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Everything posted by Melcavuk

  1. Looking good. I like the fuel aspect that even in death they become part of the Weld, really hammers home the “Giving it all for the Weld and nothing left”. Even in death they give their last. Currently away from my laptop but will go through in more detail when I get home. Really good. Like the council of Iron and the dissolution, allows for Shrines and Cogworks to be dedicated to the dead/hidden gods. Also liking the inbuilt mistrust between Aelf and Duarsin smiths with the Humans having to pick a side. It opens up the concept of something similar to Prayers for Engineers as they invoke the power left over from the destroyed and disbanded pantheon.
  2. Some guy said so in a throw away comment on a thread buried in a different forum. on the rumour front the fact he said Dispossessed were being worked on might correlate with the rumours/wishlisting of Golems as we know the models are designed (started) up to a year before the rules writers get started on the project.
  3. To add a shade of creepy to the Ironweld, because nothing in the mortal realms is entirely good or wholesome: There are those that say the innovations of the Weld have progressed at a pace that no engineer could possibly sustain, in such a small space of time to have gone from the first blackpowder spitting rifles to the lumbering cogforts that now allow them to secure strategeic positions faster than ever before, it would be sheer arrogance to assume it was merely their intellectual superiority that had driven them forward. The Guild simply dismiss these cries of discontent as the petty ramblings of those who could never dare to dream as the Weld do, that could never see beyond the today and into all the tomorrows yet to come to pass. They claim it is the will of Grimnir, their divine benefactor that has gifted them the opportunities to develop such marvels of the modern realms, with more yet in design there seems to be no stopping the wheels of progress turning in the factories of the Ironweld. And yet the rumours persist, some labourers even claiming that deep within the factories of the Ironweld, as the screech of the boilers of the steam engines begin to die down another scream still lingers a few seconds longer... not the pitched metallic screech of the boiler itself but something distinctly more... alive. And then there are those who say the Witchhunters have become far too wealthy in cities that the Weld hold dominance, that their purges have become far broader for much smaller offenses. Where then do these caged witches and wizards get sent? Why then have the public executions suddenly ceased in the name of civility and preventing spectacle? Such questions are ofcourse whispered in hushed tones, none in the Freecities could afford to have their contracts with the Weld cancelled lest the cannonades be removed from the ramparts. Yet whispered they are... (Are the bigger siege engines powered by caged wizards? The runes of grimnir containing and channelling their power? Were all these wizards deserved of this fate? Reader makes up own mind) Also: It is a grim land... Shyish, barren not only of life in many of its darkest corners but with the excavations of Nagash the Weld did, for a time struggle to find the fuels to stoke its mighty boilers. The Weld marches on the strength of its industry and it began to look at though there would be no progress in Shyish, the very thought of which could have left the many burgeouning cities of men within its borders defenseless against the tides of death. It was then, under the cursed moons of the Malign Portents that the Guild secured a new contract that solved such an issue, with the tides of restless dead flinging themselves against the defenses and with so many within falling to the plague a solution was needed. The Weld were commissioned to burn the bodies, to prevent such restless corpses from ever rising once more, yet how they did so was absent clause in their contract, in the weeks that followed the great furnaces of the Ironweld were stoked once more, the Guild masters smug in their innovations as they had found a resource in abundance in the realm of death..."
  4. Yeah I'm tempted to rule out the Solar Auxilia base models, whilst they do fit the Sigmar theme of taking a concept (steam tech) and dialling it to 11, if I used them it'd then beg the question why every model isnt in one if the normal guard can wear them, and if every model was in them it'd be a 40k force not a Sigmar conversion one. Balancing between the Ironsides and the Kriegers currently as base model, I'd love to use the Skitarii ornate rifles to make the Ironsides a bit more rifle centric but the hands are annoyingly metal claws sculpted onto the models rather than bio hands.
