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Everything posted by PlasticCraic

  1. Bit of a bargain ain't it! Even if only for the Heroes, both of which I could see myself using. Shammy to hold the Mommet, Boss for his AOE Command Ability.
  2. Ah I see what you mean. Apologies to all concerned for mansplaining the difference between a Giant Squig and a Colossal Squig then...as you were!
  3. Thanks @Malakree ! Yeah I agree, over the course of the year it should hopefully win you a game or two.
  4. So just to clarify - the FW one is a Colossal Squig. Totally different beast and doesn't come with a rider option. Way, way bigger. Standalone monster. The one in the Battletome is the old Finecast model, available Webstore Exclusive from GW. Still comes on a square base. I don't actually own one, but they aren't that much bigger than one of the new plastic squigs (certainly a lot closer in size to them than they are to a Colossal): https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Grot-Warboss-on-Great-Cave-Squig
  5. @Mikeymajq surprisingly, the Dankhold doesn't have the Monster keyword. Manglers are kickass. I'd still consider the Colossal a better standalone Kamikaze unit thought (Mangler benefits a lot from the Commant Trait, and the Command Ability is better when there are multiple Squig units in range to benefit). So as good as it is, I think it needs the Allegiance to be optimised. You could take the basic Mangler with no character, but with the free summoning the Colossal works out slightly cheaper in points. So I'd still be looking at the Colossal for a missile, or the Gargant if you just want a cheap Monster who will die quickly.
  6. I actually discussed Zarbag as part of a YouTube review we did on the book I think he has a role to play in forcing through a clutch early cast (usually Hand of Gork for my current builds), before you have the Bad Moon to help. That +2 to cast is potentially really important. The Gits are now largely a tax which makes the whole package very expensive at 160 points (a lone fanatic could conceivably charge block previously, but now can't be expected to do much on his own). However there is one idea I had for the Fanatic. If the Gits are holding an objective and you get charged by a single ass-kicking monster of doom, you can pop the Fanatic out the back (3" deploy range now). So using the Grots to shield the Fanatic, rather than vice versa. Your opponent will mince the Grots, but be unable to reach the Fanatic, so at the end of the Turn you have 1 model each in range - meaning he can't steal the objective and it remains under your control by default. Obviously this won't happen very often, but it's worth having up your sleeve for that one occasion! TLDR: they are expensive for what they are, but worth consideration still imo.
  7. That's Yep, that's a very cool model! I'm not a good enough modeller (cerainly not with Resin), but a better person than me could probably do a nice themed Bonegrinder. Some Mushrooms from the Shrine, possibly a head swap with the spare Dankhold head (if it's big enough), and maybe even make his weapon into a gigantic Mushroom? But yeah, the Troggoth Hag really belongs in the army, if you are going Troggoth theme. I think the Batallion is a wasted opportunity in some ways - it's very expensive for a minor benefit, presumably because it can be 1-drop. However that's deceiving - if you go 1 drop, you can only fit in 1 Hero, so you are paying for an extra Artefact you cannot possibly use (or alternatively, you are paying to be 1-drop when you cannot possibly be so). I think we'll see a hefty points drop for the Batallion in GH19, but what I'd actually prefer is to see a keyword bold option (making it a true 1-drop batallion). "Any other Gloomspite Troggoth units." I don't think that's unreasonable given the absence of Skyports and Prayers.
  8. From some size comparison photos I've seen, the Rockguts are bigger than I was expecting, and the Dankholds are smaller. If you really want something massive in there, how about a Bonegrinder Gargant? He is MASSIVE, and has the Gloomspite keyword.
  9. Personally I like the first one better, but they both look fun and strong to me.
  10. @Skabnoze yep, standard Tournament practice in my experience has been for the unit to be secret. I'd be very surprised if TOs moved away from that, given the whole "Record this information on a piece of paper" line which strongly implies it is a secret up until they are revealed. I can't see it being a problem in practice.
  11. I normally have my Squig Herder and Squigs up on the frontline. If you get charged, you at least have double support to make the save, and multiple opportunities to hit back. Swapping a model isn't generally a bad deal for the Gitz against Aggro Warbands. I also use a couple of my Restricted slots for extra damage knock-back cards, increasing the chances of taking down one of their units in a swap.
  12. Haha yeah I wasn't putting in 3x Orruks or 3x Grots for the Lulz! It's Destro only I'm afraid. You are right about the Rockguts being the Gordrakk + Batallion pick though. Also...he's 580 not 540 points 😝
  13. Just to add to the Trogboss fun, you could take the Batallion with Gordrakk. Giving all units in the Batallion 2 extra attacks with each melee weapon...of which the Crushing Grip is one. So 3 grabs, rerolling all of them if you choose that Command Trait. The downside of course being that Gordrakk cannot be an Ally, and therefore you need Mixed Destruction allegiance. Double Dankhold build (6x Grips): Gargant build (Triple Grip, Triple Eadbutt)* Could be a fun thing to try sometime.
