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Everything posted by Melcavuk

  1. So as a projects with my partner and as a natural enemy to my Suneater tribes Ogors we have started work on a new Aelven Battletome inspired by the Wood Elves/Wanderers of old but with a darker and more Age of Sigmar magical lean. Below is what we have so far for comments and critique: Some call them Wanderers, Nomads, Forest Aelves, it is said within the borders of Ghyran their name has been struck from every record in that woodland realm. Those that call them wanderers know little of the reason why, of the darkness that took root in the very souls of these forgotten Aelves in times long since past, over the disease of the Wyld that now lurks in every drop of blood coursing through their every changing forms. It is said that these Nomads travel ever onward not because they wish to, but because they must, every footprint seeds the nightmarish plants of the Wyld land, a curse that travels with them wherever they go. Born once long ago to the Goddess Alarielle when all of her Aelven kin sought to take their share from the gullet of Slaanesh, they were her loyal huntsmen within Ghyran. Children of Kurnoth and Alarielle both, these Woodland Aelves found the forests of Ghyran their sanctuary, stalking beasts that upset the natural order of their home and enforcing the will of their Goddess upon all who strayed within her sacred borders. Their lives were full, peaceful and safe in the knowledge that their Goddesses powers within the walls of the forest were absolute, it was this knowledge that led them to rebuke Sigmars offer of sanctuary when the tides of Chaos first began to encroach upon the realms. It is said that these Wanderkin stood as Alarielles sentinels on the very edge of her forest kingdom, keeping watchful gaze across the horizons for any sign of the tide of chaos. Few know what shook the faith of these Aelven hunters, perhaps the sanctuary they had become accustomed to had softened them, perhaps they knew not the true savageries of war, whatever their reason when their faith was tested it was found wanting. In the dead of night these Nomads abandoned their posts at the edge of the forest, fleeing with all speed from the tide of darkness that had drowned the horizon and blotted out the stars themselves. The wrath of their Goddess would send tremors throughout every root within the Realm, every tree shook with her rage, her children had forsaken her. These accursed Wanderers fled, the tide of chaos ever at their heel as the forests they once knew as sanctuary became drowned in an onslaught of flame and axe. Finding all gates to Azyr sealed to them they took the only route that had been left open, travelling through the Primal Gates of Ghur they fled beyond the very edges of the mapped world, into the swirling madness of the Maelstrom at realms edge. Here, amidts the shifting Wyld winds that ravage the very distant corners of Ghur they found sanctuary… for a time. AELORAN NOMADS When the Realms fell to chao those Wanderers who found themselves abandoned by their volatile and spiteful goddess fled across the realms, the tide of chaos ever biting at their heels as they sought a place to call their own. Yet godless and without allies every door became closed to them, even the mighty gates of Azyr were found sealed by the time their beleaguered populace came unto it. It was then that they were driven onwards, ever further out from their cities in the heart of Ghur towards the volatile and unknowable forests at worlds edge that they might endure the elements longer that they could the blades of their foes. Their hidden refuge at realms edge has, for the longest time kept the nomads hidden from the wars that ravaged the Realms, but the very magics that have shielded them have taken a heavy toll upon their bodies and souls. An intelligent and deeply invasive bestial wind called the Wyld at the edge of Ghur has seeped into the very fibres of every muscle, the primal drum beat that forms the very pulse of the realm now resides within the souls of every Aelf in their ranks threatening to overwhelm reason or logic with every beat of the endless rhythm. As the Wyld seeks to claim their souls the desperate Nomads sought ways to stave off their final bestial forms, that they might retain their Aelven grace and nobility for few millenia longer. Through many trials that claimed more and more of their population with every passing year eventually a symbiosis was found, the strongest souls within their ranks could merge their souls with the savage beasts of the realm, burying their own soul within that of the mighty beasts to hide it from the Wyld that sought to snuff them out. Such an act would preserve the Aelven soul but the toll it took on their partnered beast was heavy, no such beast could endure more than a few years of the merge before the Wyld claimed it entirely. It has then come to pass that the eldest amongst the Aeloran populace have formed such a bond with hundreds of beasts, each becoming inclined to merge with a beast that matches their personality beyond all others. At first such pairings seemed solely matched by personality, the most vigilant paired with the mighty raptors that claimed the skies of world edge, the fleet of foot would pair with the mighty stags that leapt deftly through the forest and the greatest hunters would merge with packs of the savage wolves that hunters in the darkest corners of their realm. As the years have worn on however the Aelorans features have begun to shift and alter to match that of the beasts whose souls have touched their own, the Birdkind develop accute vision, their bone structure lightening as though able to drift on the wind instead of falling. The Doekind develop extraordinary muscle structures allowing them to dance across the very tree tops with every deft leap, and the Wolfkin become hunters beyond compare. The Aeloran carry with the Wyld wherever they travel, it has become a disease that spread like wildfire throughout their populace and even the blending of souls can only delay it so long. They have become blighted, never able to settle for long lest the carnivorous plants of the Wyld itself spawn in their very footprints, beset at all times by the predators within and without they lead nomadic lives, ever in pursuit of the great hunt that they might find a beast able to endure the blend long enough to hold their degradation entirely. AN EMPIRE OF NOMADS On the following pages you will find rules and abilities for your Aeloran Nomad army. These include powerful allegiance abilities and items, new battle plans, and war scrolls and battalions that describe the hidden empires of Aeloran Nomads in games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES From potent enchantments to bestial traits there are many benefits to the Aeloran Tribe allegiece. These can be found below: ALLEGIANCE Every unit and warscroll battalion in Warhammer Age of Sigmar owes allegiance to one of the Grand Alliances – either ORDER, CHAOS, DEATH or DESTRUCTION. Many units and warscroll battalions also have more specific allegiances – for example AELORAN NOMAD or CENTAURID. If all the staring units and warscroll battalions in your army are from AELORAN NOMADS, then it has the AELOAN NOMADS allegiance. An army with the AELORAN NOMADS allegiance – sometimes known as a AELORAN NOMAD army – can use the potent allegiance abilities found in the following pages. When your army qualifies for more than one allegiance – e.g. all of the units are AELORAN NOMAD and ORDER – you must choose which allegiance your army