  5. Trying to pick a base model for my next Sigmar conversion. When looking at models to use as the basis for my Weld Guard (5up save infantry with either rifle or pike) I have three options for base models all of which speak to me for different reasons and I need help deciding: The classic Ironsides, a nostalgic empire I look but unfortunately this could make them easily confused with Freeguild. A natural fantasy choice but nothing intrinsically Ironweld about their look The long coat, to me these would look like career soldiers. Formal in their guild colours but distinguished from the militia. Always been a fan of long coats. Needs a weapon swap and would have Empire Outrider heads. or the Steam Punk, correlates nicely with the steam engines and Templar armour but even with a head and weapon swap they’re very tech. Stylistically probably the most Ironweld but I’m already getting flakk that the Ironsworn is too 40k
  6. When looking at models to use as the basis for my Weld Guard (5up save infantry with either rifle or pike) I have three options for base models all of which speak to me for different reasons and I need help deciding: The classic Ironsides, a nostalgic empire I look but unfortunately this could make them easily confused with Freeguild. A natural fantasy choice but nothing intrinsically Ironweld about their look The long coat, to me these would look like career soldiers. Formal in their guild colours but distinguished from the militia. Always been a fan of long coats. Needs a weapon swap and would have Empire Outrider heads. or the Steam Punk, correlates nicely with the steam engines and Templar armour but even with a head and weapon swap they’re very tech. Stylistically probably the most Ironweld but I’m already getting flakk that the Ironsworn is too 40k
  8. I've managed to get the test scheme done on the first two of my Weld Militia for my Ironweld Arsenal revival, the Templar shown behind them for the start of the army. Pretty happy with the colour scheme and the factory worker vibes they seem to carry through.
  9. Sounds good and yeah the aim is to fully flesh it out and get it available for fan use, its harder to do when not borrowing on the old world nostalgia as heavily as the Tomb Kings as people dont have the prebuilt up adoration for the faction, but with enough time and tweaking I'm convinced it could be great.
  10. Brief blurb on the Ironsworn "They call them the Ironsworn, if you'd believe that. Highfalutin blue bloods of the Guilds, got themselves all the gold in the Realms to spend on fancy armour and toys and think that makes them heroes. Them Nobles got the pick of the Ironweld, the biggest arsenal of deady gizmos and trinkets this side of the Red Road, strapping themselves into some lumbering armour standing two horse' high or riding their damn Cog walkers around with no regard for any'un elses plans. Still, least they're the ones fightin', takin up the blade along with us commoners. Prefer them to the Guilded, sitting on their thrones tallyin lives like it's nothin more than profits to be made, Ironsworn know battle.... them that last beyond their first charge ofcourse, They've bled alongside us and when you're in the mud aint much different between red an' blue bloods. Might be Noble birth, all that learnin' taught em nothing of manners to those below em' in the Guilds, but I've seen em' do things I'd never thought possible for mortal men. Them Templars standing face to face with Monsters that'd have you cleaved skin from bones, not just slow'in them but taking the first back, pushing THEM back in the dirt for once, moving the battlelines back inch by inch, taking back all that was lost to us... all that was stolen from us. They call them the Ironsworn, like it or not, they're out best chance of coming out the otherside of this thing"
  11. Sounds good, its important to get the right tonal message for the lore in order to keep it unified. To my mind there is a specific mortality to the way the Ironweld work, this isnt some faction of gods and monsters, its men and women who live and die to keep the Weld secure, its of sacrafice, grim realisation that the place of mankind is far from secure in a world of monsters. That isnt to say they are joyless, but practical, there is a beauty to some of their innovations, a pride in it. For the nobility it is important to capture the concept of inspiring, knightlike attitudes from a mechanical aspect. Some houses march their templars and striders to war adorned with guild heraldry in much the way knights of the old world would of. And for cities look beyond the basic realm aspects into the deeper concepts, also bear in mind that we know many are integrated into freeguild cities, in which case how do they fit in? Where to they stand politically etc Core concepts: Its important to remember these arent