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Everything posted by Erdemo86

  1. Yeah but still didn’t liked his list, I think reikenor is a great idea but you could go better with the rest.Something like: Prince V Vengorian Reikenor Coggs 2x10 BKs or 4x5 (maybe 3x5) 20 skellies (2x10) or 40 Zombies(2x20)
  2. What do you guys think about Reikenor as ally + Chronomaric cogs. He gets +3 to cast , so cogs at 4+. Whole combo is 240 points and your whole army gets +2 move and charge. Combine this with Kastelei and seems very good!!
  3. Does anyone here from Germany got their preorders?
  4. Skeletons: 8.5 points per Wound Wolves: 6.75 points per Wound Zombies: 5.75 points per Wound Counting that Wolves have 5+ save and 2 attacks with 3+ 3+ on the charge and a move of 10, for me wolves are the winner. (Without any support)
  5. So now we have a battalion, magmadroth and 20 hearthguards berserkers at 1000 points. 2nd battleline, and all of that is the requirement of the battalion.. oh and we need a Runfather general so hearthguards are battleline. Anything else inside the 1000 points?
  6. ok now we are at 3+ once a game... if you charge them in the turn they used all save++ its your fault.. but dont mind, if you count all the possibilitys of buffs they could have at a 1000 points game, then ok..
  7. i dont thinks so. played alot of games against fyreslayer, never someone had a 2+ save
  8. yeah and hearthguard have how much safe? 5+ Base safe. So lets say he has managed to get +1 save, its still 4+.
  9. Did you used Rousing Commander? Because if yes, only the Bloodlance of Vhordrai does 4 Attacks 2+ 2+ Damage 5 with Rend -3. That alone would be 7-8 Damage after their invulnarable save. And at 1000 points Mannnfred+Vhordrai is too much. I would go something like this if you want to play Vhordrai at 1000 points: Vhordrai 2x 5 Bloodknights 3 Vargheist also your list with Vhordrai,Mannfred and bloodkninghts is 1030 points and youre missing one battleline
  10. A shame that it is only a narrative add on and not for matched play... narrative things don’t interest anyone of our play group..
  11. I really like what saw so far and I think people are over reacting. Yes there are some trash units like black knights. But there are a lot of good ones too. Look at Prince V, Belladama, Blood Knights to name some. I think this army will see a lot of good lists that we will see in some tournaments too. In Moment everything is just theory, nothing else. Yeah it’s not that over the top overpowered like Lumineth. But it’s even not trash like slaanesh or stormcast or some other army’s.It’s a Solid Battletome. Yeah if you want to play a wight king and black knights, I understand you’re disappointment. But there are a lot of other good choices. Some blood lines have very good command traits,artifacts and ability’s, that a lot of other army’s don’t have!! and if you ask me, I dont want a overpowered Lumineth style army, which will get nerfed and gets erratat. I want a solid army that’s not trash or under mid tier. You can say what you want but this isn’t a low tier army. It is one of the better Ones out there. And I would not be surprised if we see them under the top 3 with some lists.
  12. If you don’t want to add something, kastelei will work just fine for you. Take your 3 Heroes and put in your Vargheists. That gives you 1820 points, a necromancer gives you nothing in this list. So 180 points to fill left. Maybe one more unit of Vargheists or 20 Skellies.
  13. Hope so, but doubt it. It’s not like Lumineth where you have a half book. It’s everything inside. And a new book for what? New models that will replace old ones? Don’t think so
  14. Here is my try on 2000 points Kastelei: LeadersPrince Vhordrai (455)Belladama (200) Vengorian Lord (280) - Rousing Commander, Fragment of the Keep Battleline10 x Dire Wolves (135)10 x Dire Wolves (135)10 x Blood Knights (390)10 x Blood Knights (390)Total: 1985 / 2000 Thinking about maybe replacing 20 wolves with 30 skellies or 40 zombies+ Command Point. But like that synergy between Belladama+ Wolves. And Zombies doesn’t do much without support. what do you guys think?
  15. I can’t choose between skellies and zombies either for my kastelei list, so I go with dire wolves + Beladama I think. 😁 something like this seems pretty nice and could be competitive too. Prince V Vengorian Belladama 2 x 10 Blood Knights 2 x 10 Dire Wolves
  16. I think Belladama will do some serious work in every list!! our only 200 points, 2 spell wizard. Has 2 very nice spells.9 wounds, 10 move,+1 cast/Bann, very resilent with a unit of wolves, and a good attack profile for a more wizard type of Hero.and can summon. for me: an Auto include in every list
  17. What do you guys think about allies in soulblight? Maybe Lady Olynder? 2 spells, Mw output, 4+ save ignore rent. Also her spell is very Good. question: if you ally in a archregent, can you summon Crypt Flayers? If yes he will be an auto include.. wizard 2 spells, free flayers or Horrors, 2 Banns. Can cast his spell on his summoned unit or himself and a mystic shield,240 points, ok attack profile.
  18. No he don’t gets the kastelei keyword. Sorry No pictures allowed..
  19. Nice rundown, thanx. I think in a Kastelei list where you already have spent a lot of points into your punch, skelllies+corpse will fit best. It will be a resilent unit That you could even teleport on an objective.
  20. I think the intention of Gw was that they can charge, but some people read between the lines, you know... in our playing community(20+ people btw) all agreed that they can charge. Because a normal move is a normal move in our opinion, not a retreat. And in other languages it’s clear stated that it’s not a retreat.
  21. Was thinking about the same. Kastelei army with 30 skeletons+ corpse cart seems nice. Even 20 could be enough.Rest the points BKS and heros. Zombies are Good with buffs and for offense but if you only want a unit to sit on objectives, I think skellies are perfect combined with a corpse cart for that. something like this im aming at: Vengorian Prince V 2x 10 Blood Knights 30 Skellies Corpse Cart 3 Vargheists
  22. Have found a good alternative, I’m going to take these. Not all of them but some. Like some blood Elve Vampire style. 😌
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