will use before each game. These restrictions aside, you can use allegiance abilities whenever you play games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Battle Traits: An allied army fights with units and cohesion, granting it additional boons. See opposite for the battle traits available for Aeloran Nomad armies. Command Trait: Each leader has their own style of command. See opposite for the command traits available to Aeloran Nomad generals. Relics of the Hunt: These arcana trophies are claimed by the mightiest of warriors within the Nomadic Empires. See pages XX-XX for the magical trophies Heroes from your army can possess. Wyldform Magicks: Those skilled in the Arcane Arts or with a primordial link to the Wyld are capable of bringing its magic to bear in the heat of battle. See page XX for Wyld-based spells available to Wizards from your army. BATTLEPLANS The Aeloran Nomads have their own evasive and savage methods of destruction and waging war across the mortal realms unlike any other. The battle plans on pages XX-XX allow you to wage was just as the Aeloran Nomads do. PATH TO GLORY On pages XX-XX you will find rules for player a Path to Glory campaign. These enable you to field your Aeloran Nomad miniatures as a formidable war band and fight an immersive campaign in which your forces grow stronger with each victory. Included are war band tables to help you collect your army, as well as rewards tables for your champion and their followers WARSCROLL BATALLIONS This section describes formations made up of several units that combine their strengths to gain powerful new abilities. By fielding these formations, you can muster your own Tribe on the table top. There are rules for fielding some of the most notable empires of Aeloran Nomads, each possessing its own strengths and distinct character. WARSCROLLS This section describes the characteristic and abilities of the individual Aeloran Nomad models and units. ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES The Aeloran Nomads lead savage lives, beset on all sides by the primal beasts from the maelstrom at the very edge of the known realms. Every fibre of their being has been infected with the ravenous energies that fuel the realm of beasts, threatening the burst forth from their unwilling hosts should they fall in battle BATTLE TRAITS An army with the AELORAN NOMAD allegiance gain the following abilities. The Savage Heart – To survive the Wyld is to understands ones place within the food chain, the Hunter must consume the prey, and the prey must be consumed. Roll a dice for every enemy model that flees due to battleshock whilst their unit is within 3 inches of an AELORAN unit, for every roll of a 4 or more the AELORAN unit regains a wound, if there are no wounded models in that unit you may instead restore a number of models to the unit lost earlier in the battle with a number of wounds upto the wounds restored. Wyldform – The eldest of the Aeloran populace have begun their final descent into the Wyldform, every drop of their blood carrying the changing taint from world edge with them into battle. Should a precious drop of this blood hit the ground it bears the spores of the predatory plants of Ghur, erupting forth to reclaim the lands. At the end of any turn in which an AELORAN NOBLE is wounded but not slain, roll a D6 for every AELORAN NOBLE that was wounded adding the number of wounds lost. You may add one base of WYLDSHARD BRAMBLES within 3 inches of that model for every roll of a 5 or more. In addition is an AELORAN NOBLE model is slain, immediately replace the model with a base of WYLDSHARD BRAMBLES. COMMAND TRAITS In addition to their command abilities, if they are a Hero, the general of a AELORAN NOMAD army can have a command trait from the list below. Pick the trait that best suits your generals’ personality. Alternatively, you can roll a dice to randomly determine a trait. If, for whatever reason, you must select a new general during the battle, immediately generate a trait for them. D6 Command Trait 1 Aspect of the Scorpion – Your hero channels the poisonous nature of the monolithic scorpions at world edge. Pick one of your heroes weapons (this cannot belong to their mount), if your hero wounds but does not kill an enemy model with this weapon that model suffers an additional mortal wound at the end of that phase. 2 Aspect of the Stag – This hero channels the grace and speed of the great stags of the forest. Add 3 to this models move characteristic. 3 Aspect of the Raptor – Channelling the great raptors that claim the skies of Ghur these heroes descend on wounded prey with unrelenting speed. You may reroll failed charges for this model if the charge move will end within 3 inches of a model already wounded that turn. 4 Aspect of the Lion – The nails and teeth of this hero have sharpened to the needlike points of the feline predators of their homelands. In the combat phase you may add one to the rend of and attacks that roll a 6 to hit. 5 Aspect of the Hydra – This hero has gained a sliver of the mighty regeneration power of the Hydra, seemingly regrowing lost limbs in the heat of battle. In each of your hero phases you may regain 1 wound on this model lost earlier in the battle. 6 Aspect of the Ironhide – Channelling the tough hide of the Ironhide Rhinos of the Ghur mountains this heroes skin has toughened to deflect blades. Roll a dice whenever a wound or mortal wound is allocated to this model, on a roll of a 6 that wound is ignored. PITCHED BATTLE PROFILES The table below provides points, minimum and maximum unit sizes and battlefield roles for the Warscroll and Warscroll battalions in this book, for use in Pitched Battles. Used alongside the rules for Pitched Battles in the Generals Handbook, this provides you with everything you need to field your army of Aeloran Nomads against any opponent AELORAN NOMADS UNIT SIZE POINTS BATTLEFIELD ROLE NOTES UNIT MIN MAX Aeloran Noble on Wyldrunner Chariot 1 1 220 LEADER Aeloran Wyldshaper on Griffin 1 1 260 LEADER, BEHEMOTH Aeloran Lord on Wyldmare 1 1 220 LEADER Aeloran Huntmaster 1 1 80 LEADER Aeloran Gladeshards 10 30 160/420 - BATTLELINE if AELORAN NOMAD Allegiance and your general is an AELORAN NOBLE Aeloran Reavers 5 20 140/500 BATTLELINE Aeloran Forest Shades 10 30 160 BATTLELINE Aeloran Chargers 3 12 200 - Centaurid Hunters 3 9 120 - BATTLELINE if AELORAN NOMAD Allegiance and your general is a CENTAURID Centaurid Stargazer 1 1 100 LEADER Centaurid Gladiatori 3 9 150 - Avari Sunrakers 3 6 200 - Avari Starcaster 1 1 100 LEADER Shard of the Wyldhart 1 1 360 BEHEMOTH
  2. Anyone who has seen my conversions (if you havent then treat yourself and look) will know I'm really passionate about my hobby, but whats more impressive is the support from my partner in joining my in pursueing my hobby (if you want to know how supportive just tally up the rough cost of all my conversion bits :P). In joining my in gaming with my custom Suneaters my partner asked that I work on putting together a custom battletome for her own nature Aelves so together we've been working on the background whilst I cobble together conversions on the condition that when I build them she paints them. As someone to whom painting doesnt come naturally the commitment she shows seeing it through is really impressive, so here's the first painting units dubbed the Aeloran Gladeshards (central model painted by myself, the rest my partner copying the scheme). Along with a handful of other conversions we are working on for her unique faction And whilst I wait for the Dracoline mounts to release for my Aldin Draken Models they are temporarily pinned on Mournfangs so I can get some test games in:
  3. Latest two Warscroll revisions sees the Wyldshaper move further from the original Amber wizard scroll and the Aeloran charges renamed with a new scroll replacing the placeholder Pallador one:
  4. Background "They come like thunder and fire, like savage beasts driven mad by ravenous hunger... they are the volcano and the quaking earth... these savage beasts, our enemy, our quarry" Huntmaster of the Shatterflock Nomads The aftershocks of Nagashes malignant Necroquake still reverberate throughout the realms, tremours of nefarious magicks that shape and distort otherwise harmless beings into nightmarish monstrocities, but worse still after the effects it has wrought on the Maelstrom at worlds edge. These primal and shifting magical energies know no master, the insult of the wave of death that encroaching on their riotous storms only serve to stoke their ire, and in turn what had for so long been safe harbour for the Aeloran Nomads hidden beyond the edges of the map has begun to decay into arcane madness. The Wyld that they had for generations sought to mitigate though the soul blends seems to have risen once more, cancerous within the very skin of the realm as flora and fauna alike are overriden by the vicious carnivourous change of its ancient and knowable power. Once content to conceal their presence from the denizens of the Realm the nomads once more find themselves forced from save haven, ejected from their hiding place entirely exposed to a world that has changed much in their absense. Isolated, alone and oblivious to the developments of the realms in this new age each of the Aeloran Nobles strike out with their hunters, leading a great hunt across the realms in every direction that they might find new harbour, allies or benefactors to weather the storm that robbed them of their own. And yet no matter how far they travel from the primal storm of worlds edge they cannot escape the Wyld that has taken root within every member of their populace, driven ever onwards knowing that if they ever stop for too long the very jungle of savagery they have fled will begin to sprout around them. It is a young noble of the Shatterflock that now finds himself in the path of an oncoming Suneater Migration, a wall of fire at his back and this new foe bearing down on his people the hunt has once more been joined, let arrows fly and battle commence. Wordy bit Tomorrow sees the first playtest of the newly written Aeloran Nomads rules that form the heart of their battletome and a chance to experiment with their unique allegiance abilities including the vicious Wyldshard Brambles that sprout from ever barren dirt when seeded with the blood of Aeloran Nobility: An army with the AELORAN NOMAD allegiance gain the following abilities. The Savage Heart – To survive the Wyld is to understands ones place within the food chain, the Hunter must consume the prey, and the prey must be consumed. Roll a dice for every enemy model that flees due to battleshock whilst their unit is within 3 inches of an AELORAN unit, for every roll of a 4 or more the AELORAN unit regains a wound, if there are no wounded models in that unit you may instead restore a number of models to the unit lost earlier in the battle with a number of wounds upto the wounds restored. Wyldform – The eldest of the Aeloran populace have begun their final descent into the Wyldform, every drop of their blood carrying the changing taint from world edge with them into battle. Should a precious drop of this blood hit the ground it bears the spores of the predatory plants of Ghur, erupting forth to reclaim the lands. At the end of any turn in which an AELORAN NOBLE is wounded but not slain, roll a D6 for every AELORAN NOBLE that was wounded adding the number of wounds lost. You may add one base of WYLDSHARD BRAMBLES within 3 inches of that model for every roll of a 5 or more. In addition is an AELORAN NOBLE model is slain, immediately replace the model with a base of WYLDSHARD BRAMBLES. Its also a great chance to try out some of the newly fledged aspects that function as the command traits in the Aeloran society, each of the nobles bear a specific trait from their blends with their beasts of affinity, over time managing to manifest those traits they find most benefitial in an arcane evolution of their species: COMMAND TRAITS In addition to their command abilities, if they are a Hero, the general of a AELORAN NOMAD army can have a command trait from the list below. Pick the trait that best suits your generals’ personality. Alternatively, you can roll a dice to randomly determine a trait. If, for whatever reason, you must select a new general during the battle, immediately generate a trait for them. D6 Command Trait 1 Aspect of the Scorpion – Your hero channels the poisonous nature of the monolithic scorpions at world edge. Pick one of your heroes weapons (this cannot belong to their mount), if your hero wounds but does not kill an enemy model with this weapon that model suffers an additional mortal wound at the end of that phase. 2 Aspect of the Stag – This hero channels the grace and speed of the great stags of the forest. Add 3 to this models move characteristic. 3 Aspect of the Raptor – Channelling the great raptors that claim the skies of Ghur these heroes descend on wounded prey with unrelenting speed. You may reroll failed charges for this model if the charge move will end within 3 inches of a model already wounded that turn. 4 Aspect of the Lion – The nails and teeth of this hero have sharpened to the needlike points of the feline predators of their homelands. In the combat phase you may add one to the rend of and attacks that roll a 6 to hit. 5 Aspect of the Hydra – This hero has gained a sliver of the mighty regeneration power of the Hydra, seemingly regrowing lost limbs in the heat of battle. In each of your hero phases you may regain 1 wound on this model lost earlier in the battle. 6 Aspect of the Ironhide – Channelling the tough hide of the Ironhide Rhinos of the Ghur mountains this heroes skin has toughened to deflect blades. Roll a dice whenever a wound or mortal wound is allocated to this model, on a roll of a 6 that wound is ignored. Finally my partner gets to show off some of her in progress models on the battlefield (nice looking WHW table booked) including the Wyldshaper on Griffon, Reavers and the new Wyldrunner Chariot featured below: And for the clash here are the planned 2000 point army lists: SUNEATER TRIBES MIGRATION - 2000 EXALTED VOLSUNGR – General, Leader, Behemoth (400) Gothi Fyri – Priest, Leader (80) Gothi Fyri – Priest, Leader (80) Gothi Herald on Carrion Drake – Priest, Leader (200) 3 x Gullveig Ogors - Battleline (120) Crusher, Bellower, Banner Bearer (1 x Great Weapon) 20 X Ashen Grots - Battleline (130) Spark Bearer, Standard Bearer, 20 x Burning Bows 2 x Aldin Draken Battleline (180) Huntmaster, Tracker 2 x Aldin Draken Battleline (180) Huntmaster, Tracker 2 x Bal Kasta (200) Ignitor, Fyre Stoker 2 x Burnin Bomb Catapults - Warmachine (160) 1 x Pyre Belcher - Warmachine (140) 1 x Waaghkart – Warmachine (160) AELORAN NOMADIC EMPIRE - 1960 Aeloran Noble on Wyldrunner Chariot – Leader, General (200) Aeloran Lord on Wyldmare - Leader (220) Aeloran Wyldshaper on Griffin – Leader (260) 10 x Gladeshard - Battleline (160) 5 x Aeloran Reavers - Battleline (140) 5 x Aeloran Reavers - Battleline (140) 10 x Forest Shades (160) 3 x Centaurid Hunters (120) 3 x Aeloran Chargers (200) 5 x Melusari Blood Stalkers (bows) ALLIES (160) 3 x Kurnoth Hunters (bows) ALLIES (220)
