4 BT list, but that's just me as I really like to play monster heavy (fewer models to paint, smaller room for mistakes, "no" battleshock) Gonna put the order out before brexit hits, because currently I own none . Until then I'll probably test a bit of Goretide + Bloodmad as I have the models more or less ready.
  12. If I have the points yeah, doesn't matter what you sacrifice as long as it has low model to points cost. I ended up with reavers in most of my current drafts due to REALLY wanting that extra CP and marauder to reavers and vica versa is the easiest thing to change.
  13. There is a good chance that they will rotate out or be changed drastically within the current year. Other than that, they have pretty nice rules but have little synergy with the book.
  14. Personally, they have axes and blades, so everything is fine in my book.
  15. I am with you for the most part, wysiwyg is rarely enforced in a harsh way. Personally, I often mix my units so they could count for different setups while maintaining a pleasing visual. If it's a pickup game no one cares anyway, but if you roll into a tournament with several units having noticeably different equipment (i.e. 100% different) than you marked down on you sheet...
  16. I think reavers, especially the ones form the starter box, have both options on the model by default. Doesn't change the fact that you have to decide before the game.
  17. Wat. Wysiwyg (what you see is what you get) plus, equipment is chosen pregame.
  18. I doubt that you would mind that too much in that setup because Blood Warriors are kinda your gimmick here. My rought draft is something like this Bloodsecrator 2x Priest Aspiring Deathbringer MLoK Valkia 4x 10 Blood Warriors with Glaive 1x 5 Skullreapers 2x 10 Blood Reavers Pushing the Skullreapers instead of a hero or a unit of Blood Warriors might be better but they become unwieldy fast.
  19. Mostly overlooked in my opinion but yeah he is less reliable now. Another thing to consider and no one talks about him, Tyrants of Blood doesn't care for him and mortal setups are "forced" to take 1-2 other heroes. Combine that with other heroes now being able to actually be support elements instead if expensive 5 wounds... a lot to consider right now (while the Juggerlord is pretty much "just" damage).
  20. Not sure if we are on the same page, I'm putting her in MY 30 Blood Warriors setup or I'm thinking about it. Just because she adds something the list would otherwise lack completely. I would lose the MLoK and his command ability but it shouldn't matter that much with a Bloodstoker and Goretide. Something like this (rough sketch):
  21. Got cheaper and in this case it's a 30 man blob setup so she adds something speedy.
  22. I actually intend to give him a chance again with the Goretide artifact, although a unit of Wrathmongers or hero like Valkia might be better.
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