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Everything posted by Austin

  1. But with one HUGE difference- no fluff or unit descriptions or any of that. To me that is most of the point of buying the books in the first place.
  2. Hopefully someone asks them on Facebook about the digital version. I am REALLY hoping they don't do with AoS what they've done with 40k and stop selling digital game books.
  3. Dude if the flesh eaters models looked half this good……
  4. So here is my unpopular opinion, I really liked the Realmlords novel! I am usually pretty harsh on the bad AoS novels but for some reason I just enjoyed it. I have no excuses to offer!
  5. I’m sorry what? I need to know what this is all about.
  6. Only if that rumor about all Duardin being rolled into one book isn’t true…….
  7. Be honest, how much do you enjoy this torture?
  8. Yeah somehow I missed all these rumors.....I know this has been said 10000000000x on these forums but jeez new Cities kits would be so so cool. I also do really like the new Stormcast. And hobgoblins would be great. My poor poor wallet....
  9. I thought that SG had no associated mortarch but then I saw the cards have Mannfred on them. Any insights on that?
  10. One thing I am sad about is that Josh Reynolds will not have a hand in the new fluff. I was really enjoying his take on Stormcast and where they were going/what was happening to them. I do seriously hope that the darker side continues to be expanded on, ala Celestial Vindicators or Knights Excelsior.
  11. I am concerned that the movement of all Stormcast will go down without those diesel engine legs and especially calves.
  12. I do love elves. And I do think I am the center of the world. AND I do not realize how bad BR Teclis was in the context of the overall player base (scientifically determined I am sure). So looks like you hit the nail right on the head!
  13. If you think about it, we even have the black sheep.
  14. I thought the newest drama was that Cursed City was not making an appearance on shelves again? If that is true, then I doubt expansions are in the future.
  15. The vampires omnibus from Black Library is scheduled for a May release. Sort of makes me think May for SGL as well.
  16. At this point I am just enjoying the absurdity of the trolls. According to more than a few (all of whom should know better) members of this forum and the internet writ large, the LRL book has managed to single handedly suck the fun from their chosen hobby. The really interesting this is that it appears this forum is filled with lawbreakers who have been out in violation of the various global curfews and shutdowns, but only to visit their local game stores (open for in-person gaming somehow) where the eeeeeevil LRL players (again, lawbreakers) have been waiting at the tables to spread the gospel of NPE. This is the only way I see that so many people have the experience against LRL, because of course they are not just posting without actual evidence. That could never happen.
  17. I don't care how bad it is, I am just impressed you have three battle cows!
  18. I think the rules are fine. I don’t think the most competitive builds will change all that much to be honest, though it’s early to be certain. I just like we have options to make fun club lists with.
  19. Unfortunately not. The ribbons are the only connection points, and if you try to remove some it would require a pretty significant modeling putty commitment to make it look fine. The pictures are a bit not representative of how it looks in person. I haven’t painted it yet obviously but I think the ribbons and wind will not overwhelm the rest of the model. It is really a good sculpt.
  20. I assembled it completely, but I usually do with the exception of shields on cav models (for the most part). The model is very wide open for painting even assembled, which is probably what makes it so frosty to put together. You have a bunch of the wind and ribbon parts that you need to scope out before and find good places to apply pressure without bending other things. I think it will be much easier when I do the second one, but it is definitely a model that you have to think about a lot before and during the process.
  21. You know, of all the things that made the Dawnriders a test of willpower I don't recall that as being so bad. Maybe because I was blinded by the moldlines. So, probably yes?
  22. I just finished assembling Sevireth, and all I can say is- put on your big kid pants before that one.
  23. After reading it myself yesterday, let me tell you, not many.
  24. You are all a stand-up group of pointy-ears for not mentioning the double Loreseeker boxes I have. One day I will be vindicated. If there is one thing I can count on, it is GW realizing they can make more money and going that route haha.
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