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Everything posted by Still-young

  1. If it’s true, sounds a little bit like Age of Sigmar Inq28, which sounds all kinds of awesome.
  2. If it’s essentially a new starter, with pushfit models, no. If they’re full kits, then they’ll be released separately at some point.
  3. I’m sure everyone’s seen them elsewhere but the Sylvaneth warband was shown at LVO:
  4. They put it up afterwards, with these seminars.
  5. Not sure if it’s been answered or not, but forge world won’t be doing rules for 8th Ed 40k (and presumable AoS). They still do models, but the GW rules teams handle the rules. From what I’ve heard from the Heresy weekender, anyway.
  6. That’s just the AoS version of Index Astartes though, not a new book or models or anything.
  7. £5 or £10, depending on the set (we don’t know which are £5 and which are £10 yet).
  8. And isn’t the chain/wheel in the bottom right from the big Imperial Knight with the harpoon gun?
  9. It could, but it’s a fairly pricy box to come straight after a big army release. I would think there’d be stuff in between.
  10. I doubt it’ll be out that skin after Gloomspite Gitz. I’d expect Genestealer Cults first.
  11. I’d love that, at least the option. I’ve always loved Skaven models but I hate horde armies.
  12. This guy (Flesh Eater Courts one) is my favourite model of all the new stuff. The Skaven one is great too.
  13. Meh. Trolls are dopes haha. I like it. Just use the other pose for the Trogboss if you prefer it?
  14. I thought the pose was really weird too, until I noticed that he’s actually holding his club up to look at a spider hanging off it. I really like it now.
  15. There’s no centipede - we’ve seen all the releases now.
  16. I don’t think anything in here can really be counted as ‘constant negativity’. I don’t even feel negatively about the rule, so I dunno why you’ve quoted me. I just don’t get why it’s fine to say a rule is good when we don’t know anything about it but not to say it’s bad when we don’t know anything about it. If we can’t discuss things we don’t know everything about, we can’t discuss the book at all until it’s out.
  17. Let’s not talk about the book at all until it’s out then.
  18. It does say ‘Enemy Units anywhere on the board’ so I don’t think it follows the same ‘under the bad moon’ bit the friendly bonuses do.
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