  5. Bit o' Background: Some call them Wanderers, Nomads, Forest Aelves, it is said within the borders of Ghyran their name has been struck from every record in that woodland realm. Those that call them wanderers know little of the reason why, of the darkness that took root in the very souls of these forgotten Aelves in times long since past, over the disease of the Wyld that now lurks in every drop of blood coursing through their every changing forms. It is said that these Nomads travel ever onward not because they wish to, but because they must, every footprint seeds the nightmarish plants of the Wyld land, a curse that travels with them wherever they go. Born once long ago to the Goddess Alarielle when all of her Aelven kin sought to take their share from the gullet of Slaanesh, they her loyal huntsmen within Ghyran. Born children of Kurnoth and Alarielle both these Woodland Aelves found the forests of Ghyran their sanctuary, stalking beasts that upset the natural order of their home and enforcing the will of their Goddess upon all who strayed within her sacred borders. Their lives were full, peaceful and safe in the knowledge that their Goddesses powers within the walls of the forest were absolute, it was this knowledge that led them to rebuke Sigmars offer of sanctuary when the tides of Chaos first began to encroach upon the realms. It is said that these Wanderkin stood as Alarielles sentinels on the very edge of her forest kingdom, keeping watchful gaze across the horizons for any sign of the tide of chaos. Few know what shook the faith of these Aelven hunters, perhaps the sanctuary they had become accustomed to had softened them, perhaps they knew not the true savageries of war, whatever their reason when their faith was tested it was found wanting. In the dead of night these Nomads abandoned their posts at the edge of the forest, fleeing with all speed from the tide of darkness that had drowned the horizon and blotted out the stars themselves. The wrath of their Goddess would send tremors throughout every root within the Realm, every tree shook with her rage, her children had forsaken her. These accursed Wanderers fled, the tide of chaos ever at their heel as the forests they once knew as sanctuary became drowned in an onslaught of flame and axe. Finding all gates to Azyr sealed to them they took the only route that had been left open, travelling through the Primal Gates of Ghur they fled beyond the very edges of the mapped world, into the swirling madness of the Maelstrome at realms edge. Here, amidts the shifting Wyld winds that ravage the very distant corners of Ghur they found sanctuary… for a time.
  6. Test scheme for the first of my Gladeshards, the aim here is to get a scheme my partner can easily replicate without feeling overly pressured due to less experience in basing. Whilst it isnt to my usual level of heavy detailing I've limited it to basic techniques executed to provide a nice colour contrast, something that will provide good looking table top standard army.
  7. Test scheme for the first of my Gladeshards, the aim here is to get a scheme my partner can easily replicate without feeling overly pressured due to less experience in basing. Whilst it isnt to my usual level of heavy detailing I've limited it to basic techniques executed to provide a nice colour contrast, something that will provide good looking table top standard army.
  8. Do you mean the infantry? Sorry half the archers in the army are atleast part wildrider models The infantry are pure aelf at this stage, one of the bloodlines thats has been preserved either through varied blends or just strength of soul to resist the deterioration, they seem to have gained the benefits of the blend through the enhanced muscle strength and antelope leaping but have atleast visually resisted a change in their physical forms. Wolves are the third tier of the list to be looked for me, the centaurs are up first, then the avian aelves after which I'll go into the wolfkin just because my partner wants fast and archers as the key theme to begin.
  9. I think unusual is relative, one of my Ogor is literally a massive volcanic rock fueled by a gods energy and with a grot priest chilling out on his shoulder compared to that a centaur is logical.
  10. Tzaangor Skyfire, deepkin and melusari both came up a tad too thin in the hips compared to any of the mounts, the tzaangors have a bit more muscle which helps the blend. The head is Elf bloodbowl team as its slightly larger than normal aelves. Frustrating models to photograph but the best I could do, 3 Centaurid Hunters and an Aeloran Noble on Wyldrunner
  11. The Centaurid Huntresses have become Centaurid Hunters (the bits in the conversion unfortunately were incompatible so the revised conversion is definitively male)
  12. As part of our shared hobby whenever I convert/write/rules out a unique custom unit for my growing Suneater tribes I also help my partner make one for her Nature Aelves to produce two unique but polar opposite forces on the battlefield. So here is the first stage of the concept for Centaurid Hunters for my partners Aeloran Nomad army (Wanderers for the AoS). Pretty happy with how the model has come together and the motion of the sculpt, but any feedback or critique is as always welcome.
  13. As stated in the initial post the charger is literally a cloned Pallador scroll so my partner can use her army whilst I work on revising the scroll for the unit just with wording changed. The mechanics is an exact copy paste of the scroll (along with points cost, base size, core model) in terms of fluff the two wont align until after I change anything. The rules as is is a pallador scroll with wording change, thus the mechanics remain. Namarati reavers are at best a disappointing unit with some decent shots are short range, in terms of decent archers they are... lacking, in terms of short range support they do OK. the aim with the glade shards is to essentially make the Namarati Thralls of the archery world (the reavers lack this), so looking at that scroll as a baseline, (3+, 3+, rend 1, damage 1) but halving the number of attacks and making it harder to hit (range), but keeping the high to wound (toxin laced arrowed hewn from ironbark) and converting it over into a bow makes a useful ranged unit that doesnt hit as well as Stormcast nor have their resilience but becomes a functionally unique unit. The melee weapon can easily drop down to a 4+, 4+ but then that leaves them with fewer attacks and flat worse than the namarati reavers in melee. The aim for the unit is to provide quality of shots over weight of fire provided by a Namarati reaver. 10 Namarati Reaver bow 3 shots each, 9 inch range, 4+. 4+. no rend 7.5 dmg vs - save 6.25 dmg vs 6+ save 5 dmg vs 5+ Save 10 Gladeshard Bow at its best 1 shot, 18 inch range, 3+, 3+ -1 rend. (only against units of 11 or more models at this stage) 4.3 dmg vs - save 4.3 dmg vs 6+ save 3.63 dmg vs 5+ Save So whilst being functional at peak at double the range, it is only getting that 3+ against units with more models and still provides statistically worse damage against every save until you reach a 3 or more, lowering the melee to be lower and worse too would mean the newest equivalency unit (Namarati Reavers) whilst functioning at shorter range would be mathematically better when both are in their ideal situation (short range vs horde) Also Namarati Reavers are 20 points cheaper. Same base size, similar roles. (both potentially battleline, archers, same save) Bearing in mind with the release of the Idoneth Battletome Namarati Reavers were considered disappointing for their role within the codex.
