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Everything posted by Austin

  1. Lumineth Archers shown at GAMA. Maybe a part of the video coming up on the website soon.
  2. I don’t think that’s what this will be about. Also I don’t see Felix as a Knight Excelsior. Maybe a Tempest Lord?
  3. More hype needs to be had over William King writing AoS stories! I am very excited to see what he does with the Knights Excelsior. There is the short story below, but then also he has a story in the upcoming Oaths and Conquest (and I think it is also Knights Excelsior).
  4. I think all of this is overly complicating the point (as I see it). Would you or wouldn't you like to know some of the release schedule? If the answer is you actually would not, then we are just in different places. Otherwise I would point you to the multitude of other, successful, businesses/retailers that show releases many months out as a sign that release schedules are not some unreasonable demand by the unwashed masses. They appear to be the way the majority of businesses do business. Based on that it would be unreasonable to assume that GW is one of the rare businesses that would be impacted negatively by a little predictability. And so if you would like a release schedule and GW is not hurt by it, why not do it? It isn't that the payoff would be huge one way or another. To me its a small but nice thing to have, and the absence of it is very strange.
  5. I don't blame you. I couldn't resist them either.
  6. We go round and round on this whenever the GW schedule gets particularly weird (which right now it seems that way bc of the SoB gap and everyone wanting Seraphon). Even a simple two month out release schedule would go a long way towards being a reasonable retailer. And I think the answer to your question is actually pretty simple. The advantage to GW for not treating customers like cash bags (with no impulse control) would be long term loyalty (as you point out). I think you are being a bit too dismissive in your thoughts on the value there, because at some point soon 3d printers are going to be a real threat to GW. Once that happens, brand loyalty will be a thing. I think you have been around long enough to remember the bad old days when GW started actually losing to Privateer Press/Warmachine and X Wing. That happened for a reason. And GW came back for a reason also, they seemed to be making and doing things their customers wanted. This is such a small thing, with potentially big payoff both for GW and for us.
  7. Lotann is such a cool model and his little buddy makes me sad that I feel like he is 100 percent worse than extra command points.
  8. Without any evidence to back it up- I assume this reintroduction of the Old World is due entirely to the huge success of Total War Warhammer and the fact that someone who wants to transition from that game to the tabletop game can't right now. I do have to admit, I have tried hard to buy into AoS since the End Times and I do like things about it. But when these articles come out about the Old World, I realize that I just like that setting so much better.
  9. I was definitely hoping the book would have more options for non-Archaon chaos warrior builds.
  10. Are you sure? The guys commentating said it was the new book.
  11. Between this and the Iron Hands domination the GW playtesters are having a rough go of it lately huh. -edit Actually I should say rules folks AND playtesters.
  12. By the world you mean 40k right. AoS is rocking right along, the true overlords are back to spread smugness and trade to the lesser civilizations.
  13. This is how we really know GW hates them!!!!!!!!! Talk about second-class citizens. ----this is a joke (internet and sarcasm yadda yadda)
  14. It was mentioned in a joking way, like it couldn't be a new faction, not in a manner as though it was related to Blackstone Fortress.
  15. Yeah agree. Teclis himself just doesn't look all that great. That monster (and paintjob!) though.....wow it looks amazing. Also the cav are just 100 percent what I would have wanted for aelf cav.
  16. They need new Saurus. The art is awesome....but it further exaggerates how bad the basic Saurus and Saurus Knights look. With just that and Kroxigors I think they could do wonders for the range.
  17. @Whitefang When we are talking new Imperial Knight style Gargant kit- are we thinking that they are moving the aesthetic towards D&D style Storm/Fire/Cloud Giant? Or trying to keep the Ye Olde Worlde look?
  18. This actually made me laugh out loud. I enjoyed it even more because I am pretty sure it was meant to be serious. Where do I go to turn in my old William King books? Has someone communicated this to the Total War Warhammer team? You can have my pewter Tyrion riding Malhandir when you pry it from my COLD DEAD HANDS!
  19. I am quite bummed to see this is the synopsis of The Blind King. I was hoping Guymer would turn out a book more like The Sea Taketh- which is SO good instead of The Learning, which is not good at all. But in general I suppose I am generally satisfied with the level of writing in BL books. Particularly if we are not bound to one sub(sub)genre I think you can usually find some great books to read. My issue is that most of them are fine but not amazing, yet BL wants me to pay a premium for them. As I have said before I really only read eBooks and their prices are outrageous. And not just for the full length novels, but how often will you see a 20-30 page story for $5? Almost nowhere outside of BL. Its very bad behavior towards customers, and I have a very hard time thinking that you can be so predatory towards customers and have it pay off long term.
  20. I posted that article in the Black Library section, repost from where I found it in the News section. Certainly not the intent to be click-baity. I do however think you are wrong about 6% down being not much of a cause for concern for two reasons. It is the second consecutive report with negative numbers, and in the business world that's a number that would likely result in being canned without a pretty good explanation WHEN you combine it with the fact that the models and rest of the company is soaring.
  21. I agree with some of this, but I don't know that I would describe GW's business model in such....regimented terms. I mean lets be real, people had to basically beg on hands and knees for YEARS before GW decided to remake Sisters of Battle. Also look at the Horus Heresy line. From the time I started in the hobby in 1996 people asked to know more, to have models, etc. I'm sure it was happening before then and it continued for a decade before GW decided it was a good idea. I find it hard that anyone can justify that reluctance, and maybe you don't mean to be, but it sounds like you are justifying if not agreeing with it. It is also hard to reconcile what I keep hearing about GW's model design process which is "the designers make what they think looks cool" with a practical business plan of any sort. In my opinion here is the glaring problem with that business plan: once 3D printers hit whatever mark they need in order to become more widespread- GW is going to take a huge hit. Because they won't have readily available models that their consumers are telling them are desired, and people will be able to purchase better looking Marauders, improved Blood Knights, new Seraphon, etc. If GW really is a company focused on making money first, last, and always- they are leaving quite a bit of it on the table. And in @Kirjava13's defense even when GW was circling the drain only five years ago there were quite a few people vigorously defending them. So I can sympathize with the frustration when someone complains about GW's practices and is told the usual "blah blah entitlement" garbage. It is a bit difficult to use the word entitlement when there is a business transaction contemplated.
  22. Ok, opinions may differ on whether factions should all get xyz. But, on the subject of someone being a good rumor source, did you look up the posting history? Bc it is more than just this one thing Whitefang has gotten correct.
  23. Just take a moment, and look back through the posting history of Whitefang. I mean I could mention that both Khorne and Fyreslayers got endless 'spells'. But, that is really not the point. Just take a look back.
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