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Everything posted by PlasticCraic

  1. Yep, those 6" pile in rules are amazing. Skragrott essential though to have a chance of it ever working!
  2. Doom and Darkness did a good video on Troggoths, with a detailed breakdown of why rates some units more highly than others (FWIW he is doing a Troggoth army himself):
  3. @Backbreaker they get a lot of benefit from charging you. So if you charge them instead, and just tie them up with something expendable, you're significantly reducing their output. Hypersnare Seeds can help too.
  4. Yeah I'm assuming Endless Spells and Terrain + new book. I'd take it tbh. We need varied units more than more Heroes, but we need updated rules more than either I think.
  5. Yeah it's a really good army for the event imo. There's quite a few fun choices in there and it all comes together to be an effective army I think. Are Realm artefacts in play? If so the Gryph Feather Charm is strictly better than the Clammy Cowl. But generally you have a nice spread of units, some really big hitters, ways to keep the key units alive and some stuff that will die quickly so your opponent feels engaged!
  6. Yeah I wouldn't worry about the extra CP. Between Skragrott, the Fungoid and the Moon, you will be getting plenty. And you can keep your Stabbas near the the Shrine turn 1 for Battleshock protection, especially with Hand of Gork in play. I'd take Geminids personally.
  7. Anybody looking at Gloomspite allies for the Splitters?
  8. Nice! I love that Tyrant Spam has become a thing What did you roll up on the Big Names?
  9. I don't think "In combat" is actually a thing in the rules though? It's just something we talk about as players. The rules (Page 5) refer to a unit being "eligible to fight if it is within 3" of an enemy unit, or if it made a charge move in the same turn". Not that they are "in combat". So if they are not within 3" (or don't have a special rule that supercedes that), they are not eligible to be selected. The Batallion rules gives a special exception to the Mangler, but it wouldn't affect your opponent's unit in any way.
  10. Yeah it's an interesting one...my logic was to cast the Cauldron while she is still on the backboard, out of unbind range. But what you are saying is true too, if they have no good unbinders / you can teleport into the Moon or Arcane to help force it through / you really want to use her melee output so you need the shorter charge / there is a juicy target in behind that you want to vomit all over which you can reach when measuring from the Cauldron. So I guess that part of the sequence is situational - sometimes it will be more optimal to do it in one order, sometimes in another order
  11. It's a good suggestion @gnaleinad, I think any magic-focussed Gloomspite army needs some kind of anti-magic tools in there to compete when you come up against the armies you've mentioed. And we have some good ones!
  12. Well that's where I need your help The core elements are 710 points, which gives you quite a bit of room to play with.: - Skragrott is always good to have some control over the Bad Moon - Turn 1 he is casting Cogs (for the Hag to manipulate) and the Hand to teleport her, both at +1 from the backboard out of unbind range - I'd also like to include the Mushroom so you have flexibility with the Hag (Warscroll spell to vomit on elite units with -3 rend, Mushroom for crowd control) I guess the principle you're going for is that you are flinging forward a problem for the enemy to deal with, which can both damage them and stymie your plans, while you move your army into place. I'm thinking maybe this would combo well with some kind of Stabba deathstar? Maybe a foot slogging one accompanied by Snufflers, so you are running everything forward for a turn or two. Using your Hand of Gorks to put Snufflers in position if needed. The other option would be to put in a Spiderfang contingent and go for a full magical supremacy list, possibly including a commando Webspinner with Ear Skuttla to further debuff their best Wizard (making your Hag's buffed unbinds more powerful)? The problem there being the delivery mechanism...he is on a small base, but of course you can only Hand one unit per turn. So it would be Turn 2 at the earliest before you can pull that one off. You'd also need to squeeze in a Batallion if you wanted Ear Skuttla. What do you think? How would you complement it?
  13. I do want to write a Hag Star list for Gloomspite with the following attributes: - Someone casts Cogs, she slows it down - She casts Arachnacauldron - She heals back up - Someone Hand of Gorks her straight into range of her Vomit and her Warscroll spell (or an Endless spell if it's situationally better) - Hopefully get her into the Moon quadrant and / or near Arcane with the Hand too - Give her Etheral Amulet and she is rerolling all saves, ignoring all rend and healing up D6 per turn - She is up in their grill, casting and unbinding multiple spells* with bonuses to everything, damaging their wizards with her unbinds and vomitting all over them - Tell your opponent to have fun dealing with that *You could also take the artefact that gives an extra unbind, so she is unbinding 3 spells per turn with bonuses to all, potentially damaging their casters with each
  14. Very cool...I had to double check, but Endless Spells do not count towards Allies points. Nice! I do like the Arachanrok Shammy too for Mixed / Allied purposes. +1 to cast natively, then a further +1 from the Cauldron. Plus it's pretty tasty in its own right. Similar with the Hag, with the added bonus that she can heal up the wounds she incurs from the Cauldron. The downside being that she only casts one spell (unless someone else casts Cogs, and she manipulates it to slow down time - she'd be a real handful with Etheral Amulet on top of that). By this stage it's becoming very expensive though. Both of those of course severely limit what else you can take in Allies, unlike your minimum caster. Worthy of consideration though. The other option is taking it with a Weirdfist. Maxes out at +5 to Cast I think? +2 native +1 Arcane +1 Rogue Idol ally +1 Arachnacauldron You'd want to take a healing artefact or even Emerald Lifeswarm I guess!