  14. The model concept for the Wyldrunner chariot is to take a slaaneshy chariot and weave the flexible creeping vines around it to make it look like an organically grown elegant tool of death. Will tend attach flowers to the vines once fully painted and have it pulled by the stags to round it out with the Noble on the back
  15. Currently the Wyldmare conversions, Glade Shards, The reavers and the Chargers have been converted. Once I've gotten a few painted I'll put up some shots of them but for now they look like below:
  16. Cheers, a few of these things lingered on my mind as I wrote them, hence the need for feedback For the Chargers its literally the clone of Stormcast Pallador scrolls at the moment, the boltstorm pistol has merely been renamed to a short bow since I wasnt fond of boltstorm for an Aelf. When I alter the scrolls it'll become more unique arrow types for the bow and a short range stabby spear instead (The palladors do indeed get 3 shooting attacks with different weapons) I was trying to find a decent name for the blades for the gladeshards, you're right the skinners knife sounds wrong but bsically looking at a short sword designed to pierce the the toughest hide and cleave the heart from mighty beasts. For the To Wound stat on gladeshards I looked at current decent archer battleline (Judicators at this point) in terms of hitting and wounding, then made them a little worse (armour, no fancy bow on sergeant etc). Having played with and against shadow warriors they tend to feel lacklustre in terms of output for "elites" compared to the Judicators as troops.
  17. So having worked on my Suneaters for a long time my partner has been working on her Nature Aelves to fight against them, one thing we have noticed is that the old Aelven scrolls are lacking... something, in splitting them down between so many factions and without recent updates they struggle to stand up to the more modern scrolls in efficiency or character. For this reason she asked me to look into allegiance abilities and more modern scrolls for a Wanderer evolution to fit the growing themes of Age of Sigmar for when Soul Wars hits. So heres where I am right now: AELORAN NOMADS When the Realms fell to chao those Wanderers who found themselves abandoned by their volatile and spiteful goddess fled across the realms, the tide of chaos ever biting at their heels as they sought a place to call their own. Yet godless and without allies every door became closed to them, even the mighty gates of Azyr were found sealed by the time their beleaguered populace came unto it. It was then that they were driven onwards, ever further out from their cities in the heart of Ghur towards the volatile and unknowable forests at worlds edge that they might endure the elements longer that they could the blades of their foes. Their hidden refuge at realms edge has, for the longest time kept the nomads hidden from the wars that ravaged the Realms, but the very magics that have shielded them have taken a heavy toll upon their bodies and souls. An intelligent and deeply invasive bestial wind called the Wyld at the edge of Ghur has seeped into the very fibres of every muscle, the primal drum beat that forms the very pulse of the realm now resides within the souls of every Aelf in their ranks threatening to overwhelm reason or logic with every beat of the endless rhythm. As the Wyld seeks to claim their souls the desperate Nomads sought ways to stave off their final bestial forms, that they might retain their Aelven grace and nobility for few millenia longer. Through many trials that claimed more and more of their population with every passing year eventually a symbiosis was found, the strongest souls within their ranks could merge their souls with the savage beasts of the realm, burying their own soul within that of the mighty beasts to hide it from the Wyld that sought to snuff them out. Such an act would preserve the Aelven soul but the toll it took on their partnered beast was heavy, no such beast could endure more than a few years of the merge before the Wyld claimed it entirely. It has then come to pass that the eldest amongst the Aeloran populace have formed such a bond with hundreds of beasts, each becoming inclined to merge with a beast that matches their personality beyond all others. At first such pairings seemed solely matched by personality, the most vigilant paired with the mighty raptors that claimed the skies of world edge, the fleet of foot would pair with the mighty stags that leapt deftly through the forest and the greatest hunters would merge with packs of the savage wolves that hunters in the darkest corners of their realm. As the years have worn on however the Aelorans features have begun to shift and alter to match that of the beasts whose souls have touched their own, the Birdkind develop accute vision, their bone structure lightening as though able to drift on the wind instead of falling. The Doekind develop extraordinary muscle structures allowing them to dance across the very tree tops with every deft leap, and the Wolfkin become hunters beyond compare. The Aeloran carry with the Wyld wherever they travel, it has become a disease that spread like wildfire throughout their populace and even the blending of souls can only delay it so long. They have become blighted, never able to settle for long lest the carnivorous plants of the Wyld itself spawn in their very footprints, beset at all times by the predators within and without they lead nomadic lives, ever in pursuit of the great hunt that they might find a beast able to endure the blend long enough to hold their degradation entirely. ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES - The Hunters Heart – To survive the Wyld is to understands ones place within the food chain, the Hunter must consume the prey, and the prey must be consumed. Roll a dice for every enemy model that flees due to battleshock whilst their unit is within 3 inches of an AELORAN unit, for every roll of a 4 more more the AELORAN unit regains a wound, if there are no wounded models in that unit you may instead restore a number of models to the unit lost earlier in the battle with a number of wounds upto the wounds restored. Wyldform – The eldest of the Aeloran populace have begun their final descent into the Wyldform, every drop of their blood carrying the changing taint from world edge with them into battl. Should a precious drop of this blood hit the ground it bears the spores of the predatory plants of Ghur, erupting forth to reclaim the lands. At the end of any turn in which an AELORAN NOBLE is wounded but not slain, roll a D6 for every AELORAN NOBLE that was wounded adding the number of wounds lost. You may add one base of WYLDSHARD BRAMBLES within 3 inches of that model for every roll of a 4 or more. WARSCROLLS: Many of these are still WIP and yet to be tested, as you'll see below I have pointed out scrolls that I havent yet published as I work out the details however the faction is split into 3 racial keywords (Aeloran for those still mostly Aelf, Centaurid for Aelven Centaurs and then Avari for the more Avian Aelves). Aeloran Reavers take the Reaver (Previously Ellyrian Reavers) warscroll with Keywords changed to match Aeloran Allegiance Aeloran Chargers are currently just a retooled Pallador scroll because of fondness for the Gryphchargers, they'll become more distinct soon whilst maintaining mount specific characteristics PITCHED BATTLE PROFILES The table below provides points, minimum and maximum unit sizes and battlefield roles for the Warscroll and Warscroll battalions in this book, for use in Pitched Battles. Used alongside the rules for Pitched Battles in the Generals Handbook, this provides you with everything you need to field your army of Aeloran Nomads against any opponent AELORAN NOMADS UNIT SIZE POINTS BATTLEFIELD ROLE NOTES UNIT MIN MAX Aeloran Noble on Wyldrunner Chariot 1 1 220 LEADER Aeloran Wyldshaper on Griffin 1 1 260 LEADER, BEHEMOTH Aeloran Lord on Wyldmare 1 1 220 LEADER Aeloran Gladeshards 10 30 160/420 - BATTLELINE if AELORAN NOMAD Allegiance and your general is an AELORAN NOBLE Aeloran Reavers 5 20 140/500 BATTLELINE Aeloran Forest Shades 10 30 160 BATTLELINE Aeloran Chargers 3 12 200 - Centaurid Huntresses 5 15 180 - BATTLELINE if AELORAN NOMAD Allegiance and your general is a CENTAURID Centaurid Stargazer 1 1 100 LEADER Centaurid Gladiatori 5 15 180 - Avari Sunrakers 3 6 200 - Avari Starcaster 1 1 100 LEADER
  18. Nearly finished the Waaghkart, its at times like these I tend to regret adding in extra grots or bits of scrap that need to be detailed out in the final pass but pretty happy with how its all coming together.
