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Everything posted by RexHavoc

  1. Exactly. I buy models because I know they will out last myself, I don't buy things like modern consoles and games as I know they are out dated moments after buying them. I have never understood the attitudes of people that buy into this hobby, moan about the prices or models & books being made redundant then look to ditch them of cheap to buy the next new in thing. I only buy models I like and know I'd still be happy playing with years down the line. I get that if you are more in to the gaming side of the hobby and only attend strict tournaments, then you have to keep up with updates and that costs money, but then you are buying into that side of gaming, so why moan about it. I'm still painting up models I brought as far back as 1989. I also have a whole box of battlemasters beastmen and Empire models that I have been waiting on using for a project, which I'm only just getting around to starting now (thanks to new AoS releases!) (As for old video games, I've moved on to Emulation, but I've recently been playing my old Atari ST games and been on the look out for replacing my physical hardware! They built things to last back then! But GBcolour is also still alive and kicking)
  2. I've been guilty of derailing this thread a few times, not intentionally. I often have to ignore comments to not encourage derailing of the thread any further. I was all for a 'rumours only' thread, except that this thread is, as someone else put it, turned into a pub chat. Which turns out is actually quite enjoyable. I dislike the sort of chat on facebook as it disappears quickly down the feed and vanishes, and then someone posts the exact same thing an hour later. At least here we can go back over what has already been said and join in with the conversation. As for someone needing to check the rumours thread to get into a new army, that sounds like clutching at straws to keep this thread to rumours only. If someone is looking to buy a new army/get into the game, the rumours thread is probably the last place to have someone look. They are a thousand and one better things to look at to get someone into the game and help choose an army. If you showed her the rumours thread, that's on you, not the people in the thread. At this point, rumours are pretty much non-existent. We can't share unofficial leaks, most 'rumours' are at best 'my manager who knows Duncan knows for sure that night goblins are coming next, maybe'. The only solid information we get is showing off the stuff that GW put up on the community page at events, which we could just go and look at for ourselves. I'm not a very social hobbyist at the best of times. This thread is often a lifeline for me.
  3. I like the idea that (much like real life humans) races (or sub factions or what ever) can be all shades of dubious. I've always liked the idea of evil high elves or neutral dark elves.
  4. Yeah, SW:A put me off buying into many of the games they have released in the past 12 months. I ended up buying Kill team, but I paid almost next to nothing for it (A combination of Brexit and discount stores!) but if I had to buy retail, I'd still wouldn't have brought it now. (even so, kill team was a let down from what was offered on the advertising campaign, but that's a complaint for another forum!) The rumour that Bottle/Sam (creator of hinterlands) has been hinted at for a while now. I'd absolutely love it if we got a full blown skirmish game set in the greywater area, like his original ruleset. It was always a shame that hinterlands was pulled before V3 was put up as there was a ton of stuff he had ready and was about to add to the game before he was snatched up by GW! Here's hoping if its not a box set then at the very least its the contents of HInterlands v3! There was a hint directly from GW a little while ago, but I can't find it now (If I can find it I will pop back and post it) It was something like a FAQ for kill team at its release (maybe an errata?) and one of the 'FAQs' was something on the lines of AoS fans will be getting something similar soon™. Someone else might remember the same graphic that they put up which mentions it. Edit: Ah, found the file again almost as soon as I'd posted: https://whc-cdn.games-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/KIll_Team_QA.pdf The bit about AoS is on page five, but sadly isn't as 'skirmish' related as I remember. It's a very broad, like a politicians answer! Oh well! If I recall correctly (Which judging by the way I remembered the kill team FAQ I posted above, I dont count on it!) black library shut down over christmas last year, almost sure they left a message saying they would be back in the new year, yet posts still came up over the two weeks. More than likely they have most of the community pages on timed auto post. Probably do so with the sunday nights ones each week anyway. Unlikely they will want to pay double time for a job that can be set up and done during the week!
