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Everything posted by Drofnum

  1. I'll have to check the battletome when I get home, not that it matters much but now i'm curious.
  2. I dont think there was ever anything about removing their eyes. They just cover their eyes with helmets.
  3. How are people finding the skaven matchups with Deepkin? I've played a couple games and had a pretty rough time against them, granted one was at 1000 points and the second was me trying out @Carrion King-like list which I struggle a bit with compared to my normal list. The lightning vortex is ridiculous and did the majority of the damage to my army both games, poor setup on my part in both games as I didnt really know the range of it. But I also struggle to kill off all the clan rats and hold objectives. Just curious how everyone else is doing with this matchup?
  4. It probably would have helped a bit. I could have killed off that protecting unit faster for sure.
  5. Hey guys, I played a game over the weekend vs Skaven and ran into a buffed up verminlord that seemed a bit off to me. He was running a Verminlord Corrupter Warpseer with a 4+ rerollable save, then two 5+ ward saves and a third 5+ for passing wounds off to a nearby unit. Is that right or was he misplaying something there?
  6. The comet isnt faction specific in any way. You could take it in basically any army, you just cant cast it unless you have a stormcast wizard, which are easy enough to ally in.
  7. I've taken a bit of a break from Warhammer since LVO, going to get back in to it this week with a 1 day charity Tournament. Looking to take this list which is a pretty decent change up from my LVO list. Excited to see how it does vs my previous list. Idoneth DeepkinIsharann Soulrender (100)- Artefact: Thermalrider Cloak Isharann Soulscryer (100)Isharann Tidecaster (100)- General- Trait: Born From Agony - Artefact: Lliandra's Last Lament - Lore of the Deeps: Steed of TidesKnight-Incantor (140)10 x Namarti Thralls (140)10 x Namarti Thralls (140)10 x Namarti Reavers (140)10 x Namarti Reavers (140)6 x Akhelian Ishlaen Guard (280)9 x Akhelian Morrsarr Guard (480)Namarti Corps (100)Geminids of Uhl-Gysh (40)Everblaze Comet (100)
  8. During any battle round when it is your turn you can do the eels mortals before he could attack.
  9. The FAQ got updated today, so now whoever has the turn goes first. Great change for us vs Gristlegore.
  10. You just need to jump his skink screen with eels. If there is enough space behind the skinks put the +3 charge on them from the scryer to get enough charge to go over them. If there isnt enough space then just hitting the skinks should get you in the range for eel shocks and spear/tail attacks. Although if he is running anything competitive you're probably just going to struggle in general with your list, the shark and turtle are basically 520 points of dead weight at the moment.
  11. The FAQ is completely clear. Its based on abilities happening at the beginning of the combat phase(Gristlegore) vs ones that happen during the combat phase(High Tide). Just read the wording on the abilities carefully and you will see the distinction, its already very clear. This is incorrect. The eel ability happens at the beginning of the combat phase, which happens BEFORE you pick units to fight in the combat phase. High Tide says you fight before other units IN the combat phase. Think of each phase as having a beginning, a middle and an end and it will make it a bit more clear. It's the same reason that summoned units that come on at the END of the movement phase are unable to move that turn as it is the very last thing to happen, likewise with things that happen at the beginning of the phase happen before anything else does.
  12. From the FAQ to clarify the issue: Q: Some abilities allow or require a unit to fight at the start of the combat phase, or the end of the combat phase. How exactly does this work? What happens if two or more units have to fight at the start or the end of the phase? A: Units that fight at the start or the end of the combat phase make a pile-in move and then attack with their melee weapons before the players start picking any other units to fight in that phase, or after the players have picked all other units to fight in that phase, respectively. So, first you pile in and make attacks with the units that are to fight at the start of the phase, then the players alternate picking units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place, and lastly you pile in and make attacks with units that make attacks at the end of the combat phase. If there are several units fighting at the start or the end of the phase, the player whose turn is taking place attacks with all of their units in the order of their choice, and then their opponent does the same. Since high tide takes place during the combat phase and not before the Gristlegore command trait happens before high tide.
  13. Its the same wording as the Eel ability, quicksilver potion, etc. It happens before combat, high tide just lets you activate all your units during the combat phase before your opponent chooses to activate theirs. There is no need for a FAQ since there are already abilities in the game that act in the same way. Lets say you were playing deepkin and got charged by them, during high tide, you would still argue you could activate your eels blast before they attack right? Exact same situation and its already been ruled to play that way.
  14. It is. The worry seems a bit overblown to be honest, FEC will be tough now but I dont think it will be DoK levels of power. Skaven seems the worse offender to me in terms of power creep but I think worrying so much before we even see them at events is a bit silly. Then again this is the internet, what else would we all expect!
  15. I believe the wording on theirs was similar to the morrsarr mortals. Which takes place before combat actually begins, which means it happens before high tide.
  16. I'll see pretty soon how my old list fares against new FEC. I dont think its as bad as its made out to be, they will be powerful but I dont think they're an auto loss either. I think if you look at some of the LVO's top lists those could stand a decent chance.
  17. I dont really see that list doing well. Too many big bodies that arent really putting out much damage, I dont think it would have fared well against FEC prior to the tome let alone now when they've been given a power bump.
  18. The only problem is if running Gristlegore the dragon gets to attack first always. Even during high tide if I remember the wording correctly. Will work fine if you have enough Namarti to survive the dragons attacks, but that is kind of a problem unless running larger blocks of Namarti.
  19. If it doesnt state on the ability it is done in the hero phase.
  20. That is my experience. I've had a lot of games with them to test out Scryer+Morrsarr and thats how it goes the majority of the time. As always picking your targets correctly is key.
  21. Anyone charging you at the top of Turn 3 is either way ahead or going to lose during high tide either way. If you go second in turn 2 and are running even with your opponent there is no reason to not get everything you can in combat, even if you dont get first turn in turn 3 the amount of damage you do in the combat phase before they get to go first almost always cripples their combat power to the point that they are going to be ineffective in their strike back. Then you get another turn of that with your extra attacks stacked on, even without the charge Morrsarr with +2 or +3 attacks have a massive damage output. There are some exceptions to this obviously but in the vast majority of games if someone is charging me turn 3 i know i'm about to wipe most of that army off the table.
  22. Yeah, you dont keep them off til High Tide, you have to bring them on before that. If you bring them on the turn before high tide you generally want them to wipe whatever unit they get in to. If they dont you still have high tide going for you and they will attack first in that phase no matter what. Its not a big deal for them to spend one turn on the table if you position decently.
  23. I tend to play fairly aggressive with mine, my list isnt really the super competitive list though as I include an Eidolon of the Sea. I am usually in combat first turn but I try to keep the King/Volturnos safe for turn 3 to use his command points. I like bringing a big unit of Morrsarr out of the sea as well, keeps them protected until you bring them on. There is a game up on Frontline Gamings twitch of the LVO finals with Deepkin vs Stormcast, it would give you a pretty good idea of how to play that kind of list.
  24. The king is definitely competitive, the top lists for Idoneth at LVO all have a King +eel core. None are running the tidecaster general that i've seen and two of those lists are in the top 8 for the event. The basics of a King list are going to be the king, Soulscryer or two, 9+ Morrsarr and some Thralls.
  25. Out of those options and without knowing your list the -1 to hit would probably be best in the most situations.
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