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Posts posted by BrocknerTheBear

  1. In the main rules under matched play, in the army building section you will find a breakdown of battlefield roles and the minimum and miximum values of each that can be included. These will be dependent on the size (points value) of the game being played. 

  2. If you play matched play you require battleline. In path to glory and open/narrative play you don't. 

    Using the app, go to destruction, gloomspite gits, pitched battle profiles. You will see that both trogg types require a dankhold troggboss general to become battleline, which mollog is not. The app does still have some issues but all in all is pretty solid.

  3. @Sarkazim For your first few games don't worry about allegiance abilities, artifacts etc. Just learn what the units do from thier warscroll alone. Then you'll have more understanding of what you want from those extra choices. The sloggoth waracroll from the app is sufficient as the ally model can't benefit from its own allegiance ability so all you need Is its base rules. 

  4. Finally got round to finishing my troggboss and realised I'd not shown it here. Forgive me oh dank ones!

    Theres a unit of rockgut waiting to be photographed tomorrow and then onto the fellwaters! Really hope the pre orders for the 21st are the cruel boyz tome and easy build kits as I want the mirebrute for a hag conversion so bad!!)





    • Like 6
    • Thanks 2
    • LOVE IT! 6
  5. Please dont be true.....I'd finally decided on a list for 3.0 :(




    Spider shaman (foot)

    9 fellwater

    6 rockgut

    6 rockgut



    What would you guys do if shes really gone? Upgrading the shaman to be an arachnarok is all I can really see.


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