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Everything posted by PlasticCraic

  1. The A-Rok had access to all of them already, except the spell lore: -1 to hit from the Gryph Feather charm (which also increase its stingy movement, i.e. the new artefact is strictly worse than what was already available) Venom on a 5+ from the Boss Command Ability (used to be able to get it down to a 2+ under GH16!), which does not degrade Spell is already on the warscroll, and is already a 2 spell caster The only thing that's new there is the spell lore. Currently you cast his own spell, then either an endless spell or mystic shield. Given that you currently never really see them at competitive events, and the only thing that's new in that list is the access to a spell lore, I don't think a hike is inevitable or even required. Access to a spell lore will hopefully lift them from awesome 280 point model that you never see at events, to awesome 280 point model that is competitively viable.
  2. I don't think it's splitting hairs. It's a different spell with a different name, a different casting value and a different effect. You could never cast both anyway because they rely on different Allegiances, but it is in no way a duplicate.
  3. Yeah I've got a few kicking around, I was delighted when they got rolled in. I've got 1x A-Rok, 1 Boss and 10x Riders. So a detachment rather than an army...currently. My biggest question is what the Allegiance Ability means for the Command Ability. The new AA does the same as the current CA. Maybe the new CA will be +1 to Hit (since the Community Article talks about a 5+ and 6+, not "unmodified")? Getting it proccing on 4+ (before debuffs). The other way I'm hoping they might go is an Battleshock Immunity aura. Losing those expensive models with their terrible bravery is crippling.
  4. That's what I'm planning on doing with mine. I'm not that sad about it...There was a bit of redundancy between the various near-identical Troggoth warscrolls, and they are the least interesting models of the current Troggoths. The "holding a boulder" pose is a common thread across the Dankhold and Rockguts, which feels like a good way of legitimising the Sourbreath models as a different type of Troggoth. Dankholds look a lot bigger, so I'm taking it as an opportunity to do a decent scenic 50mm base and use them as Rockguts. Fill out the extra space with mushrooms, rocks etc. I think it'll work fine and give you the chance to keep using your old models in that way.
  5. Yeah, nice! Makes sense. Man I'm just so stoked that this book updates and brings together a lot of my general Destruction collection. I've got Fellwaters, Spiderfang amd Gargants sitting around currently, having them with updated rules, Batallions and keywords is just so exciting!
  6. Don't think that was me mate, although it does ring a bell. I seem to recall a diagram with big circles and little circles! I guess that the gist of it was using the Troggoths' 2" melee range to hit back over the top of the Grots for "free" if you get charged. This particular example with the Troggoths might have got a bit more technical, but if it did I can't remember it in that level of detail unfortunately.
  7. Excellent write-up @Malakree, thank you!
  8. You're being a bit harsh on yourself there bud, 3/5 is a very strong showing with Ironjawz currently. Bearing in mind that the top Ironjawz list at Blood and Glory went 2/5 (And that 7 of the 8 went 1/5) it's a good achievement to win the majority of your matches, especially so when the list is so unusual and exciting. A List Rundown is the ideal place for theory crafting, in the sense that it's a platform to explain the tech and your ideas behind it... But given that you have tested it competitively with some success, I think it's more than earned its stripes. Up to you of course, that hoes without saying, but I know myself and a lot of others would enjoy it and get a lot out of it. Go on, it's Christmas 😁
  9. Hey @Malakree you put a list up on here the other day that looked like a heap of fun, and you'd been doing well with it competitively too. Double Maw Krusha and a Weirdfist. Have you done a Rundown on THWG, and if not, could I tempt you into it? It's the most exciting Ironjawz list I've seen in a long time.
  10. Has anyone tried running an Objectives deck for these guys? How did it go?
  11. Would you buy the Slaanesh one if they did it? If they ever put an Orc onto the back of something similarly redonkulous, I'll be onto it like a shot!
  12. Two excellent articles on Zarbag's Gits (written before and after the ban list) which you might enjoy reading: https://steelcityunderworlds.com/2018/10/28/zarbags-gitz-mushroom-madness/ https://steelcityunderworlds.com/2018/12/02/zarbags-gitz-2-fungal-familiarity/ A couple of things that throws up: - I still get confused about Moving / Charging / Has Charged / Has a Move Token etc. What is the implication for Tome of Glories: is it that Fighter who is taking the Action? And if so, do they need to be Activated to do that, and therefore do you have to wait until you have removed the Charge token between rounds? - The Stormcast AOE bombs are terrifying on paper, has anyone taken on a Warband using that tech and how did it go?
