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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. Can add Mangler squigs to Fiends of Slaanesh in the category of ‘I thought I hated the concept but it turns out the previous execution was just poor’.
  2. Being able to take Troggoths as battleline makes this much more feasible for me - there’s no way I’d paint that many goblins.
  3. Which still doesn’t sound very snake like, nor look like it from the one we’ve seen (Underworlds).
  4. They’ve only been ‘left in the dust’ as much as many other armies in AoS.
  5. At this years new year open day they announced the Custodes codex with a video showing the new models, and announced the Thousand Sons dex and the Legions of Nagash battletome.
  6. They weren’t saying it’ll be a new Helbrute/Forgefiend, just that it’s the same sort of style.
  7. While I agree there probably won't be anything AoS now til January, 40kQuest is out this month, and the LOTR release isn't gonna be that big (old models re-released, the Hobbit book is through Forge World).
  8. There wasn’t a Space Marine and Death Guard one last year when they were in the starter, so I wasn’t expecting Nighthaunt and Stormcast this time.
  9. The 10th is Death Guard, it’s been shown on Warhammer Community before.
  10. Bit annoyed there’s only 4 AoS ones because they decided to do 2 Primaris ones.
  11. Well, the next battletome will be moonclan. So I doubt there’ll be a Slaanesh battletome in January.
  12. That we know of, yeah. But Blackstone Fortress is out soon which seems like a very quick turn around for a rumour engine teaser.
  13. Archaons never really been the strongest chaos character. He’s not the Everchosen purely on physical strength, plus he has the backing of all the gods not just 1 like this guy.
  14. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/10/26/26th-oct-revealed-at-spielgw-homepage-post-1/
  15. I’m pretty sure I remember the opposite - that it was coming this year.
  16. Try the warhammer loot sharing Facebook page. Won’t get fleeced there.
  17. All of the new designs in that trailer are awesome.
  18. Chaos followers don’t gift themselves things, their gifts come from the gods.
  19. The stuff missing from the sprue is the rear bodies and legs, I don’t think there’s room for much else on the sprue when you factor that in.
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