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Kaleb Daark

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Everything posted by Kaleb Daark

  1. Silent people are chaos dwarfs.. after all, we’ve kept our little pyromaniac silence and not gone on about them at all. decorum and all that.
  2. They only did it to make the khorne players angry. now, talking of which i wonder if the khorgorath unit will see the light of day in this age of the beast? right at the beginning of aos there was talk if a separate khorgorath kit box that was waiting for the right opportunity for release. sme ogroid myrmidon on roids turned up to 11 style Minotaurs would look the biz, and so very needed to replace what’s currently available… with hooves sir, with hooves… and a taurox would be nice as well… a taurox I tell thee… how much more khorne can you get! Khorne beefy Bloodkin or some such .
  3. I bet he’s not smiling either. teclis’ face on the cover of his book, miserable as sin. oi teclis, why the long face? look at belakor- huge smile look at kragnos- huge smile as he knows hes a beastman really teclis? No smile. Because elf. be happy, don’t be an elf, get an eight pointed star and giggle to yourself.
  4. well only of the hellbound artillery persuasion, after that it's the eight pointed star all the way, oh and the tin cans that thought some stupid watery bint was their salvation. However as the brets found out... better dead than elf. Elfs in whfb - benter than a bent thing on st bentmas day on the year of the bent. I got to eat lots of bacon rolls at warhammer world once, where on a throne of skulls I faced the high smurf allarielle teclis world dragon white lion death star no less than three times, and the hellebron witch elf slab twice. I mean think about it, five of those games in one weekend - my poor ickle khorne WoC just decided to call it a day, and I can confirm that you can get a least two bacon rolls into each of those sittings in relative comfort. I mean.. even the legion couldn't get an ash storm combo off, and that's not very sporting is it.
  5. everything is very tall.. other than that, top darts sir.
  6. Totally agree as goats love a bit of stinky and bulls love a bit if blood greed
  7. A nurgle chaos dragon , none of that inside out dragon mallarky, just some spilled guts with a nurgling grinning through. and an ikkle widdy bale tauro-magma-dragon to tease the upcoming non existent chaos dwarf release.
  8. Elves... always moaning. Whereas we chaos dwarfs.. now we love a bit of life, love, and daemon infused artillery. I mean look at the stinky chaos people, they're covered in flies and they don't sit there whining like an elf, and they have to hold their guts in with old baking trays and belts. Angry chaos people - give them heads and skulls and red paint and they're happy - simple things. They'll even kill each other and smile. Perfumed chaos people - give them a bottle of perfume and a mirror and they'll be your best friend, again hardly any whinging. Arky's mortals - it's carnival every day at the eight points, spider outfits, comedy large weapons, gladiator outfits, cooking pots on their heads and dressing like a dead bird - happy, give them some glass beads and a comedy nest and they're happy and squawky. See, us chaos... we're always happy, and we got a big dragon that looks the nuts even if it is 400 bones. Destruction players... happy, smiley and always happy to show you their teef. Dead blokes - happy, always grinning with a big smile. Golden nuggets - happy - even the miserable ones are happy. Elves... always moaning, Got silly hats ... still moaning Got stupid looking mounts... still moaning and no big 400 bones dragon, just a walking rock with a silly hat... still moaning. Moral of the story is Be happy.. don't be an elf Join the chaos (bound daemon) train, heads by the pile, all with a smile.
  9. Well, you really are a little ray of sunshine aren’t you. Fascinating.
  10. Yup. It says more about society today when you have to reinforce thats its just toy soldiers your making an selling. anyway, did someone say chaos dwarfs?
  11. Man in a tavern looking for adventurers with nothing but a tenuous link for then to follow?
  12. everyone in the battleforces appears to be rather tall. most disconcerting.
  13. Chaos Dwarfs bigga bumba limited edition book and battleforce will be announced at 16:30 gmt. aka Hashut o'clock*. *I cannot be held responsible if this turns out to be nothing more than a wildly vicious rumour.
  14. Dude!! Frikkin huge giant who cares if they’re any Good or not- just look at them (bonegrinder only if your eyeballs are painted on!)
  15. For them the most difficult thing is the acceptance that their god isn't a proper chaos god. They only let him sit at the table to keep nesh's cushion warm till he gets back. I mean come on, even archaon won't recognise him as a proper god, and he'd play rock paper scissors with anyone given half a chance.
  16. totally agree. There's still something really nice about thumbing through a really good quality book - FW heresy black books being a good example and the only books I've kept from 8th edition fantasy are Tamurkhan and Monstrous Arcanum for that reason.
  17. and most importantly just have fun and soak up the atmosphere.
  18. look, don't let facts get in the way of a good story - I'm trying to keep the man's spirits up here. Anyway, I'm not buying that, not for a flagship faction. I think there's going to be more, maybe not much more, but certainly something more than one fly faced wizard.
  19. Never say never on the pestigors, after all you’ve only had one model teased and nothing said about the book. stinky goats might yet be a thing with a side order of other stuff- who knows maybe what’s coming is that good, which might explain the cracking big box nurgle deal.
  20. OH yes, apart from those nice mechanicum people and their toys.. such nice toys.. they're almost chaos dwarfs in their ingenuity.
  21. I wouldn't say AoS bias, but more just a straight up wash and hang of the old vampire counts book. The cover art has the same pallette, the models are literally vlad von carstein design language and they've just reinvent and resculpt practically all your models from the ground up - skeletons, dire wolves, bats, zombies, blood knights etc. It's great really, as its what most other factions would kill for. chuck in a good dose of new centrepiece personality models etc and you're good to go. They truly are the army you can pluck and put straight back into warhammer fantasy and not bat an eyelid. My money is still on them getting a new zombie dragon at some point as I can't see the golden wonders being the only ones to start dragoning up in the coming age of the beasties where the tithe of 95 bones will be the new normal for such winged frolics. Unless you're a khorne player, then you can pony up 400 bones... well .. divides by 8 and drives you into a blood crazed raging frenzy innit.
  22. think of it as historical sci fi civil war wargaming for the grown up pew pew crowd.
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