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Everything posted by stato

  1. Ive used a unit of 10 with them in before. They are quite good but situational, which is what makes the other options better. Their best performances come from screening against light units where they do not get wiped out on a charge. As we know Arkanauts dont last, so you rely on losing some and keeping the special weapons. So they can be used well as outlier unit, forcing the enemy to send something after them, which needs to be powerful enough to wipe in one shot or get wiped back by pokey sky spears. Or you could use them as sacrificial advance units, rush 2 units forward to stall the enemy as they have to fight them, and hope you get to attack with the spears of one before they both get wiped out.
  2. Those Ruins sprues are actually shown on the listing (2 sprues, half the size of the bigger sprue), but it doesnt show the 2 different double level wall big sprues.
  3. I was quite surprised they didnt do an Ork vs Primaris box, I know SpeedFreaks was the Ork bit of the Vigilus campaign but a basic Ork box would have sold well alongside the Codex.
  4. That should have been their first response! Mistakes happen, but this should have been handled better than the response you got.
  5. I think they are allowed to make mistakes (under advertising law) as long as they rectify it, which it looks like they are as its now 'Temporarily out of stock' online. To rectify they would just need need to allow anyone with it to return them, probably with a bit more flexibility on if its used or not, as long as it is complete. Looks like a re-jig of the online listing is due, guess they will be sending out a bunch of replacement instructions or boxes too, or recalling current stock.
  6. You are posting a lot of sarcastic and bitter remarks about this forum, its rules, and people who post here.
  7. ... know for a fact ... You realise there have been rumours we've had on here from some people who know GW HQ staff, that have turned out entirely correct. Lots of what is posted is hearsay, and posted as such, not posted as 'fact'.
  8. I saw a video review of this and same issue was in his box as well (US reviewer). Looks like they got packed with the wrong sprue in the factory maybe?
  9. Had 2 fun games with my Kharadrons this weekend. List was... Brokk Grungsson (260)Aether-Khemist (160)- General- Trait: Opportunistic Privateers 30 x Arkanaut Company (360)10 x Arkanaut Company (120)10 x Arkanaut Company (120)6 x Endrinriggers (240)6 x Endrinriggers (240)3 x Skywardens (120) 3 x Skywardens (120)Arkanaut Frigate (240)Total: 1980 / 2000 1st Game against Skaven, Relocation Orb - hate this one. I had first turn, pushed forward hard, shot off 2 Warp lightening cannons, bunch of clanrats and half a unit of stormfiends. In return he charged me with clanrats and put the Stormfiends into my Frigate, which survived the turn, but was outnumbered on the Orb so he took 3 points. Turn 2, orb moves away from me into range of his 40 clanrats. He took the double turn (our mistake, we both rolled a one and thought it meant he went first not me, we were both quite drunk at this points). Clanrats swarm the objective and tie up all my shooting elsewhere (they can retreat and charge so tied up all my units with chaff), frigate dies to stormfiends. In return i killed some heros which meant no auto-pass for morale but even so only managed to take off 20 clanrats from his 40 so didnt steal the Orb. Turn 3, orb moves towards me but ive got no numbers near it to take it off him. I take the turn, kill some stuff, but not enough, he will regain the Orb and have unassailable lead so I call the game. I think if I had got 2nd turn (like I should) then it would have been different. First time using Brokk, need to work out how to integrate him into my tactics. 2nd Game against Aleven Dragonlords. Blood and Glory. He had 4x5 Dragonblade Knights, 3 dragons, 2 battallions, a Stormcast ballista. 1st turn. I went first and moved everything towards a Dragon and 10 Knights. The 6 Skywardens, boat, and Brokk killed Dragon, 5 knights and 2 from 2nd unit. Didnt even get to shoot my big unit of Arkanuats or charge with riggers, by far my best shooting with Wardens and Boat in a game ever! I also grapnelled in 6 riggers to the centre of his deployment and killed his ballista with a charge. In return he wiped out my entire right flank (which was the other 2x10 arkanauts) but had to leave a Dragon back to kill the riggers in his deployment zone. Charged the frigate with 3 remaining knights, not much damage as I did kill one with grudge bombs (another first for my frigate!) 2nd turn. I went first, took off his second dragon and a bunch of knights. I forgot about the Mhornar ability to fight once in my hero phase, which would have killed some knights tying up Brokk letting him move away and charge elsewhere. Failed a grapnel leaving riggers exposed. In return his dragon came in and killed Brokk, frigate and most of my 30 Arkanauts and the riggers got charged and slaughtered by his last 5 knights. 3rd turn. He got priority. Took out my khemist and 2 remaining Arkanauts to take the objective, his knights charged the remaining Skywardens and took off a few and i took out a few knights in response (i was having good luck with Skypikes this game too). But with that he had won a major and so the game ended. I think I missed some points out, but thats most of the key actions. We both had good and bad luck but it was an epic game, swinging wildly in both directions. I forgot a few things which would have helped but had some good luck in others. There was a good amount of LoS blocking scenery which stopped me maximising my 30 unit of skyhooks but it also meant his dragons and knights had to position carefully to either get cover or be in range to actually position there base to complete charges. Smaller units of riggers are good i think, they can be used tactically to take out key heros or units (ballista) and leave a threat the enemy has to go after, this can leave them out of position. This is also why i run Wardens in units of 3, they will never by buffed by a Khemist so having them scatter and present multiple targets to be dealt with is quite good. If anyone has any good tips for Brokk id love to hear them.
