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Everything posted by Drofnum

  1. The thing is with Idoneth almost all the units are good. The Leviadon and Shark are not as good as Morrsarr, we all know and accept that, but compared to most things outside of our Battletome they are still quite good units. I've played quite a few "suboptimal" lists and for everything outside of serious tournament play its still powerful enough to table opponents. I love the shark and Leviadon models and hope they get buffed up in some small way so they are more viable in tournament play but there is no reason at all not to field them right now unless you are on the bleeding edge competitive scene. I think a Namarti heavy army with a Leviadon providing constant cover could be pretty cool to play, 4+ save Thralls bringing back 6 models a turn is nothing to sniff at!
  2. I'm fairly certain Abyssal Darkness is just within 9", not wholly within, which makes it pretty comparable to the turtle cover save.
  3. I believe its always been the case. I never really had it come up in AoS 1 though as i mainly played a gunline, so i could be wrong about that.
  4. You do lose cover bonuses for any unit that charges in the turn they charge, its in the core rules.
  5. I'm fairly sure in the black library book on KO that they had docks on higher mountain peaks for trading with folks on the ground. So you could still do a sky dock of some sort and have it make sense.
  6. I posted a suggestion a ways back. Could swap eels to whatever type you want in there or throw in a scryer and some endless spells. Quite a few options to go from the battleforce box. Sharks arent really bad either, they just get outshone by Eels, you'll do fine with them if you arent planning on running tournaments and they'll probably get a buff in the next GHB anyway. Isharann Tidecaster (100)10 x Namarti Thralls (140)2 x Akhelian Allopexes (280)3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (160)10 x Namarti Reavers (140)3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)Total: 960
  7. My Carmine Dragon. I dont think its done in these pics but they're the best I can find.
  8. I dont have much of a problem with Stormcast and the only Beasts player around here isnt all that competitive so it could definitely be matchups. I'm not running heavy reavers by any means either my core is 9 Morrsarr and 6 Ishlaen so they definitely do the heavy lifting.
  9. We can agree to disagree on the fact that they suck and arent worth their points. I have used a unit of 10 in about a dozen games and havent felt they didnt pull their weight in many of those, perhaps we play them differently or just have different play styles but your experience is not mine at all. You are right that they will usually need to swing first in their combat, but that is the case for most 5+ save units. In your example if the Bestigors swing first the Reavers die, if the Reavers swing first the Bestigor die, does that make the Bestigor any less useful? You also forget in that example that 5 of those Bestigor have died so realistically you're going to lose 3 reavers and still come out alright in the end. Lotann, Soulrender and Aspect of the Storm all have buffs for them and its no harder to keep them up on Reavers than on Thralls really.
  10. In the games i've played them they tend to get ignored, which may help but my last game with them they shot and charged a unit of 20 Saurus Warriors and killed a large chunk of them before my Thralls finished off the unit. Believe I killed 8-9 with the Reavers alone, yeah a fair few of them died as well but that is also basically what they are there for. On average vs a 5+ save they will do 9-10 wounds if you focus all their attacks. Which really isnt bad at all. Bestigors for comparison will do around 6 or 9 if they charged, Thralls will average 11 against 1 wound models but only 7-8 against 2-3 wound models. I think one of the biggest issues people run in to with basically all of Idoneth is target selection. Yeah if you send your Reavers at Sequitors they're probably going to do nothing and just die, but that isnt what their job is. They are there to kill the low save units, you have Morrsarr/Thralls to kill hard targets or Ishlaen to hold them up. The funny thing is that you see Reavers in some well placing Tournament lists(before people jump on this, i'm not saying they're always taken, they are taken semi-frequently though especially in Fuethan lists), if they were that useless why would people be taking them? You just need to adjust what you believe they do, they are not a shooting unit, they are a combination unit of some shooting and some combat.
  11. They are actually quite good if you dont use them as only a shooting unit, they're more of a skirmish/harassing unit than anything else. You need to shoot and then charge to really get the best out of them. If you want good shooting then like @Gwill_of_the_Woods said, use allies. Wanderers or Stormcast are pretty solid options.
  12. I definitely agree, it was just the only reason i could think of.
  13. Would be nice to have the ability to hit 2 key targets rather than just one, if they are spread out. I do think that 360 points spent on battalions is way too much to gain that ability though.
  14. True, I did forget about other abilities and just assumed he was talking about Inspiring Presence.
  15. No, inspiring presence is used in the battleshock phase. The Earbuster takes place in the shooting phase.
  16. They are terrain. I use them all the time to block lanes or to force my opponent to go into certain areas to avoid them. They have more use for that than anything else in my opinion.
  17. But we also have fact 404. I wouldnt really take any of those facts as gospel. Uniting the realms would be a mistake I think, unless they are united and still infinite like they all just meet in the center and are infinite pie slices of a circle.
  18. Can you provide some sources? I know i'm not entirely up to date with all the books and all that so it would be cool to see where this is stated.
  19. I think it would be fine if you're looking to be semi-competitive but not going for tournament podiums. The Allopex are probably the worst unit we have but if they get pointed properly in the future they could be solid. The rest are a decent base for a 1000 point list, add a box of eels to the battleforce box and you could do the following list which would be decent and easy to expand on. Isharann Tidecaster (100)10 x Namarti Thralls (140)2 x Akhelian Allopexes (280)3 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (160)10 x Namarti Reavers (140)3 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (140)Total: 960 / 2000
  20. Not sure if its been mentioned but an Idoneth list took 4th at the Socal Open. Looks like an interesting list with 15 eels but also a 30 strong unit of Thralls.
  21. I agree with you. Most people don't believe there is one despite no testing that I've seen really.
  22. Like Anthony said, I cut the post down on the backside of the head and I dont have any issues with mine. It seems like if you get glue in the hole for the posts it can make it very difficult to push the parts together entirely, most likely cause there is glue down in the hole filling up some of the space the post should be taking up. I played a game last night with my deck vs eyes of the nine, it went pretty well. Ended the game 9-3 and could have been more if not for a lucky Duel of Wits draw on my opponents part. I definitely do need access to some more cards though to swap out a few of the objectives I have that arent very good, I could cut down my gambits as well by 2 but I just need to see what upgrades I would lose if i did that. Really fun warband to play though, scurry makes for some fun moments, my first attack of the game had 3 supporting fighters. I also think a buffed up sourtongue could be entertaining, but his randomness does hurt a little bit.
  23. Ahh I missed that. I had more spells in but swapped them out to get the deck size down. I'll have to find a replacement.
  24. Superior movement? 6+d6" vs 14", where is their superior movement? A lot of the scenarios also allow you to be 18" from the enemy so unless he is deploying far back you can pretty easily hit them first turn. If he is deploying back then you just deploy a bit further back and you can use run+charge the second turn ensure you get in on turn 2. Soulscryers can help with both deploying off the table or adding 3 to charge as well. Really not sure where you are seeing DoK as having superior movement to Idoneth.
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