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Kaleb Daark

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Everything posted by Kaleb Daark

  1. Optimist is my middle name. if i was being realistic I’d say two to four minutes with 90% of people being held in the que for 30-45 minutes only to be spat out afterwords as the website melts down.
  2. The two week widow that will sell out in ten minutes 🙄
  3. I saw it the same. The minimum buy in was creeping up. That said with less models and t he new way you can build a force, I can see their thinking being along the lines of people will feel that they can buy more cool stuff over having to have swarms of battleline "padding".
  4. Absolutely. The Citadel C34 range of minotaurs 1986 I give you OX ROAR AYE THANGYEOW.. now be a good beardling GW and give me a modern take on these bad boys ( i.e. reverse knees and hooves) and we'll be cooking on gas. Also.. Come on... is this not all of the awesome? On a very serious note, we're in the Age of Sigmar now. I do think that it's time to retire anything that was an old fantasy sculpt and consign it to the past, and perhaps leave it to the incoming Warhammer: the old world. I say this because those models were designed for ranks and flanks, whereas AoS models are free of those shackles so can be more dynamic, and are, and we now have a different scale working with AoS as well. I'd happily trade new factions for the older models in each faction getting a makeover in the same way that Belakor, sigvald etc have. Anything that was released at the end of 8th edition whfb was designed with AoS in mind and we can see that in the aesthetic and look. I had a moment of epiphany the other week. A very dear friend of mine can't let og of fantasy - he hates AoS and despises what they've done to his beloved factions he used to play. I found myself defending AoS. Yes it's not fantasy, but as I put it.. I could never run my wishlist army just juggernauts in fantasy. I love the double turn and I love the variability in AoS, all things which can turn the tide as sure as a game of bloodbowl can swing the other way in an instant, and all these things make AoS great for me. I love the fact that the rules are four pages long and I can pick it up in half an hour - it's like X-Wing in that respect, and I'm glad that AoS in respect to scale and scope has left fantasy far behind. Anyway back to rumours, if Ogors are getting a birthday soon then I'd advise you / us as a community to start getting on GW and Forgeworld's back about bringing back the Rhinox cavalry - why they didn't I will never know.
  5. You'd hope so wouldn't you. The Ogroid Myrmidon showed us what a minotaur could look like body wise as well.
  6. Sir might want to look at the toad dragon.. The saddle is just right for an ogre as well.
  7. works for me. We have the "because elf" clause, so we may as well have "'cos orkiness" 👍
  8. Back in the old days of fantasy if you were mounted you got a +1 to your armour save due to mounted shizzle. Not unreasonable to kind of assume that he's higher than you and to get to his squidgy bits you've got to get past the huge mountaing of rar that he's riding.
  9. They will get told how many provisional allocations they have but it's no guarantee of anything - This even applies to the GW retail stores. They will be in the same boat as everyone else. Put it this way, Darksphere who with element are practically GW's biggest indi in the UK got 20 Cursed City units allocated to them, and they didn't find that out till days before launch. Hopefully like Indomitus there will be a clear message that another chance to grab a copy as made to order will follow - if only to kneecap scalpers from having it all their own way.
  10. Are they Brave Resilient Enigmatic Tough Sorts?
  11. Thats what im after the box for. admittedly, if the pics above are anything to go by I can see it never getting opened- much like the copy of soul wars under the warshrine. and what the hell am I doing with three copies of wrath and rapture anyway?! I don’t even like daemons!
  12. Oh.. absolutely none whatseover... Cheered me up thinking about it though... and distracting me from the banality of how many points annihiliators are. just a vicious rumour. That said at the dawn of AoS, the standalone Khorgorath was already being designed so never say never on that one, but other than that... treat as reliable as an evil BoLs clickbait.
  13. Blades of Khorne are getting a new kit for the Khorgoraths, lots of options and poses. AoS year of the Beast and all that. oh and a new Lord of Khorne on Exalted Juggernaut, which is larger than the existing juggernaut.
  14. I'm trying to work out if there's any room in the cupboard of shame for the dominion box.. I think I can squeeze it in there. 🤔
  15. All very nice but I’m struggling to see the huge chaos dwarf box 🤫
  16. Chaos dwarf floating cluster mine daemon engine seismic charges.
  17. Necromunda and sisters tomorrow … stabd down trooper.. stand down..
  18. All we need is an icon bearer with a dracoline cape
  19. It'll certainly be interesting for the thematic batallions like the Khorne one that allows you to take nothing but juggernauts. I'll look forward to this particular rule unveiling, as they very much separated AoS from you WILL take this much of this and this much of that like we had in fantasy. It's the weapon I always use to the 8th ed fantasy die hards - "Tell me one good thing why AoS is better than fantasy?" ; me, "Sure... I can take a whole army of juggernauts led by a lord on juggernaut. - can't do that in fantasy".
  20. I think it was some guy called plasticpastramiwebrageguy. I've not seen it myself but apparently he has insider sauces and they're spot on an don't contain any salt, just good wholesome honest never made up or lied to sauce. I think he also said that if teclis and either Allarielle or Malerion are in the same army, then can combine their magic to force another turn as an ability.. probably only in high point games though. Doesn't work with Morathi, but then again she's only playing at being a god really. 👍
  21. I think the same guy posted on his unfindable source blogivlog feed that Teclis is getting a new command ability that and I quote from no origin: "Penumberal Pastrami; Light Magic pours out into the realm blinding opponents into inaction, removing thair advantage. Teclis can spend 1CP and negate the opponents double turn. If the Lumineth Realm lords army has already had a double turn, then this ability allows them to have another turn in addition to the first." Sidebar hint : All you have to do is get your first double turn and then just keep blowing one of these every turn, because LRL. Shortly to be renamed Lumineth Order Lords.
  22. it would be interesting. When AoS landed we suddenly had gone past the point where you needed a massive slab of bodies, it was cited as one of the drawbacks of fantasy, especially if you were a greenskin or rats player; and through the successive versions we're dangerously risking going back there with big model count armies again compared to how we were at the dawn of AoS.
  23. Aye. You'd think that we could happily say that if you shoot into combat then you have a chance of hitting your own. If you're in combat and you want to shoot, then only the non committed models can shoot. As for the hero sniping, well, if it's not a thing, then you'll just get the next model or faction with a warscroll that allows you to target characters without giving them a look out sir or any immunity. Oh well, we'll wait and see what comes.
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