  10. What is with peoples obsession for everything to be ‘completed’ ??? It’s perfectly fine to have StD as a faction, alongside numerous others, just like it’s fine to have lots of small factions of elves. They will get to them eventually. That was the point of AoS, to shake everything up and allow infinite scope for expansion in the future. Half of you seem to want it all finished now and everything tied up nicely with a bow on top. Yes that might leave factions CURRENTLY with not great options or rules, but even new factions are in that situation.
  11. The problem I have with Thryng is most units im scared of Fly, and if they fly then Ziflin gives that bonus plus it gives a mortal wound save (6+) to vessels, which given you have 4 suddenly becomes worthwhile. Ziflin also gives you reliable run rolls for the boats, an artefact to deepstirke, and a free move with a boat. Combine all that with the general Fleetmaster ability means you can probably out-deploy or out-maneuver your opponent in the first turns.
  12. I don’t think they will go down the line of making models for loads of characters, just major ones. The purpose of AoS over Fantasy was to allow the timeline to advance. Having lots and lots of models for named characters (especially mortal ones) might start to drag at the opportunities AoS has.
  13. The purpose? To not ****** off GW, who Ben is friends with and who provide support to his business ventures (Blood and Glory tournament for example). And as the ticker at the top of the forum shows, upto now this place has been fully funded by Ben and thus only exists because he has been able to afford to pump thousands of pounds over the years to keep it running.
  14. What was the scenario? Some are hard than others.
  15. I dont think they stream the Seminars? Some news might pop up from attendees on twitter during or right after, but community website probably wont have details put up until a while after (10/11pm) or Saturday based on previous seminar reveals.
  16. There was an 'article' on Spikeybits in May which showed the scenery bundles and prices, but given the munitorum set contents appears to be 2x Killzone Munitorum but price is rumoured at £125 (rather than 2x£50) its validity has to be questioned until it can be confirmed.
  17. Ironjawz Thunderfist (the battleforce) is not available, GW do have a £104 army on the site, but its a start collecting and other units in a bundle at full retail prices. Everyone is ignoring the Bonesplitters option? Might not be a popular choice, but that would be a good reason for GW to put it out (sales of low selling kits).
  18. Wonder if they have put them back for release next year as they were already planning the desolated township box for xmas release. Or that could just be reading too much into it and its just not here yet because the scenery/paint/stuff department has a lot on.
  19. Valid point. What are we thinking then? Id be happy but surprised to see Sacrosanct and Nighthaunt in the year they came out and are still in the starter box. Idoneth Nurgle (highly likely, already had Khorne and Tzeentch previously) Stormcast (possibly Paladins and Dracoths, as per the Sigmars Vengance box?) Death (Legions of Nagash again?) Bonesplitters (as weve had Ironjawz and Beastclaw previously)
  20. How else were Orks gonna grow mohawks, obvious really ?
  21. If you could nudge the widget a little so it doesnt have an entire column of its own on the home page too that would be good, its making its all a bit squished. Looking forward to future developments.
  22. Scuttlings warscroll is still on the GW website archive (find via google) but dont think they ever had points for matched play, so youd have to use them as normal grots, which come in 20 model units, so run 2x20 or one 40 model unit.
  23. Hey, have a look at the free cities thread, some good ideas in there.
  24. The drillcannon was changed to 24" range but only D3 damage. Given its a 4+ to hit with both id choose the cannon for the 2+ rather than 3+ to wound of the drill, they seem to hit so infrequently i just want better chance to wound over the bonuses the drill gives.
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