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Everything posted by Souleater

  1. Did anyone get more pictures of the vampires, please?
  2. I don’t play either army but I would love to see some Ogor or Chaos Dwarf stuff. Actual Chaos Dwarfs, mind. No yet more hangers on. Nightmare scenario- CD turn out to have been Malerion’s lads all along…
  3. I love the vampire. I’m very lukewarm on a lot of the newer vampire sculpts but she’s excellent.
  4. My only complaint is that I would have preferred a fully enclosed helm. But I really like the model otherwise.
  5. I really like the young Orc fella. I have a box of Brutes in the spare room…🤔
  6. Sadly, having seen that last Kruleboyz ‘hunters’ warband or whatever it was, my gut feeling is that the writing is on the wall for Bonesplitters. My guess is that GW will expand the IJ and KB ranges…maybe to the point that they can justify breaking them out into two two Battletomes…and legend or simply remove Bonesplitters.😢 I don’t begrudge the IJ and KB getting more kits, but I adore the BS models. Really would like to see GW do something cool with them.
  7. I am obviously biased as a Bonesplitters player, but an old Savage Orruk with a modern paint job looks way better than the scrawny LotR escapee on the right.
  8. Kruel Boyz monster killas? Have they just written of Bonesplitters at this point? 🙁
  9. That’s the best monster Citadel have ever produced. 😳
  10. While many races were indeed wiped out during the great crusade, many more remain. ””Countless alien species teem through the darkness between the stars. They ravage Humanity’s far-flung domains even as they feed their rapacious appetites , or expand the boundaries of their own Xenos empires.” The lore in the current rulebook says that Orks could still overrun the Galaxy if united, for example. Tyranids, Tau and Necron are are labelled as “…dire threats to the Imperium of Man.” (quotes from 40K Core rulebook) I will shut up about 40K now. Still looking forward to my Warcry box! Go noble warriors!
  11. See, you’re thinking in Space Marine terms. Cool idea for a model…shall we do FEC Pegasus Knights…nah…let’s make Stormcast bigger! 😜
  12. Xenos didn’t even get a Christmas Battleforce last year. They made a big thing about there being more Battleforces…then only did Imperial vs Chaos. 😕 Stormcast already feel bloated compared to my other armies. They are a great starting army for many of the same reasons as Marines, but I really hope GW put more resources into stuff like Destruction and revamping old armies (Skaven, Ogors, Chorfs) before adding to SCE.
  13. The new Warcry set is a must have for me! I haven’t played Warcry at all, but I adore both of those new warbands.
  14. Copied over my question from one of the FB groups. Do folks have any good ‘general rules’ for where they put out their Gravesites on the table? Two have to be in our own territory- so there’s an argument for putting A next to a friendly objective. Near enough to boost friendly healing, far enough that opponents don’t simply block it by racking the objective(s) Gravesite B - I guess would be the same if there is another friendly objective, but maybe closer to an objective in no-man’s land, if not. Marker C is midfield but offset from the centre of the board. Gravesite D sits in the enemy deployment zone. Again, offset from C so as to give a wider spread of locations where we can pop up. Obviously the difference in mission deployments would affect these. Are Gravesites useful for their healing boost at the risk of them being blocked? And realistically, given how large an area they cover, how often does that prove a problem for you? I’d be really interested to hear how folks use Gravesites against other armies! Thank you.
  15. Hey, it wasn’t my idea to connect Sylvaneth to the Natural Cylce of life and death and thus Order. 😜 I’m just pointing out that the wild unkempt wilderness is always out there waiting to sweep away as many traces of humanity as it can.
  16. Yes, but that system is constantly trying to reclaim our towns, cities and fields. See also earthquakes and hurricanes. We know about the laws that govern those but their effect on e.g. a Chaos fortress city certainly fits destruction.
  17. I really like the new sculpts in the upcoming Warcry box. They look like an improvement on the models from the Underworlds warband. I’m perhaps being overly optimistic but I’m hoping that means they have been iterating the design ahead of a range refresh. I’m on the fence about grabbing a couple of SC FEC boxes now while I can get them for ~£45 or so if they’re going to do some fantastic new ZD/TG kit.
  18. With the new FEC sculpts shown for the upcoming Warcry set the likelihood of a range refresh seems a bit more realistic. Do folks think we might see a resculpt of the Zombie Dragon kit for FEC/SBGL?
  19. I’d still like to see Kurnothi as a Destruction faction - keying off the destruction of big city-based civilisations and forcing things back to a more natural state. (Add to my ongoing ‘at least but Aelves into different Grand Alliances’ lecture.)
  20. Are there any hints as to when the FEC vs SCE Warcry might be released, please?
  21. Gods in the real world often had more than one thing they were interested in. For as long as I can remember, Warhammer’s Nurgle has embodied two slightly contradictory things - statis where things don’t change and decay which is a process of changing. Cleaving to Nurgle out of despair to be saved from famine or disease isn’t uncommon in the background.
  22. Oh, and excuse my fruity language but yet another Fyreslayers hero when my Bonesplitters heroes are still finecast is damned vexing! 🙁
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