  19. More Waaagh-Kart progress and a bit of detailing, still got the crew to do and some tidying up:
  20. Refreshed my paints supplies and grabbed some new brushes so I can resume work on the Suneater tribe Ogors, early WIP on the Waaagh Kart totem and the second catapult for the tribes.
  21. For the Suneater tribes with Artefacts, Spells and Prayers to keep track off within the army there needs to be a good way of staying informed within a game, so along with working out the technical components of these items I've been working on basic card designs to bring them to life within the game. So here they are for judgements and review! PRAYERS - MANIFESTATIONS OF THE SUNEATER 1) Wrath of the Blackened Wyrm – A priest channels his will into the thick black smoke billowing from the pyres, coiling it like a serpent to obscure the Suneaters from their foes. Pick one TERRAIN feature within 15 inches of this priest and roll a D6, on a roll of 4 or more enemy models may no longer draw line of sight through or over that terrain feature until the beginning of your next hero phase. 2) Judgement of the Suneater – The best blades are formed in the hottest of flames, pick a friendly unit within 12 inches and roll a D6, on a 4 or more that unit immediately heals D3 wounds. On a roll of 1 however they are found unworthy and instead the target unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. 3) Volcanic Blows – Pick a friendly unit within 3 inches and roll a D6, on a 5 or more that units weapons are charged with the force of a volcanic eruption. Until your next hero phase whenever your target unit rolls of a 6 or more to hit increase their rend by 2. 4) Under the heel of Gork – Select an enemy unit within 18 inches and roll a D6, on a roll of 5 or more that unit counts its SAVE as its movement value until your next hero phase (A unit with a save of 3+ now has a move of 3) as they feel the weight of Gorks mighty foot pushing down upon them. 5) Burning Blood – Select a friendly unit within 3 inches and roll a D6, on a roll of 4 or more that unit is enchanted. Until your next hero phase, if at the end of any combat phase that unit has lost wounds in close combat their attacker suffers D3 mortal wounds as their foes blood burns at their skin. 6) Burn it all – Select a friendly INFERNO MARKER and roll a D6, on a roll of 5 or more your prayer has been successful. Roll a dice for every ENEMY model within 6 inches of that marker, on a roll of 6 or more that model suffers a mortal wound as the pyres flame suddenly erupts outwards. SPELLS - LORE OF THE FLAME 1) Fireball Casting Value 5 Pick an enemy unit visible to the caster and within 18 inches and roll a D6, on a roll of a 1 that unit suffers a mortal wound, on 2-4 that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds, on a 5-6 that unit suffers D6 mortal wounds. 2) Molten Shield Casting Value 7 Pick a visible friendly unit within 12 inches of this wizard, until your next hero phase you may re roll failed saves for that unit, additionally any save roll of a 6 or more inflicts a mortal wound on an enemy unit within 3 inches. 3) Jaws of the Suneater Casting Value 8 The ground itself seems to warp and shift into a molten burning maw that threatens to swallow a man whole, consuming all in its path until its hunger sates. Pick a visible enemy MODEL within 18 inches that MODEL (damage will not overspill into the unit) suffers D3 mortal wounds, if the roll resulted in 3 mortal wounds (and the model was slain) select another model in the unit and repeat the process until you inflict less than 3 mortal wounds on a roll or the unit is destroyed 4) Aftershock Casting value 6 The wizard slams his foot against the dirt with a thud that resonates as though a clap of thunder, as they ground shakes and distorts enemies find it hard to find their footing. Until your next hero phase enemy units that initiate a charge move within 9 inches of this wizard must subtract 3 from the result. 5) Choking Ash Casting Value 6 Pick a visible unit within 18 inches of the caster, until your next hero phase that unit must subtract 1 from all hit rolls as they as surrounding by a thick blanket of ash, if the casting roll for this spell was 11+ that unit must also subtract 1 from to wound rolls until your next hero phase. 6) Immolate Casting Value 8 The last spiteful act of many a Suneater wizard is to give themselves over entirely to the flame. Every unit friend or foe within 6 inches of this model (including this model) suffers D6 mortal wounds, if the casting roll was 11+ they instead suffer 2D6 mortal wounds as the Suneater revels in the destruction. ARTEFACTS - TROPHIES OF AQSHY 1 - The Elusive Spark This shimmering spark was once a fire imp, its essence ripped away by Suneater priests it now fuels a lantern lengthening and distorting the shadows of its bearer into a haunting spectre. Enemy models within 6 inches of this model reduce their Bravery by 2 2 - Drake blood Oils Pick one MELEE weapon for the bearer to apply these oils to, this cannot belong to their mount. Any wound rolls of 6 or more with this weapon inflict a single mortal wound in addition to their normal damage 3 - Embers of the first Pyre Blessed are those given but a part of the first Pyre of the Suneaters, this model may utilise the Spark of Destruction prayer even if they are not a priest. If the model is a priest they may use this prayer twice in a turn. SPARK OF DESTRUCTION: In your HERO PHASE select a terrain feature within 15 inches of this model and roll a D6. On a roll of 4 or more that terrain feature sparks into flame and you may place an INFERNO MARKER on it. Additionally roll a dice for any model (friend or foe) entirely within that terrain feature. On a roll of 6+ that model suffers a mortal wound as they are engulfed in the flames. 4 - Flickerfire Cloak The bearers cloak ripples and shifts as though a coursing magma flow, enemy models attacking this Hero in the combat phase must re roll any hit rolls of a 6 as they are captivated by the cloak. 5 - Volcanic Shield Hits struck against this shield reverberate with the deafening boom of a volcanic eruption, Cunning Ogors bang their blades against the shield on the charge to send their foes off balance. Enemy units within 3 inches of this HERO may not be selected to attack in Melee until all other units have been resolved. 6 - Bone hewn Effigy This model has a small token effigy of the Suneater carved from the bones of a great drake, it is said when the strength of the bearer begins to leave their form they may drain the last of the drakes energies from the bone to reinvigorate themselves. Once per battle in your hero phase you may elect to use this effigy, restoring D3 wounds to this model. SAMPLE CARDS
  22. The new (and more cost effective) Gullveig for the army (couldnt quite stomach the £60 for three of the prior conversions. Its harder for me to get real motivation up for the models as these are fairly stock but I'm happy to call these tabletop standard.