  5. I'd love to see that this is a preview of a brand new boxed skirmish game (Skirmish is the only AoS I play now) and I've been waiting on a full blown version. I'd be very surprised that they kept a full boxed version, akin to kill team, secret until now though. I would have thought they would have shown it off. There defiantly have been hints that is what they intended to do, but if this is really a skirmish release in January, I'd suspect we are getting nothing more than a rewrite of the small pamphlet rules. I'd love to be wrong though. Nothing would be better than going into the new year with a brand new skirmish game. (Wishlisting: I'd love to see them do an almost identical set to kill team but with the flavour of 6th Ed Skirmish. Include 10-20 models of a free guild unit and 10-20 models from destruction (make a nice change from chaos) and have the book filled with articles in the style of 6th ed skirmish, lots of conversions from basic models. Include a couple of sets of ruins (freeguild housing would be the dream, current ruins would be acceptable!) and a new mordheim-esque accessory sprue, plenty of weapons, barrels and chests. Oh, and rope!) A full blown skirmish set would increase sales of old kits (freeguild troops got snatched up when skirmish V1 came out!), give them a good excuse to do some mordheim made to orders and encourage sales of shadespire kits to the non-shadespire crowd.
  6. They previewed the game over a good month or two and really built up some hype. Game was previewed a couple of weeks before it was due to be released on one of their streaming/convention type things. The lads spoke about how awesome the game was going to be and that we would see other stuff for it in the future, that it was going to be supported both with releases and with new things in white dwarf. Game was released with hardly any stock made, lot of people ordering multi copies through various means even though it was limited (something like one or two per person, but they did it per order, so people were just making multiply orders) and it sold out in next to no time. In my area it sold out in less than 7 mins- I was in the process of paying at the checkout when it went oos. A lot of people message GW and was like, hey what's up with that. We didn't get a response for almost a week but then they announced a reprint of the rules. That was released a month later and we had one, maybe two articles in white dwarf then the game went quiet. People emailed GW (and pestered them on facebook, sigh!) and asked what was going on and they said that the game was never going to be a main stay item, that it was meant to be a hold over game on a quiet month meant to be a good terrain bundle, nothing more. Didn't help that there was a small percentage of the community showing off their multi copies of the games under these conversations and being rude to people complaining and making it known that they had no interest in the game, only used it as a terrain bundle. I know it put more than several people off buying into kill team in case it was the same deal. (This is wildly off AoS rumours now so I won't mention this again!)
  7. I think GW biggest failure has always been they desire to push larger and larger games, when skirmish games are the bread and butter of this scale. WFB ended up with huge armies that new people just couldn't aspire to getting ready to play their first game. 40k has suffered with model bloat- 2nd edition forces had a much lower model count. Skirmish for AoS was one of the best things I saw them do- a simple rule set that had people painting and playing in next to no time. Even someone like me, who even after all this time still paints like tomorrow is never going to happen, can knock up a skirmish force pretty quickly. Skirmish games also lead to people being able to spend money on things that might otherwise never bother with. I've certainly picked up more than my fair share of kits to make models for skirmish just to get a couple of parts. SW:A was something beyond dumb. All that promotion of the game and being a perfect starter kit for 40k skirmish as well as a necromunda terrain bundle and only after release did they announced that it wasn't going to be the game they hyped it up to be. Not enough stock and having people buy into a game that they dropped support immediately defiantly left a sour taste with some of their customer base. AoS2 is probably going to be the very last version of any warhammer game I will buy. A decent value box set of skirmish will probably keep my buying into fantasy for the time they support it, as well as buying new kits long after they drop support. They could even tie it in with a re-release (Or a made to order) of Mordheim stuff to cash in on the old world stuff. (Hell, they could add a small mordheim expansion pretty easily: most of the work is already done) Yeah defiantly. From a business sense they dont want people buying in to small scale AoS when they have all these huge forces and battletomes having been released this year. I had thought it to be next year, seeing as they seem to flip between the two games now. But there are still a lot of rumoured forces due out for AoS we have not seen yet and the only big rumours I've seen attached to 40k next year is sisters of battle and maybe new chaos. Unless they are dropping the life cycle of main games and releasing 40k 8.5 or 9, especially with this campaign that has just started- would match to how they led into AoS2 with Malign portents.
  8. I hope that skirmish V2 isn't tied to any part of the main story or current campaign, rather it is it's own self-contained thing. If it's tied in with anything that is being pushed as the current hyped product, then it's going to have a dramatically shorter lifespan. I'd rather see it as it's own thing, not only does that give us another corner of the universe to play in but can be more sandboxed- allowing to run it like kill team, open enough to release products for it unrelated to any one era of the game. if they tie it in with the current daemon stuff, then as soon as that time is over, skirmish will be pushed aside. I honestly think we will get v2 next year as soon as we have a heavy 40k release schedule. With the popularity of kill team I think we will get a larger set over just a rulebook this time (and hopefully with some decent terrain bundled- no more ruins!) There are rumours that its on its way and it would mirror this years AoS heavy release schedule with kill team coming out in the middle of it.
