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Everything posted by Grailstorm

  1. Awesome to see so much activity here! There was some chat about Pegasus Knights a while back. Obviously they are way overcosted, but they do have two things going for them: they can keep up with the king, and they are one of the best units in the game for grabbing objectives. Obviously a King-led Bretonnian army plays around the charge, because we want that +1 to hit with as many things as possible. Pegasus knights can be great for actually managing to get a charge off on the exploding turn. They can fly with the king, shielding him from unwanted charges, and be ready for the big turn. 3 Pegasus Knights can do 10 damage on average charging with a +2 from the King. Bump that up to 20 damage on average with 6 Pegasus Knights. Coupled with their maneuverability, for that one big charge, they’re not completely horrible.
  2. Any army that can make you strike last and generate extra attacks on 6s for free is inherently competitive assuming balanced points, because these are two of the most brilliant abilities in the game. Khorne players have to spend 8 tithe points to get the attacking ability. The summoning is the icing on the cake. I’m sure lots of people would jump ship. But equally, if I was creating an army from scratch and I could choose any allegiance rules from any Battletome, those two Slaanesh ones would be right up there.
  3. Well the points have only just updated so that’s natural. Recently there’s been Northern Invasion, where there were plenty of Sequitors too and that used the new points. But it makes no difference, they’re still cheap for what they are – and in many ways the points increase is inconsequential, because the Arcanum got reduced anyway. Anything that can fight first and fight twice will be better, but that’s a ridiculous mechanic and a whole other conversation 😃
  4. 130 points for 10 wounds, multiple damage 2 attacks, 4+ save and complete re-rolls to hit or save is not expensive in the slightest. With re-rolls to hit, five sequitors do more damage than a Wrath of Khorne Bloodthirster on average. With re-rolls to save, they’re one of the tankiest units in the entire game. As battleline. What more could you want? They would get taken by any army in the game. I’m not talking about Gav – I didn’t mention him at all. This is purely about the effectiveness of Sequitors. They are incredible, in a Stormcast army or as allies in any other army, because they have great stats and innate abilities that work with or without the Stormcast allegiance. In terms of them not being used in tournaments, that’s just not true. The top two Stormcast lists at LVO 2019 had them. There were four Stormcast players in the top 20 at CanCon 2019, including a 5th place, which used Sequitors. In fact 3/4 of these armies used them. The most recent lists I looked at are for the ETC, and they’re being taken there too. The lack of Stormcast armies in the top 10 of tournaments recently has no bearing on the effectiveness of Sequitors as a battleline unit. It is a sign of the advancing game and overpowered new abilities that have emerged since the new year.
  5. They are taken in almost every single competitive Stormcast list for a reason. If your 10 sequitors are getting ground down by 20 clanrats, you’re very unlucky.
  6. I don’t know whether you’re just arguing for the sake of it or not, but probably best to go to PMs rather than derail the topic if you’re interested in this. I love comparing models and will happily chat Keeper damage vs other units (and how it beats most things in the game) – but I made this topic to discuss Slaanesh summoning.
  7. Nothing in the game is as durable as the tank Verminlord, unless it’s a GuO or buffed up Stardrake. As for damage output, the Keeper is far and away better than most things in the game not called a Ghoul King – even before he attacks twice.
  8. There is no situation in the game where sequitors are weak. They’re easily one of the best units in the whole game, regardless of faction.
  9. I find that the Prime is always worth it. From turn 3 onwards he can one-shot most things in the game. His ability to grab objectives is fantastic. From turn one he can be a brilliant mortal wound platform. It’s the versatility that makes him. He will have a job to play in any game you play, and regardless of how your opponent sets up or what they have, the Prime can do something to counter.
  10. I would argue that anything that provides an unfair advantage is inherently broken, and there is no argument against Slaanesh summoning being unfair in my opinion. The comparison between Slaanesh summoning and all the other forms of summoning is important regardless of different mechanics. Fundamentally they are all the same: you earn currency and exchange it for models. Where Slaanesh becomes unfair is that they have such easy access to their currency, get it so quickly, and don’t get punished for bad play. Two of my regular opponents are Slaanesh and Khorne and it’s hilarious how obscene the difference in summoning speed is. Slaanesh can get two Keepers before Khorne gets one Thirster.
  11. I’ve re-read the FAQ, and it looks like you can play them as Everchosen allegiance. The battalions are Everchosen battalions, so as per the FAQ can be taken in an Everchosen army as allies but without using the ally point pool, as you mention. But they’re still completely legal to take. You just cant give any of the heroes an item, as they’re allies. If you take them in a Chaos army, then they are not allies at all and can be given items as normal.
  12. The difference in the two mechanics only highlights the power of Slaanesh summoning, and the power of their allegiance abilities. The fact that blood tithe is better spent on boons is irrelevant.
  13. I think they just need to make you lose all points when you spend any, like Khorne.
  14. Am I missing something obvious with these? How do you get them in a game? Or are the majority of them illegal in matched play? Unless, when it outlines the necessary “mortal hero” and “mortal units”, you can only really use Archaon and Varanguard in the battalions? It’s just the pictures show multiple non-Everchosen units.
  15. It’s just infuriating turning up to a 2,000 point battle and facing 2,500-3,000 points...
  16. What has your experience of Slaanesh summoning been like? In my games, it is far too good. There are no other armies in the game that can get so much so quickly. I don’t think I’ve ever played a game with less than one extra Keeper and at least another unit or hero. That’s at least 500 points of additional free units in every single game. It’s also automatic. You have to kill the heroes, and in doing so you allow them to summon more. There is no downside whatsoever and no punishment for just kamikaze charging Keepers in, like there is with other monsters.
  17. I agree. It’s similar to Ironjawz too, and I think it’s common that people allow that to trump.
  18. Does the Quicksilver Potion trump the Slaanesh ability that makes you attack last? I’m aware that if you strike first, but are made to strike last, the effects cancel each other out. However the Quicksilver potion is unique in that it doesn’t say you strike first. It says you fight immediately. With this in mind, if you get charged by a Keeper and are made to fight last, can you override this and strike before the Keeper?
  19. Is there a WhatsApp chat for Nighthaunt?
  20. I thought when it was normal text like this it referred to Warscroll name, while when it is bold it refers to Keyword? As in, Knight of Shrouds has its own Warscroll and this is what the Batallion uses. Meanwhile, in the Stormcast book, you have a Batallion that mentions Paladins in bold, which means any of the Paladin units...
  21. Can you take a mounted knight of shrouds in Shroudguard? I believe not, but see a lot of lists doing so.
  22. Anyone had much experience with the Mourngul? Have you found it worth the points since the nerf? How does it compare to the Coach?
  23. It’s in the FAQs that allies can’t have any Artefacts.
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