  23. As the name implies the Suneater Tribes consist of more than one Singular migration, back before the Age of Chaos the great prophet climbed from his pitlike grave and set out across the realms to unite his kin in a conquest that would shatter the very walls of the cities of Order. It was here that the first tribe, dubbed the Burning Klaw tribe was formed, born out of Ghur and yet in time many others have sprung up, each led by and tailored to the great Volsungr that leads them. Whilst the Suneaters might naturally seem to favour the wild landscapes of Ghur or the flaming hills of Aqshy they can be found in nearly every realm. THE PYRE MAWS (SCORCH) - When the forces of Man, Aelf and Duardin sought to retake the realm from the wilds and chaos that had reigned the did so with supreme arrogance and lack of foresight to the whims of the realms themselves. In the chaos that had descended over the realm the Suneater Tribes had flourished, their trail of destruction cared not if the cities razed were of Sigmars pathetic cohorts or the Dark Gods of the deluded masses, simply that the flames rose high into the night to please the Suneater. To see such glorious destruction come to an end as the forces of Order sought to raise new Cities, their “Seeds of Hope” was an affront to the Great Destroyer, that anything could rise from the Ashes was an insult to the devotion that the Maw Pyre clan had shown in their ravaging of the forests of Ghyran. Incensed by this affront to their destructive labours the Maw Pyres migration was ceased, no longer pushing onwards to their homes in the lands of Aqshy and the blistering heats of the volcanic winds in that realm of fire their Prophet turned them back toward these fledgling cities. The wrath of this tribe was unlike anything the mortals had come to expect, the ferocity of their flames tore through the forests of Alarielle in a seemingly unstoppable tide, the very nature of her Sylvaneth making them vulnerable to the heat and flame that sought to devour everything in its path. It was then to the great engineers of the Freeguild that she had so often rebuked for their ways of industry that Alarielle went, their smoke belching machinery seemingly more tolerable in the face of the total incinerations of her forest realm. These bewildering machines were put to task by their engineers, digging great trenches through the forest to blockade and surround the tribes of Suneaters as they made their advance. These great trenches were linked to the river Terral, its coursing life giving waters flooding through the trenches and forming a bulwark against the fires and halting the Ogors advance. The wound the Maw Pyres carved into the very skin of the Realm of Life would never fully heal, the heat of their onslaught had burnt deep through the dirt, scorching and sealing the dirt and rocks into blades of volcanic glass that would endure no life to grown in them. To this day this lingering malignant wound persists, a reminder of the outrage of the Suneater Tribes to the fresh onset of civilization seeking to end their joyous infernos. THE BURNING KLAWS (SHATTER TOOTH PLATEAU) The Burning Klaws tribe is said to be the original Suneater tribe, born of the teachings of the first prophet after he was chosen by the great burning god. In the beginning they were few, the Ogor Firebelly wizards had been spread far and wide throughout the realms as they sought new and more potent elixirs to try and mirror their gods mighty powers, however the Prophet was a beacon fire, one great burning pyre that drew all the disparate Firebelly tribes from across the realms toward the Shatter Tooth Plateau in the realm of Ghur. It was here, many months before that the Prophet had been reborn in the stomach of the Suneater, here he had faced trial by fire, combat and of resolve, and it was here he had emerged the champion and prophet of the great God. In modern days the Burning Klaws are the largest of all tribes, holding dominance in the realm of Ghur whilst many of their kin undertook the great migration to the fires of Aqshy, here they control the greatest site of power in the Suneaters history, one that inspires both the respect and ire of lesser tribes. When each of the great Volsungr left the Burning Klaws to start their own tribes they took with them their own interpretations of the Suneaters whims, it was in this way that his teachings of the Pyres changed, evolved or diluted with every new tribe. The Burning Klaws however stayed true to the teachings of the first prophet and are afforded far more potent magicks than their kin, in battle they are known to field elite Ogor bodyguards for their Chosen Prophet, carrying great slabs of volcanic glass as shields to create an unbreakable wall around their foes, penning them in and pushing them ever closer to the pyres. In this way foes that do not perish in battle slowly roast alive in an ever-tightening cage of fire and shield. The Burning Klaws invoke far more Bal Kasta than any other migration, so long and far has their migration marched that many tribes have fallen to their ever onwards onslaught. THE UR-GORES (FYREWATER GULCH) When the Great Migration to the realm of fire occurred, it was the Ur-gore tribe that led the way, their young and inexperienced Volsungr commanded his tribe make the journey that they might bathe in the burning might of the Suneater in a realm that reflected his eternal glory. The first of the great tribes to separate from the Burning Klaws they cut a swathe of destruction from the Ghur gate into Aqshy, however in their wake they often spied the stunty and arrogant Fyre Slayers, these dwarves held no love or respect for the great Suneater but worse they seemed to pillage the Ur-gold left in the ruins of the great advance of the Suneater Tribes. To see anyone finding comfort or solace in their reign of destruction angered the mighty Ur-gores, that their weak and pathetic foes might profit from the glory of the Suneater was a slight that could not be allowed to endure. It was then only proper that the Volsungr found a momentous act of spite to shown dominance over this foe, when they razed their next village the prophet gathered his Gothi Fyri priests to him and set them to task, a great pit was dug in the heart of the ruined village with every precious metal found thrown in. When they had gathered all of worth he stoked a mighty blaze, calling on the primal fires of the realm and his own gods mighty magics the blaze roared with blistering intensity, slowly melting the precious metals into a glimmering, bubbling pool of burning hot metal. Gathering his most elite kin to him the Volsungr and his priests set to work, shaping and warping the molten metals with agonising efficiency into glistening golden tattoos across the skin of the Tribes chosen. The very touch of the metal was a torturous burning unlike any they had endured before and yet