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Everything posted by AdamR

  1. Probably still the Tempestos hammer tbh! Especially if the Lightning hammer is now mortals on unmodified 6's.
  2. Don't come here with your common sense solutions! This is the internet!
  3. Yes, I can can easily see that occurring. Maybe there will be a command ability rule of one before long.
  4. 6 command points is 300, which on average would bring back 2 squads of Sequitors - that's 800 points for 20's or Liberators in 30's is 1040 points! Seems like a good deal to me.
  5. Can you keep using it - with sufficient command points and 5+'s - to get multiple units back when just 1 is destroyed?
  6. Same here. I mean I like 40k, but I like AoS more! WRT new battleplans - isn't that just Generals handbook 2018 content?
  7. I hope they're not wizards but rather different priests. Do SCE really need wizards?
  8. Emperor/Sigmar dual kit. You heard it here first.* *not entirely serious
  9. New rumour engine. Looks pretty Death-y...
  10. The ship's also covered in what appears to be twin tailed comets. I guess that confirms that Battletome: Fishymcfishface will be another order faction!
  11. Cool. Crewe's less than an hour away for me, so fairly close as tournament venue's go!
  12. I'd have been all over this but it's the same day as the Season of Sowing at WHW Got any more planned?
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