the guard or skiratii of 40k, they arent disposals to the point where individual loss is meaningless and arent knowably detached. They are painfully human (and duardin) at their core, the Labourers have workers comaraderie, even the Nobles will give their all for the Weld. They also arent the Freeguild, the Ironweld stand alongside but truly apart, it is through engineering and innovating that their true strength lies. War is industry for the Weld, it is their very lifes blood and through their war innovations they can lend that expertise to improving the realms around them. Current concept for the Engineer on Cog Strider, renamed to a Tinkerer mostly so that the Engineer keywork and Engineer name dont get duplicated too much
  12. Updating here and in first post As I try to get a little more organised I figured I'd go through the subsets of stuff I'd like to eventually have sorted for the battletome, some I will weigh in on myself, others would be fantastic to collaborate on, other things people could take on independantly in order to get different perspectives. If anyone wants to help out with a specific section it'd be grand, at which point we can all give feedback, critique and help hone it into something great I will say dont be afraid of critique and feedback, the warscrolls I have done are now on version 5 or so as I try and hammer out the difference between where I want them narratively and where they need to be for game balance, and even then no points have been assigned to them as the army as a whole will help define what they are worth. So to what needs doing: NARRATIVE FACTION INTRODUCTION A BRIEF HISTORY NOTABLE EVENTS (TIMELINE) NOTABLE CITIES OUTLOOK ON THE REALMS INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER FACTIONS SUBFACTIONS, CONFLICTS WITHIN THE FACTION NARRATIVE SHORT STORIES FOR FLAVOUR (MALIGN PORTENTS STYLE) GAMEPLAY ALLEGIANCE ABILITIES (Engineer relic table, Ironsworn Relic Table, Artificer Cogworks (mount traits) table) WARSCROLLS (GW does these by looking at the models and working from there, so here I have put down my own ideas for how the model will look in order for anyone who wants to do a scroll to shape up and submit) Duardin Engineer (Existing Model) (ENGINEER) - Rework existing scroll Gunmaster (Existing Model, variation for the mounted engineer to be rebranded Gunmaster on mechanical steed, command trait for WELD GUARD) (IRONSWORN) - Redone by R SMITH Gunmaster in Coghauler (HERO Steamtank, tanks of legend, command trait for nearby COGHAULERS) (IRONSWORN, COGWORK) - NEW UNIT, NEEDS SCROLL Ironsworn Paladin (Monsterous, built as secondary option to a different kit, Command trait for IRONSWORN) (IRONSWORN, COGWORK)) - NEW UNIT, NEEDS SCROLL BUILT OUT OF THE IRONSWORN TEMPLAR SCROLL HERO B (Mounted Engineer) NEW UNIT, NEEDS SCROLL BATTLELINE Weld Militia (Battleline) (WELD GUARD, LABOURER) - COMPLETED BY RSMITH PENDING FEEDBACK Riflemen/Phalanx (Dual Kit, Battleline if Ironweld) - Working in well with the Gunmasters on foot (WELD GUARD) - NEW UNIT, NEEDS SCROLL OTHER Ironsworn Templar (Also Builds Paladins Hero) - Non-Monster heavy hitter single model unit, monsterous infantry. (IRONSWORN, COGWORK)) - COMPLETED BY RSMITH PENDING FEEDBACK Ironsworn Fusiliers/Lancers - Elite Fast Moving Cavalry (IRONSWORN, COGWORK) - NEW UNIT, NEEDS SCROLL Gyrocopter/Bomber (Existing Kit) (COGWORK) - REWORK EXISTING SCROLL Ironweld Arbalesters/Engineers Corps (Experimental Weapons Unit, Arbalesters boosted by Gunmaster on foot, Corps boosted by Engineers) (WELD GUARD) NEW UNIT, NEEDS SCROLL ARTILLERY Helstom/Helblaster (Existing Kit) (ARSENAL, WARMACHINE) - REWORKED BY RSMITH PENDING FEEDBACK Duardin Cannon/Organ Gun (Existing Kit) (ARSENAL, WARMACHINE) - REWORKED BY RSMITH PENDING FEEDBACK BEHEMOTH Cog Hauler (Steam Tank kit, expansion kit add on for Cog Hauler Bombard (Rocket Variant), Cog Hauler Behemoth (Transport Variant)) (COGWORK, WARMACHINE) - NEEDS NEW EXPANDED WARSCROLL BASED ON STEAMTANK FINALLY ONCE THOSE ARE DONE IT'LL BE TIME TO LOOK AT BATALLIONS
  13. Ten Weld Militia now sorted and the basing of the Templar finished.
  14. Working on the warscrolls for the Weld Militia I have also been developing the Master of Shot warscroll (Renamed Gunmaster). Looking at previous Freeguild scrolls for inspiration in terms of command ability I have weakened the Freeguild generals command ability (only works in the shooting phase as it made no sense for a Gunmaster to be benefitting units in the combat phase) and moved that across. As the warscrolls grow and change I want to make sure it feels important to keep a good heart of LABOURERS and WELD GUARD in the army as alot of the synergies will be centred around them. V1 Master of Shot V1.1 Weld Militia (Revised Officers armament) V1.4 Ironsworn, altered Heraldry special rule, altered Stoke the Furnace.