  13. The problem is that he already has 400 points of Allies (Ogors), so he would need to go GA Destro (hence splitting the Ogors into 3x Battleline).
  14. Yeah how cool is that! Good on him. I noticed he used 2x3 Ironguts too (like you do). And only 1 Butcher. Whereas I run multiple Butchers, a big unit of Ironguts, and moan when I don't get the +1 to hit. That's why he's the champ! He has written an excellent write up on the Honest Wargamer, and I would encourage everyone to check it out: https://thehonestwargamer.com/aos-list-rundowns/gutbusters-bustin-guts/
  15. Another one I've been really enjoying is deploying the Fanatic on a board edge, then waiting for Hidden Pathways to torpedo him straight into the enemy.
  16. Generally the Maniaks are better, even at the points. A unit of 10 Maniaks is a really solid Battleline choice. You can buff it up and fling it forward, clearing off their chaff screens and generally causing havoc, while you develop the board and move into position. I occasionally find use for basic Boarboys as the cheapest Battleline, but quite rarely. You could always magnetize? It's pretty easy with these guys.
  17. You guys are both right, my mistake. You do need Fateseeker to put him on a better save. I think it's probably fair to say that MSU Ironguts are a smarter option overall, but multiple Tyrants is fun and has enough utility that it's not strictly worse. I've got 5 spare Brutes gathering dust, I'm totally gonna do a head swap and run a 6 Tyrants list! Maybe run them all with Gutgougers and hope for a couple of Brawlerguts
  18. Spoilsport 😝 A couple of counterpoints: - You have a window of 4 wounds+ where you have lost an Irongut, but you haven't lost any output from the Tyrant until he is in his grave - He has a better save so it will take 16 damage to kill him on average, i.e. the same as the Ironguts - This gets even better with the 3+ save Big Name (or even the extra wound) - The extra speed Big Name can give you something you don't have too - You cannot lose him to Battleshock (rare as it is on MSU Ironguts) - Access to rend -2 is rare and precious. Against armies like Sylvaneth and Seraphon it can be priceless - He is 20 points cheaper So although you are right, and Ironguts is probably the smart choice, I don't think you can go as far as saying they are strictly better. But yes they are probably taken more often for a reason!
  19. Wowzer! I did not know this! Great catch.
  20. That's awesome! Yeah I know what you mean about the gun, I'm not sure the model needs it? What a good idea though. And like you said, the wide stance really adds stature. Very cool.
  21. Yeah I agree, it is mainly just a fun conversation but some of the armies (including James's here) don't look half bad! As James says, all those Big Names! And even the shooting, with 5 Tyrants you're up to 10 attacks with the Pistols, all with rend and D3 damage each. At that point it's going beyond a bit of lucky chip damage to something more reliable. The "Gutbusters AOS" FB group is awesome by the way, for anyone on this thread who is not involved I suggest you join
  22. One Objective I like with these guys is Extreme Flank, it's ridiculously easy to score. Because they don't have to "Scurry" the same direction, you can have two guys next to each other in the middle of the board (maybe pinging off Volley Caller together), and they both zoom off to opposite flanks in a single Activation
  23. Yeah you can build 2 bases, which uses up 4 Boys of models. The other thing I've seen people do is convert them, usually with a Brute holding the spear on the cav base sideways. If you have spare Brutes lying around, and don't want to break up the sets of 20 Boys by using some as Big Stabbas.
  24. Excellent write up @James S, I love it! Very entertaining and you also make some great points. I totally agree that the humble Grot is massively important to the army. And those little memory joggers are spot on, there's been so many times when I've forgotten to make an extra guy run away with the banner, or to lay a trap with the Grots! I agree with what you're saying about late game too, I've had those games where it's close until it isn't. Getting stuck in a grind, and you're OK until they put 300 points of free stuff on the table. One thing that occured to me reading it was that in a niche case, you might even Bully your own Tyrant, if you absolutely must one-shot something. To trigger the second additional attack from Might is Right. Obviously not one you'll do regularly, but worth having up your sleeve for that once-a-year moment!
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