  9. You obviously struggled with reading the whole post. The campaign was great, but not producing a physical hardcopy of the the stories/art/campaign ending was the let down- Not everyone wants to spend their time reading ebooks or online only stories. For myself, I like to read an actual book. I don't want to spend all my time behind a device. All that time, money and effort in creating everything they did for it and then...nothing. They dropped it for the new edition which is such a waste of good content. Soul wars is the next chapter in the timeline of AoS, but the campaign deserved a 2nd books to show off the stories and progression. Would have also bridge the gap in the story line. The work was already done, they just need to get it collected into one volume. But this is getting right off the rumour track now.
  10. Yeap, it seems a shame a company that loves to make money (and sometimes makes money on things that most companies would dish out for free or next to nothing!) that when people offer to pay money for a copy of stories they put out for free and they do...nothing. I mentioned it on their social media when ever a (acceptable!) opportunity arose and noticed that it was a very popular request, with many people asking for the same thing. I'm into the hobby to get away from being online- Having a natter about the hobby or painting is one thing, but reading stories is something I want a physical copy off. All those stories and art they put out for the campaign would have made for a fantastic campaign book, a volume two of the malign portents book would have made the whole campaign go from great to fantastic. They already had all the stories and art, and it's not like GW is above reusing old works to make some extra cash!
  11. Malign portents was a surprising let down after such a great campaign. Some of those short stories were great and there was some great new art. They never followed up with a physical print of the stories and outcome of the campaign which was such a shame. I'm always going to be reluctant to buy into another campaign now, knowing that it's pretty much just a stop gap item with no follow up.
  12. A lot of the chaos kits have been pulled from store shelves or on last chance to buy/in store. They may be going direct only, but it seems odd that is the case, being the start collecting kit is also going last chance to buy in store. My local have been clearing out a lot of stuff recently, including a lot of new kits like the deepkin, but chaos start collecting I would have suspected to be a main stay. Might just be a rules replacement, but I'd be surprised as they could do that in store.
  13. Item 199- it is the most direct source of the gates/one world theory. There is a couple of other odds n ends mentioned, but some if it is really tin foil hat level stuff. But the fact page reads clear and is explicitly stated. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/10/19/20th-oct-500-facts-for-500-stores/
  14. Nope. The connecting of the realms and adding maps are two, totally different things. You are misreading the word connection. The have outright hinted the realms will be/can be made into one realm/world. Not 'connected' to help people adjust to the size of infinite realms (which is also poor step back imo) Realmslayer just adds more proof to my opinion. Small hints of the old world was fine. Excelsis was built around a shard of the old world. Thats a small hint/callback to the world that was (and done well) Bringing back Gotrek (even if done with quality production values) was always a dreadful idea. Bringing back a mortal character from the old world (one that had a damn good ending I might add) is just opening the flood gates for people to ask for all sorts of characters to return- people are already demanding Skarsnik to be returned (which I fully expect GW to do, they have hinted at it 'being possible ' in the realm of the narrative in the malign portents ending) But it's just removing more and more the uniqueness of AoS. (Mostly as a way to appease those people that are still complaining WFB was ''killed'' or set fire to their armies) The most important one is the return of the von carsteins and the recreation of Sylvania. Though it is an interesting concept, if they go anywhere with this then that will be the sign that they will start replacing more and more of AoS with old world locations and people. In which case they might as well just admit that getting rid of the old world was the wrong thing to do and go back to WFB and shoehorn in the handful of new armies to still sell the minis. There are plenty of new characters, the amount of them isn't the problem. Its just the lack of doing anything imaginative with AoS since people started complaining that 'Aos was too large to comprehend'. It's just disappointing to me that they have these realms of infinite size and wonder and instead of exploring them, they'd rather shrink them down and explore stuff that they said only a year ago was 'dead and gone for good'. It's fine to have ties to the old world. But instead they are just porting the old world into the new setting and at some point the new setting will be just as stale and identical to the old one.
  15. Exactly. As I've mentioned before, there are even hints now that the realms will be reconnected to one singular 'old world' realm. I'm dumbfounded. They have spent two years telling everyone the old world is gone and AoS will be it's own thing. Oh well. I happily ignored lore when it was WFB, I'll continue this trend into AoS now. I have a nice collection of old world and AoS books but I'll stop buying anything new and just collect the chronicle books. I'll go back to cherry picking the bits I do enjoy and ignoring the rest.