  15. Working on an Ironweld Gunmaster conversions along with the first two of the Weld Militia. Moving away from the Freeguild empire aesthetic to a more grim and tattered look for the militia.
  16. After some feedback and a little bit of model design on my part here is what we're looking like currently in terms of a unit roster: Duardin Engineer (Existing Model) (ENGINEER) Gunmaster (Existing Model, variation for the mounted engineer to be rebranded Gunmaster on mechanical steed, command trait for WELD GUARD) (IRONSWORN) Gunmaster in Coghauler (HERO Steamtank, tanks of legend, command trait for nearby COGHAULERS) (IRONSWORN, COGWORK) Ironsworn Paladin (Monsterous, built as secondary option to a different kit, Command trait for IRONSWORN) (IRONSWORN, COGWORK)) HERO B (Mounted Engineer) BATTLELINE Weld Militia (Battleline) (WELD GUARD, LABOURER) Riflemen/Phalanx (Dual Kit, Battleline if Ironweld) - Working in well with the Gunmasters on foot (WELD GUARD) OTHER Ironsworn Templar (Also Builds Paladins Hero) - Non-Monster heavy hitter single model unit, monsterous infantry. (IRONSWORN, COGWORK)) Ironsworn Fusiliers/Lancers - Elite Fast Moving Cavalry (IRONSWORN, COGWORK) Gyrocopter/Bomber (Existing Kit) (COGWORK) Ironweld Arbalesters/Engineers Corps (Experimental Weapons Unit, Arbalesters boosted by Gunmaster on foot, Corps boosted by Engineers) (WELD GUARD) ARTILLERY Helstom/Helblaster (Existing Kit) (ARSENAL, WARMACHINE) Duardin Cannon/Organ Gun (Existing Kit) (ARSENAL, WARMACHINE) BEHEMOTH Cog Hauler (Steam Tank kit, expansion kit add on for Cog Hauler Bombard (Rocket Variant), Cog Hauler Behemoth (Transport Variant)) (COGWORK, WARMACHINE) TERRAIN Cog Fort KEYWORD BREAKDOWN - WELD GUARD - Foot Mounted Infantry, potentially boosted by Gunmasters. LABOURER - Commoners, can repair ARSENAL units, are inspired by IRONSWORN IRONSWORN - Nobles, inspire Labourers with Guild Heraldry ARSENAL - Non-Cogwork, crewed Artillery Pieces, can be replenished using labourers. Benefit from ENGINEER presence. COGWORK - Mechanical units, can be repaired by ENGINEER models. COGWORK HEROES can gain ARTIFICER COGWORK relics in a similar manner to Stormcast Mouts Traits.
  17. The Pavaise concept is alongside the concept of the Pikemen I had, perhaps for a unit to have mixed shield or pike options to become a mobile wall for the approaching Arsenal. Currently playing with the Weld Militia scroll and a revised Ironsworn after some... critical feedback.
  18. Nice, all very impressive but I like the elite officers in particular, they convey a certain gravitas, the cogfort is monsterously intimidating. Working slowly on more lexicology and trying to cross over the story terms with units. Rebranding: Steamtank is now Cog Hauler Variants on Cog Hauler have their own personal designations ontop of that for example (Cog Hauler Behemoth, Cog Hauler Bombard etc) Concept rework: Stripping core Labourers back to a Weld Militia unit, a combination of repeater guns, pistols and combat weapons. A mixed weapon unit with some degree of potency but emphasising numbers over potency, the main numbers of the force but not the main potency, an ideal chaff unit to block chargers or to hold objectives. These may well be my next conversion project (Cawdor base models combined with outrider/pistolier weaponry)
  19. Applied a little paint and here's a better idea of how he'll look
  20. @TheR00zle Thats my own template I use in publisher, Just stole the header from a new warscroll.