  14. There's a free cookie on offer for anyone who stuffs Small Morathi down their pants!
  15. Yeah for sure, that would be allowable. There are aggro applications too, like repositioning himself to get a good vector on an Endless Spell such as the Pendulum with his second cast. Or better still - resposition an A-Rok to do that, then charge in and kick their ass!
  16. You can only reposition if you are not in Combat: Hand of Gork requires you to be redeployed if you are more than 3" from any enemy units.
  17. It's the other way around mate, the 6" pile in (Big Batallion) depends on being under the light of the Moon. The reroll movement (smaller Batallion) just happens. That being said I still agree that people are sleeping on how big a deal Skraggrot could be for a Squig army, because the pile in from out of combat thing is massive.
  18. Minor point, but worth noting...if you ally Moonclan into Bonesplitterz, you can benefit from their Kunnin Beast Spirits spell because that doesn't specify Bonesplitterz. You can create a nice slippery Allied unit between that, the netters, Geminids etc. Agreed that I can't see much use for Allies coming into the army though. Like you said, maybe Gitmob's superior shooting...I love 60 Gitmob Archers, but then you're losing the opportunity to recycle them or use Hand of Gork. I have seen it pointed out that Gitmob Archers / Chukkas will also stand to benefit from the minuses to save we can put out, which helps make them even more effective. I'm still not sure I'd go there, but it's probably the main thing I would consider currently.
  19. Yep, I think that's a well put answer and sums it up nicely! I guess there is also the Spider wizard on foot. I didn't see much use fot him at first glance, but he's actually a really nice inclusion in the book. Gives you cheap access to the (amazing) Spiderfang spell lore, benefits from the A-Rok magic bubble and is a good use for kits where you make a flinga / deep striker. I reckon we'll see a few of them kicking around in Spiderfang armies. Totally agree on the flexibility in this book, you could be writing and playing armies for years to come. It's amazing.
  20. Think our messages overlapped there! I was talking about the Batallion with the 6" pile in rather than the run + charge, like I said above I've made extensive use of that ability with other units and it's incredibly powerful. And again, you're not actually paying much of a premium for that Moon manipulation over double Fungoids...especially when you're also getting the +1 to magic too. Well worth 40 points I think. The larger tax is missing out on a Command Trait in my opinion, which is a real concern. If people are convinced by your arguments however, one of my Fungoids is new on sprue and I'll be more than happy to part with it! The other is painted to a high standard, and I'll be keeping him for the memories...I don't think he'll be seeing much time on the Battlefield in future unfortunately. @novakai oops, my mistake!
  21. I'm not trying to take a dump on your answer by the way @Ekrund Oath Splitters, what you have said would be helpful to someone who really didn't want to take the new guy. I think the main reason I might not take him would be the Named Character as General thing - i.e. you miss out on a Commant Trait which would be helpful for a Summoning build (rolling twice in Hero phase to recycle models) or an Aggro Mangler with the phase out of combat. But I do think the Warscroll for the Fungoid is significantly worse overall than his old one for the reasons above (also his rerollable Unbind is gone which was an underrated ability). And in most circumstances I would find myself taking Skragrott over him.
  22. Yeah it's still really powerful because everything gets to swing first. But more than that, it means you can run and / or retreat and still pile in, because you don't need to complete a charge to get into combat. So you can't be pinned down, get an extra D6" of "free" movement, and get to swing first in every engagement. It's amazing.
  23. I should mention that the Fungoid also lost a wound (went from 5 wounds down to 4). Between that and losing the native -1 to hit I believe he is less survivable even with the better shrug. Personally I would take Skragrott in a Squig build too - he benefits them massively. Run and charge is excellent with their dicey movement, but even moreso I like him in the Batallion with its 6" pile in. That is Bad Moon dependent (hence his CA is clutch for that build), and having used it a lot with Yhetees and Bonegrinders I can tell you it's dynamite. Also FWIW the Fungoid's old CA was superb if you harnessed it correctly, after using it on an unbogdownable Maw Krusha to multicharge per turn it is hard to go back https://thehonestwargamer.com/aos-list-rundowns/triple-bang-the-monster-mash-they-never-saw-coming/
  24. I think they're almost completely obsolete unfortunately. 2x Fungoids at 180 points is the comparison to 1x Skragrott at 220 Skragrott has 2x casts and 2x unbinds: BUT they are all at +1 native, whereas the Fungoid has lost his rerolls. Skragrott has the amazing once per game CA. Skragrott will do some chip damage output too (remember the Mortal wounds keep leaking out). They both generate equal numbers of CPs on average. They both have a 4+ shrug. Double Fungoid has a couple more wounds but has lost his native -1 to hit. The 40 points buys you so much more, I really don't see how the Fungoid has a role. Skragrott is just a better CP generator with much more besides. Honestly, the warscroll for the Fungoid has been completely eviscerated. I own a couple and it's hard not to feel like I've had my pocket picked.
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