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Everything posted by CDM

  1. 1 Updated ghouls 2 ushoran diarama centrepeice 3 cavalry knights 4 holy grail model like a gory trimuph of saint katherine 5 fey enchantress/lady of the lake 6 elite "armoured" ghouls 7 general 8 hero 9?
  2. It's going to be a fairly big range update for FEC I feel. We thinking above or below 8 kits?
  3. There were some missteps in the early AoS releases and goregruntas to me were the worst of the lot. The orruks riding them look superb but the wierd chin mess on the pig lets them down. I thought all the Khorne releases were amazing but the stormcast I wasn't overwhelmed by. I liked the concept and some of the models but it wasn't until the Vanguard range that I thought they looked great.
  4. I'm hoping Nurgle get some new mortal models soon as well. Rotmire creed have added something new but I'd like to see some pestigors, plague ogors and od like to see a multi race plaigue 'zombie' unit
  5. It is great news if it's five kits. Hopefull we get the same for Idoneth, KO and Fyreslayers too!
  6. I live in Leicester which is really close to Nottingham and I never hear anything 😭🤣 more likely i don't work in an industry even remotely adjacent to GW lol I vaguely remember a rumourmonger called nightfury I believe. I think his partner worked in printing as some sort of third party so was getting good info really early. Then it all went south for his rumours which made me think they started feeding false rumours around to find the sources 🤣
  7. New rumourmonger source ! Tis a grand day indeed!
  8. Yes but this is AoS not WHFB! I wouodnt want to see Wanderers in Sylvaneth ever! I however wouldn't mind a story about Wanderers leaving the cities en masse and joining the Kurnothi faction and battletome
  9. The reasoning may come in the Dawnbringers books
  10. It does make sense definitely. It's the core of the force. They did the same with the Vanari for Lumineth.
  11. Hopefully 10th edition 40k and 4th edition AOS will be the first editions with a decent model release and battletome/codex for all factions. Didn't 40k 9th have a codex release for every faction?
  12. I'm convinced there's a second wave. It was a great release finally getting those cities humans updated! However I don't think to will be years before the next wave. Summer 2024? Stormcast & Cities Vs Skaven launch box?
  13. Thinking of the new epic size as well could they do something smaller? I like that new email for epic but I'm thinking if there were tiny units able to battle as well. Maybe a formation of endrinriggers and skywardens disembarking into a flying bastion they could control then a squadron of doom drivers board the base and hope to take it over for it's guns! Would be awesome!
  14. Apparently they exist! In the KO.battletome it mentions Harkraken and Megalofin, I'm picturing floating tentacle octopus and sky shark. Petition for new game to be called Meg 3 now and a squat KO captain called Statham being the main character! Do we think they could include boardings actions in this game? I've actually never played Dreadfleet so don't know if that existed. For each model bought there could be a ship card bought representing your model and you could attempt to board using some markers in ship to ship duals separate from trying to blow up the enemy. As I was typing this it reminded me of xwing how you can buy characters to man your ships and guns granting bonuses. Rather than buying just named characters you have a selection of faction crew units that change how you move and shoot and your efficacy in boarding actions. Could be a tough choice of how to distribute your crew over the fleet, were going up which ships need crew bonuses on manoeuvring or firing or which ones will be better in a boarding situation.
  15. I've said it before but I'll say it again! Why they released aeronautica instead of dreadfleet is beyond me. AOS aetheric ship battles, but in the sky! Starter box KO Vs Grotbag scuttlers (suitable squig balloons as well). Other factions would be undead pirates on ghostly ships, Skaven blimps (apparently), chaos daemons and swifthawk agents! Hurricanes, dragons, sky krakens (obviously). Just make it already!
  16. I think they'll be another wave in 18 months but I'm erring on the side of it being about Aelves mostly with Duardin thrown in perhaps. I really thought there would be a greatsword replacement in the vein of Emelda Braskovs aesthetic I also speculate on more Warcry bands for cities and I think they'll be fairly soon, before a wave 2
  17. @Doko love you and your confused self🤣
  18. I know right! sn't this two Mondays in a row with no model revelals?!
  19. This makes me sad! I loved how the cities were like mini countries. Aelves, Duardin and Humans all with their own cultures and armed forces contributing to the city culturally and militarily.
  20. I buy loads of battletomes but I buy them for the fluff! The lore , stories , artwork and to learn more about the faction. The bit I hardly look at? The rules! I do on occasion look at the faction rules to get a flavour if what they're upto. (When I was younger I used to like building lists and making fluffy 40k lists, the old system was very hard to do this!) I would still but them but I dont like the thought of them trying to make money off rules outside the main rulebook. Could easily provide rules digitally and In the GHB. If they're not coming away from rules in battletomes I wouldn't mind the faction rules and warscrolls in a larger grand alliance book. You still pick a faction and you can still ally. Path to glory has definitely helped the usage of tomes though, a strong narrative reason for the book to exist.
  21. Really disappointed if they destroy Phoenicium. Just because the models have gone they don't need to destroy them all in the lore
  22. Id say drop battletomes and increase grand alliance anyway. Just put the restrictions in there.
  23. I think you've got the nail on the head here. Wave two = cities aelves, darkling covens expelled in the lore. Models to TOW not Umbraneth. I'd vote to keep scourge privateers & fleetmaster and order draconis, cold one knights and chariot. But I could see them retiring all to TOW not Malerians faction. Wave 3= city dwarves retiring current kits, big emphasis on ironweld and cog stuff! Sprinkle in a Warcry Devoted set with new war preists and flagellants and another warcry set with a witch hunter warband and we're golden ! The big thing missing is the speculated war alter replacement.
  24. I'm of the opinion they will soup the DoK with them but I'm hoping they don't.
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