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Everything posted by broche

  1. With what is spoiled so far i see Ironjawz becoming top t1. The new warchanter ability is just totally insane.
  2. From the preview. +1 to hit is 16 points. So far from what I see I'm pretty excited by the Great waaagh. You get some really nice bonus, and mixing both IJ and BS will give a lot of flexibility to army building. You get access to shooting, cheap chaff. At this point I can't wait to see all warscroll and spelllore to have the full overview. It's a bit sad that they streamlined the Brutes, i too would have prefer that they still cost 170--180 but with improved warscroll. Meh
  3. do we know if we keep the +1 to charge?
  4. If they kept the same profile they are now totally insane
  5. Nice screenshot @Gareth 🍄 it's promising!
  6. Why? Theyre is already ton of units that hit like train and kill everything without special ability. 40 Plague monk cost 280 pts and schred anything in the game. 20 demonette (240) killed my Krusha in a game (420) . On the other hand, i had 5 brutes (170) killing 300-400 pts of stuff in a lot of game. That kind of statement is not going anywere. Tough I agree GW missed the boat as they should have limited ward save to 1 since at least 2 general handbook release.
  7. This new Drakfoot ability is really really good. There nothing I hate more than those stupide stacked rerollable ward save. Feel no pain , DoK, Fyreslayer , Wreckship, and the list goes on.
  8. Yeah, we need not to forget that 16 WP give +1 to hit, 20 +1 to wound. Those are already permanent +1 attack.
  9. I like what I see! I wonder if they will keep Mighty destroyer / smash and bash (bonesplitterz keept the same ability with improved version)
  10. I can't read Megaboss warscroll. He as lost his secondary weapon and seem to have * as attack, 3+, +3, rend 2, 3 damages.
  11. So I've played my third game of Gloomspite, another win (agains stormcast Skyborne Slayer). I'm now more confident in making some analysis about how the army work against various matchup. I find Gloomspite to be an interesting army because they don't seem that strong on paper, but playing them you realize they have a really good toolbox to answer different type of challenge. I think unlike some current top army they really reward good play (after playing Ironjawz for a year it's refreshing) I've played variation of this list so far. It might look a bit random (because that's the model I have) but I realized that gloomspite strenght seem to reside in diversity , making me quite happy at the end of the day. Army identity: I had some problem seizing the army at first, mainly because it contain 4 subfaction and a large amount of units. The Bad Moon seemed like it's not that usefull , plus it's random (my strategy is to start it in my corner and hope for the +1 to cast on turn 2). An overview of the units quickly reveal that the most cost efficient units are Bounder and Troll (both version). With potent magic, it's also obvious that successful army need to rely around spell. Also, while some of our units are quite good we don't get big damage spike (except maybe a big squad of fanatics) like other army. My conclusion was that the army come down to two word: Control and Disruption. Control because we have access to a great variety of model / chaff, decent movement , lots of unit with rearch, and distruption in the form of the loonshrine, the fanatic, the -1 to hit (really crippling in the current meta). For those reason, I think competitive gloomsptie army should start with a fungoid, 40 stabbas, 5 fanatics and Geminid. After that, i think the vast majority of variant (squig, spider or Troll) could have sucess. Here's my opinion so far of the units I tried: Troggboss: He is not cheap but I like him so far. Making the troll battleline is great, and while it's attack are a bit random, he has good resistance and doesn't descale. I think the fact he benefinit from cover and look out sir! is what give him a edge above average. I've tried Gryphfeater charm and Cloak on him. I'm still not settle on a build, but +4 move and flying seem the we to go for my playstyle. His command is ability is good as well, especially on Rockgut and himself. Bounderz: 100 pts for 10 life at 4 up, with good attack, mortal on the charge, decent move, flying. It rank at the top of most cost-efficient units in the game, so it would be foolish to not take some. Troll: With the point decrease, troll have been pushed on par with the best units in the game as well. The get shoot, reach, good hit, resistance. There only weakness is bravery, so i usually keep command available to save model (even wounded once since they can heal). Zarbag and Gitz: At first i inclued them for filling, but I think they'll become a stapple for me. Zarbag +2 to cast is great to cast Geminid early. The gitz give you a really cheap screen / objective holder. For 160 pts it's a pretty good bargain. Loonsmasha: I think it's an auto pick. Striking first is awesome and they can really mess up an opponent turn. If you have CP available it's good to spend 1 for rr1. Sporesplatta: Still unsure about those. They worked fine yesterday, but I need more play with them. They might be autopick against Skaven. Scragnot: He look good but far from underprice. He certainly gain value if he's the general as he give CP and control the moon. But he get bonus to cast, that is a bit lacking in the army. His shooting is also quite decent. I would probably trade him and something else for an Arachnot if I had the model. Giant: Still bad. No real reason to take one except for fun. He is probably not even worth 100 pts, and he cost a whooping 160. For spell I'm currently rotating between Green spite, Itchy nuisance, Hand of gork and Call da Moon. I really liked greentide at first, but having 21 model wholly within 18 can be rough in my army. Nuisance and Hand of gork are good tools that can be either awesome or useless. Squig lure is not really useful for me, and glare is ******. For endless spell Scuttletide look absolutely awesome, will need to try it for sure (fit both the Control and Disruptive theme), in the end i think i'll end up swapping Malevolent move and Scuttletide depending on matchup. Let me know your tought!
  12. Any of you ever use Sporesplattas fanatic? I've a game against stormcast tomorrow, and I don't get how to use them. You kinda seem to put them in the front, so they'll draw fire and die, wich doesnt seem very good considering they are 24 pts per life? At least you'll keep the +1 attack on Moonclan for the full turn, but that still seem quite expensive...
