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Everything posted by KevenM

  1. Thanks all! I was thinking about how to transport the army and you've all given me some great ideas!
  2. Nope. Personally I think it is going to be connected to or a part of Malerion's Shadow Aelves...
  3. Just listened to it - that was excellent! Keep these coming guys, I'm looking forward to more!
  4. Really excited to see a Chaos Dwarf mention in the lore with Zharr Vhyxa! Can't wait to see what Forgeworld has in store for us points and warscroll wise for AoS 2.0 release!
  5. Lady Ollynder has some excellent offensive potential but like others have mentioned she is pretty weak defence-wise. With 7 wounds and a 4+ (with no mortal wound defence) I can see her blowing up before she gets too much done. All in all her offensive potential and abilities are exciting! I'm a fan!
  6. Those points are exactly what I'm thinking. On the other hand, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for FW to throw us a bone basically like a number of factions received in the GHB 17 (2-pager with artifacts, command traits and allegiance abilities). On battalions, I've always wondered why the "Bull centaur execution herd" wasn't a battalion - considering you can buy the Blackshard Warhost and there is an associated battalion... I'm not sure how things will turn out for summonable K'daai though. Unfortunately, I think we won't get a summoning mechanic but rather the K'daai scroll will be updated to make them no longer summonable. Much like GW are doing with Brayherds/Bray Shaman, rather than give them a summoning mechanic they just changed the spell to make it no longer feasible. On the other hand, if the scroll doesn't change then I assume that with summoning no longer costing points we would revert to simply using the warscroll as is? I would like a simple 7+ cast to summon a unit of K'daai
  7. Sure, except that GW hasn't said that and that there's no examples of them doing that in AoS. While on the other hand, they've taken a number of 'old' factions and AoS'ified them with battletomes and even sometimes a few new sculpts (BCR, DoK, Binesplitterz, FEC, the demons, etc.). Plus theres even rumours of a grot battletome for AoS so I'm not sure where all the concern comes from...
  8. This is pretty much how I see things. There's no precedent for GW deleting factions since AoS launched aside from the initial purge of the Brets/TK. Furthermore, I see no indication of them wanting to remove more factions in tbe near future. Espeicially with older factions receiving allegiance abilities, artifacts & command traits via the GHBs... No Darkling Covens, Scourge Privateers or Ordo Serpentis models have been removed from Matched Play as a result of the old WHFB Dark Elves going "Legends". Furthermore, those factions were all included as allies for DoK and IK - another indication they are unlikely to be retired in the near future. Finally, we seen a number of old factions be rehashed into AoS factions complete with battletomes and a handful of new kits: BCR, FEC, DoK, Bonesplitterz, Maggotkin, DoT, etc. I also don't see any indication that GW will stop doing this any time soon. All in all, I don't see any reason to stop collecting an army you love right now and feel like this is a bit of the proverbial storm in a teacup.
  9. That's too bad - they'll only make as many as the boxed Shadow Wars sets... you know it
  10. Not really a rumour but Warhammer Community has new updated Forge World models, compendium units and FAQs up: https://www.warhammer-community.com/2017/08/25/new-and-updated-faqs-forge-world-warscrolls-and-compendium-pdfsgw-homepage-post-1/
  11. Unfortunately I think he's gone the way of Bretonnia and the Tomb Kings
  12. Well the Kunnin' Rukk battalion is up 100 points. Arrowboys are up 20 points, Savage Orruks up 20 points (although they get a 60 discount for a mob of 30) and Savage Big Boss up 20 too. All in all it got hit.
  13. Eager to see what's up with Moonclan Grots haven't seen points changes yet in the leaks
  14. That Horticulous Slimox dude... Not sure if awesome, hillarious or retarded. #Nurgleapproved
  15. Ouch! Well - I can think of at least one thing that will be discussed on this week's Warhammer Weekly
  16. Oh god... here I am finalizing the assembly of a Legion of Azgorh force and this solid nerf happens. Ouch! Nearly double the cost for battleline...
  17. I don't think that's true - the new starter box for 8th edition has a measuring stick that's 12 inches long and has increments that correspond with inches and not centimeters...
  18. I'm going to go with Aelfish - some sort of crown for a trident wielding nautilus Cthulhu Aelf
  19. Release is amazing - good stuff GW. Also New AoS game is intriguing. #Monopolychainswordduardin4president
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