  21. UNIT BREAKDOWN: Ironsworn Templars Unit Type - Slotless Keyworks - ORDER, IRONWELD ARSENAL, COGWORK, IRONSWORN, TEMPLAR, HERO Weaponry - Valve Lance - Some Templars mount vats of heated oil below their steel hewn lances that they might at the peak of battle drown impaled foes in the boiling liquid. If in the combat phase this model wounds but does not kill an enemy model with its Valve Lance you may open the vats, roll a D6 subtracting one if this ability has already been used this battle. On a roll of a 3 or more that model immediately takes D3 mortal wounds as they are doused in burning oil. Cogwork Trampling - (D3 attacks where the Templar kicks things) Abilities - Signal Lantern - Models in this unit may be equipped with a Signal Lantern, marking targets of priority to the heavy guns down field. You may reroll hit rolls of a 1 for friendly IRONWELD WAR MACHINES in the Shooting Phase when they target an enemy unit within 6 inches of a model with this special rule Weld Heraldry - Models in this unit may be adorned with Weld Heraldry, a reminder to all in the field that the Nobles shed blood alongside their subjects. You may reroll failed Battleshock tests for LABOURER units when they can draw line of sight to atleast one model with this special rule. Special Rules - Stoke the Furnace - In each of your Hero Phases this unit may select a single Cogwork Labour, they gain the corresponding abilities until your next hero phase. You may elect to overheat the furnaces to drive the Cogwork construct on to feats of greater potency, if you do so roll a D6, on a 3 or more you may select a second Cogwork Labour ability to take effect until your next hero phase. On a roll of a 1 this model immediately suffers a mortal wound. You may reroll failed attempts if there is a friendly ENGINEER within 3 inches of this model. Cogwork Labours - Piston Overdrive - Double this models move characteristic until your next HERO PHASE. Iron Stampede - Until your next HERO PHASE, after this model has completed a Charge Move roll a D6 for every enemy model within 1 inch, on a roll of a 5 or more that unit immediately suffers a Mortal Wound. Titanic Swing - Add D3 to the attack characteristics of this models Valve Lance until your next HERO PHASE. NOTES: This unit has the HERO keywork but is not a LEADER, this is to reflect the fact that whilst piloted by a Noble these are not your generals but questing knights of the Ironweld. This permits them to take Weld Relics or Artificer Cogwork upgrades to their armour but do not count toward your LEADER limitation. I have included alot of interplay between the various units in the faction with this scroll, it can boost the effectiveness of Labourers and Warmachines but is itself boosted by Engineers. It will have a respectable 7 inch move naturally but can Piston Overdrive to get where it is needed in the first few turns, having to select whether to focus on mobility, getting to combat or combat potency means each turn there is a tangible effect to the choices you make with Cogwork Labours. Work in progress Warscroll:
  22. Thread is up for conversions for the new Ironweld Theme, adding in some musings on the Ironsworn Templars: Generate "Steam" or "Furnace Points", one each per turn but can pump the enginges for more but risk self injury. Can expend Steam points for various strenuous activities (double move, overrun charge to trample people, venting the Valve Lance on an impaled target) Engineers nearby allows to Pump the Engines without risk of harm. Can carry Signal Lanterns, friendly Warmachines can reroll 1's to hit when targetting an enemy unit within 6 inches of a Signal Lantern.
  23. "What can men do in the face of the Tyranny of Gods and Monsters, what can a lord ask of his people in such devastating times? We ask only that they give their all, and nothing less, for the Weld" As part of an endevour to revitalise and diversify the Ironweld Arsenal as a faction some of you may have seen my musings on potential directions and a few infantry warscrolls I have floated. But when starting a conversion project I tend to try and find that one concept that to me surmises what the faction could be. For the Ironweld for me it is the Ironsworn Templars, the nobility and knights of the Ironweld marching to war in steam belching suits of armour, raised high on mechanical mount to stand face to face with monsters that plague their factories. In an Age of of Gods and Monsters it is the innovation of the Weld that stands between them and destruction.
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