  13. The couple game I had agains Slanessh (was with Weirdfist) I felt I had a pretty good matchup until I realized I play 2000 againts 2700 pts. Keeper doesnt fly and doesnt it that hard. Smash and bash can break the locust chain. You can still use the waaagh, but between 2-4 attack should be enough agains them as they're made of paper. I also found Slaneesh to be very vulnerable to the geminid. A good strategy is to make the Damoenette the priority target, and don't worry too much of the KoS, just debuff and stall them (since he get summoning point when the die anyway). I'm pretty sure a Ardfist + Geminid would be a good approach. Honestly I find FEC to be much more scary. The Therrorgheist do much more mortal, and attack twice in a row + they fly
  14. That is a really lousy comparaison (and cabbage is now 420), and has significant better stats than KoS, nothing scandalous here. If you just cut the summoning Slanneesh would likely loose most matchup agains IJ even withouth bombing. The scandalous part is the your 360 KoS generate half it's value in summoning point just by dying. And that is cleary unfair.
  15. Yeah that is sad. I think tough Ironjawz could be played as a more control list and not rely at all on the waaagh bomb. Lots or ardboys, using geminid for double turn protection and rely more on Mighty destroyer than waaaagh to gain advantage.
  16. Depend of what you have available but virtually any model: Spider rider, Boundgrots, fanatics, troggoth would all work. It would increase your board coverage as well as give you extra chaff units making your list much more reliable.
  17. So I got the chance to play my first game with Gloomspite/Troggoth mix this week-end at the local league. Ended up with 2 win (vs Skaven and Ironjawz). Troggoth performed well as expected. I'm gonna tweak the list a bit, but overall most units performed their role save maybe for the giant who is still pretty bad (tough he did inflicted the killing wound on the Maw Krusha by falling on it lol)
  18. @Orphen1991 I think you have way too much endless spell. I'm not exactly sure of what you're trying to acheive, but i would limit myself to 2-3 at most (my personnal choice would be Geminid and Malevolent moon)
  19. In fact i like Gryphfeather. Still give me the extra 1'' move and combined with geminid, the -2 to hit can cripple a lot of top army.
  20. Ok did the math and it's around 13.33 average with the rr1. Close to double his base output, so not bad at all. I'll have to try for myself I guess! cool thing with the league is that we can change list (inside Allegiance) between game, so I can alway reajust.
  21. I was planning to take the thermalrider cloak. Are you finding the 6'' no fly to be enough? I guess I would like to use his command ability most of the time, so that already 1-2 CP per turn, but beside that it would be mostly the generic command (which are never bad). How much damage is ghyrstrike + migthy blow like twelve or something?
  22. What trait do you guys usually take with Troggboss? I'm tending toward Loonkin but I'm unsure if I'll need those extra command (I guess it's 1-2 extra command at best). Might as well go for Tough as rock
  23. Had a test game against Sylvaneth yesterday. Played Better part of Valour and ended up with the minor, I kind of forgot to protect an objective against the teleport dude and he ended up burning 5 objective on his turn 2, then I table'd him. List play as expected, so i'm quite satisfied with it. 210 wound with debuff from geminid and kunning beast is tough to deal with. Geminid is really the perfect spell for BS as you really don't care hitting your own unit. The Troll also really bring something, give you an extra hard hitter beside the Stabbas and the Arrowboys. Honestly at 150 pts they are probably one of the most efficient unit in the game currently. for spell I took hand of gork with Prophet and put the Mask on the Kunning beast Weirnob (but ended up not using it anyway).
  24. I've a local tournament coming up and I was a bit tired of my Ironjawz, and the Gloomspite are not finished yet, so i've decided to give a (hopefully) last run to my Bonesplitterz before battletome. Note that I usually try to stay away from the Kruk as i find it's NPE (both for opponent and me). I've come up with this nice list I think is fun to play, and can compete with current top list (Slaneesh and FEC): Allegiance: BonesplitterzMortal Realm: GhurWurrgog Prophet (140)- General- Trait: Waaagh Monger - Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Kunnin' Beast SpiritsManiak Weirdnob (120)- Artefact: Big Wurrgog Mask - Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Brutal Beast SpiritsManiak Weirdnob (120)- Lore of the Savage Waaagh: Hand of Gork or MorkOrruk Weirdnob Shaman (120)- Allies30 x Savage Orruk Morboys (300)30 x Savage Orruk Arrowboys (420)5 x Savage Boarboys (100)- Chompas5 x Savage Boarboys (100)- Chompas6 x Savage Big Stabbas (300)3 x Fellwater Troggoths (150)- AlliesGeminids of Uhl-Gysh (60)Total: 1980 / 2000Extra Command Points: 1Allies: 270 / 400Wounds: 210 The list it's more about control than oblitaration. The goal it's to make clever use of Geminid and Kunning beast spirit to mitigate current meta big hitter. It's both high wound and high model count. Since geminid is a big part of the list strategy i've taken the ironjawz Weirnob as an ally to increase casting constitency. I've also taken a squad of Fellwater troggoth as it's quite a cost-efficient units nowday. With the help of both geminid and kunning beast they can easily stall a Therrorgheist or Keeper or a squad of 30 deamonet, + they add some hitting power. Still not sure about trait and artefact to take tough
  25. I've Zarbag and cie I could include. I think i might just forfeit turn choice and go for high drop. You're right that bataillion isn't really good, and I could use the cheap screen and extra wizard.
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