the Ogors endured it as they would any gift from the great Suneater, and when the Volsungr will was completed his tribe marched to war once more, now emblazoned with rippling metallic tattoos formed of the very Ur-gold that they Fyreslayers had sought to pillage from the ruins of their migration. The Volsungr of the tribe is a mighty creature, his entire skin covered in rippling and shifting Ur-Gold ever heated by the supernatural flames stoked from inside his destructive soul. He marches as a living effigy and idol to his tribe, considered far more a demi god than mere prophet by those who follow in his wake no blade can pierce his golden hide. Such arrogance and spite has left to a fierce conflict between the Ur-gores and Fyreslayers, the latter desperate to reclaim the Ur-gold of their god. THE ASH WALKERS (MISTS OF ULGU) It is said that the mists of Ulgu glow with the brimstone haze in the approach of the Ash Walker tribes, the thick fog that envelops the realm shifting and enhancing the lights from the many torches of the tribe until the very air around them seems to boil and hiss with the encroaching flame. It has been many decades since the Ash Walkers moved into the mists of Ulgu, led by a young prophet seeking to carve out his place in the legends of his people by finding and bringing down the cities of the elusive Aelves rumoured to call the city home. However there are creatures that lurk within the mists of this realm, born and shaped by the ever shifting nature that began to pick away at the migration, ripping Ogor from mount and consuming whole swathes of the Grot accompanyment in a single bite. Beset on all side and never truly seeing their foe the Prophet found himself shaken by not quelled, he spurred his Aldin Draken kin forward with him at the head of the pack, charging headlong into the mists with a ferocious roar and a gout of flame that lit the entire region. What fate found the Volsungr is as yet unknown, but with both their prophet and elite warriors having been taken the migration was on the bring of collapse, no Ogor had the strength of will nor the divine status needed to lead the tribe onwards. Just as it appeared the migration had come to an end the Gothi priests came togther, their shrill voices shrieking and wailing out into the nights sky as they were riddled with visions (or so they say), it is the word of the Gothi that the Suneater wishes them to push onwards into the realm, that their prophet yet lives still waging wars ever deeper into the shifting mists of the realms. WHilst doubtful there was little the Ogors could do to contest the vision, this small flicker of hope was enough to spur them onwards deeper into the mists of Ulgu. As time has passed the Gothi leadership of this migrations has shifted and shaped its actions, leaning more heavily on Grots to do the majority of fighting they favour quick strike and hit and run tactics across the realm. The Ash Walkers make extensive use of Carrion Drakes, favouring bow over spear and pulling the mighty artillery and Waagh karts behind them that they might atleast have the eye of the Suneater upon them if his prophets cannot be with them. THE DEAD HEADS (GRAVES OF SHYISH) The Dead Heads are odd kin to the Suneater tribes, hailing from the rotting lands of Shyish where all life begins to wither and fade they have taken the very energies of the Realm into their migrations. Wielding strange and shifting green flame borne of the darker magicks of the realm they are a disconcerting sight for those that behold them, their warriors dubbing bio luminescent paint across their forms in the vague shapes of a skeletal visage they can be seen leering from the darkness on the still nights as a legion of glowing skeletal monstrosities. For Suneaters this is a sombre migration, gone are the visicious chants, the maniacle laughter or the revellery that comes with a normal migration, instead they set to task with a startling efficiency and near silence save for the occasional grunt or groan of the mighty beasts that accompany them. In battle the Dead Heads make more use of the elite Ogor units than their kin, favouring the Slatr warbeasts and Aldin draken both of whom can march for days without food or sustinence, ideal for a realm where even crops are known to wither with the briefest of glances. It is said that their mighty Volsungr can never know death, having bathed in the ethereal flames deep at the heart of the realm his body lay littered with scars from wounds that could have been mortal to a lesser beast, he dons and ancient carved skull mask and has adorned his magma drake with skeletal armour. To fight the Dead Heads is to witness the ruthlessness of their commitment to the task, to face sheer burning agony in the eerie green glow of the flame, and when battle is done the Dead Heads efficiency in burning all that fell ensures their battles do little to reinforce Nagashes legions in the realm. THE LOST MIGRATION Whilst the tribes hail from nearly every Realm there is one that no tribe calls home, the mercurial and shifting metallic realm of Chamon, it is said in centuries past some upstart Ogor tribe within that cursed realm considered themselves the true disciples of the Suneater. What followed was a savage battle between the Suneater migration and the self dubbed Furnace King of Chamon over the true teachings of their destructive God (who likely simply revelled in the fresh destruction and onslaught to be witnessed). It is said the Prophets and Iron Baron clashed over days, weeks and months, every battle sending hundreds of Ogors to an early grave and countless grots, great gouts of flame clashing with cold and beaten ironworks of the Furnace kings yet there was to be little victory found on their side. As the months turned to years the first great prophet made a decree, the realm of Chamon was to be blocked to the Suneater tribes, the children of the Suneater could not waste their numbers in such petty conflicts whilst the true enemy of their kind erected yet more cities, walls and fortresses across the other realms that they had neglected. Instead an accord was found, the Iron Barons would send great shipments of the Iron Bark of their realm through the mighty gates to Aqshy and the Suneaters holy site, in return the Fyrepowders of the realm of fire would be sent back, each would pursue the destruction of the cities of Order in their own manner without shedding the blood of other Ogors. The accord was sworn, yet shakily held, all together weakened by the rumoured the Iron Barons had made off with a shard of the eternal flame of the Suneater stolen from a fallen prophet. What machinations these Ogor engineers had for such a potent relic was as of yet unknown, though if it was brought to bear against the newly swelled ranks of the Suneaters the conflict might well consume both tribes.
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