  15. Good news, the best Endless Spell in the game is only 40 points! Chuck Geminids in there, you won't regret it.
  16. I'd almost say it's the opposite...this is the first and only time that you can access a Spell Lore without taking that Allegiance. If anything they have gone out of their way to throw those other Allegiances a bone...unless they intended it mainly for Spiderfang and Gobbapalooza Wizards, and didn't think about the applications outside of that.
  17. The Loonshrine Warscroll actually says you round fractions up when replacing the unit, so 4.5 would become 5 (not 4). It doesn't explicitly say this applies to Netters...but it also doesn't tell you to round Netters down anywhere, either. So I think you'd be rounding up for Netters as with the replacement unit as a whole?
  18. It'll still be a really cool combo, with the Loonboss Command Ability and maybe even the Bad Moon for rerolls. I'm thinking of running 60 blocks with Stabbas (not Spears)...you won't get as many in, but the better "To Hit" roll makes up for it a lot of the time, especially if you are trying to roll as many wound rolls as possible to trigger Mortal Wounds. And even moreso in a world of -1 to Hit debuffs. You can also afford to double bang the Snufflers, and take the 2D6 mortal wounds, since the ones at the back aren't getting into combat anyway. And hey, it's not like we have to pay for our units these days! We'll get them back for free soon enough You really can put out a surreal number of attacks, hitting on 4s (Rerolling 1s), Wounding on 2s (MW on 6s). And if you can get a Mommet, a Troggoth Hag or even a Gobbapalooza in there, everything is effectively getting Rend too. I think of it like the famous quote about Nanotech gone wrong, sweeping forward and turning everything into a grey puddle. It's a very expensive combo (as well it should be) - but I think it'll prove itself a strong competitive build.
  19. Unfortunately not, because it says "any". You can stack it with the Snufflers though.
  20. I really like the Bonegrinz Warclan competitively. 1 Drop, free summoning, loads of stackable CPs for a devastating Turn 1 fusilade. With Hand of Gork + Kunnin Rukk move, your opponent only has a 3" window to backboard in most scenarios, and they won't have any buffs off before you strike. And if it's one of the rare matchups that you can't hurt sufficiently Turn 1, you can use those CPs to run 6" and swamp the board. It's utterly horrible to play though.
  21. This is @Kanamorf's Masters list, which I hope he doesn't mind me repeating here. Also to be found in the pdf on the main Masters thread on here. You could pump up the Big Stabbas further if you prefer, to get more juice out of the Batallion, but the Fellwater Troggoths are certainly hard hitting and bring plenty of rend: Maniak Weirdnob - General - Squirmy Warpaint - Mystic Waaagh! Paint - Squiggly Curse Wardokk - Hand of Gork or Mork Wardokk - Brutal Beast Spirits Wardokk - Big Wurrgog Mask - Bone Krusha 2 x 10 Savage Boarboy Maniaks 30 Savage Orruk Morboys 4 Savage Big Stabbas 2 Savage Big Stabbas 2 x 3 Fellwater Troggoths Teef Rukk Total: 2000 - Command Points: 1
  22. @Requizen I wouldn't put anyone off collecting them, I've played them off and on since launch and I'm still winning games and enjoying the army. As mentioned above they have some excellent Allies to pick from which helps keeps things fresh. TBH I would netlist Ian Spinks's Masters list as a starting point, he always uses exciting builds and has proven you can do well with them.
  23. Agreed with the points on this post, the army generally does not function very well as a combat army. Most units have a low volume of terrible attacks on large bases. I think the idea was that multiple pile ins would make up for the low damage output, but it's an expensive way to get nowhere fast, because the core stats are that bad. That being said: - Big Stabbas are indeed excellent - The Boarboy Maniaks can put out some hurt on units with bad armour saves. Use their high movement to pick your fights wisely while you develop the table - Keep an eye out for Ian Spink's UK Masters list. He is extremely experienced and successful at running melee focussed Boneplitterz, starring a Teef Rukk Kunnin Rukk is still very strong (even post-nerf), and I believe it matches up well against top armies in the Meta (you can one-shot Nagash and a Cauldron). The problem is that it is utterly soul-destroying to play. Something I'd like to see in an update: Casting on doubles can never be unbound, in addition to the other bonuses it confers. Would need tight wording for its interaction with Auto unbind artefacts / abilities, but that should be achievable. Really between that and a points drop on Big Stabbas, you could see a them becoming a viable melee 'n' magic army (with some shooting support), which I think is what they are meant to be. That being said, I'm also up for a completely new book! Just don't think that's gonna happen any time soon.
  24. I'm thinking: - Moving his buddies up into support positions to assist the Krumpin' - Moving his buddies away from danger to avoid bleeding Glory - Killing enemy support stuff with his buddies (they're not actually that bad against things like Grots or Skaven) - Moving his buddies to deny Objectives and cards like Denial
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