  16. I did ask my local manager, as I want a set of nurgle ones but want them in the new version and he they wouldn't replace them any time soon, he still has tons on the shelf, as they were still so new. But none of them seem to be on the webstore except the nighthaunt ones. So maybe we will get all new ones soon. Even the brand new storm cast ones have vanished. We must have a new stormcast release coming very soon then! ?
  17. Was just about to post this. And I'm sure GW said something about both types existing again now. I'd love too see them get a campaign book, a civil war between birthed lizardmen and deamon lizardmen.
  18. I'd hazard a guess that the ''rumoured'' skaven battletome wouldn't be too far behind a remastered seraphon one, being that they both got very early battletomes. Also wasn't there rumours that fyreslayers were getting an updated tome, a scenery piece and some spells. It would kind of make sense that all the early stuff got reworked if they want to keep it selling. I know KO are moaned about as well, they must be due an update, even if only to give them spells and a terrain. (Oh, how cool would flying defence post be or perhaps a refuelling station!) It seems like a step back to be redoing battletomes so soon but to be honest, I'd happily pick them all up at this point. This will probably be the last version of the game I will buy into and it would be nice to have a decent selection of battletomes to go with them.
  19. I wanted to add some scatter terrain to my nighthaunt themed ruined village as so far we have used the larger terrain in games but only as 'background' as there wasn't enough stuff to make for an exciting playing field on its own. Though I have some smaller bits planned, I really wanted some medium sized bits that wasn't just more ghostly rubble, but only had the graveyard and more ruins to hand. Then the new nightvault objectives came out. Perfect. I've painted up the first half of them, though I have kept a couple of parts aside for later projects. I still have one more large ruin as well and will probably add a couple of flat pieces of terrain, like old roads or something to help break up the blank space of our current grey board. I may pick up the gauss blaster green edge paint, I wouldn't normally edge highlight terrain like that, but the objects have so many sharp edges, I think they would benefit with a little more work and give them a really spooky glow.
  20. I love how their skin has fallen off, but the beard has remained! It's either beard resilience or beard magic! Fantastic stuff!
  21. Ogre had one before, I believe. Grots would a waste. There is very little they could include, moonclan, fantatics, giants as the plastics are either lacking, we still have one of the oldest citadel models still available in the grot range and far too many resin and metal items. We might see a moonclan one next year. Surprised we didn't get a nurgle one, that would have been good value.
  22. That DoK box is perfect (for me) I brought one of the allies box as a way to set up a couple of skirmish warbands (one medusae lead, one witch elf) and the altar was going to get torn apart for scenery. I brought one box of the blood sisters when they were released, but didn't buy anything else at the time as most of their boxes are quite expensive, so was happy to wait to see if they got a start collecting box before expanding to a full sized army. Everything was scrapped when I missed out on buying the classic Morathi on the made to order (They 'ran out' of her half way through the week, which I still find strange considering they are meant to cast to order numbers. So clearly not made to order, just flog what leftover stock they have in the warehouse)as we had planned a 'chase' set of games, between my (would have been) mounted dark elves and my opponents mounted wood elves. But this big box would allow me to at least construct my daughters of Khaine themed table (more altar parts) and make pure foot troop bands with out costing a fortune. But that seraphon box is also quite good looking. Nice to see the flyers included, great models that I just don't see appear much online. Shame, as they are fantastic models.
  23. I painted a small wood elf warband up a while ago and now our terrain is almost finished and they have some enemies to fight , it's time they come out of storage. They desperately need some new members as the goblin warbands have exploded in size since this batch were finished. I finished off the missing details on the wood elf archer and did some more work on his face. The dwarf was one of two test models that I made to test the colour schemes for my Kharadron sky pirates of Hashut. The other was in blood red instead of the green, but I gave him a repaint after deciding to go with the green. I started painted my Ironclad months and months ago, but there are just so many details that I kept getting annoyed at it and putting it down. I need to finish off all the terrain I have on my desk so it's clear and really need to get the airship finished! It's been collecting dust since around march now! (Though I did manage to paint the lenses on both the gunner and his panel a couple of weeks ago, while I was waiting for a wash to dry on the terrain I was painting!) We are planning a big aerial battle, using the new battleplans in the GHB and I need this finished so I can start on the huge batch of dragons I have been collecting for the game!
  24. Yeah, I had thought the same. I really expected to see a lot more odds and ends coming out, with the rules included in box. I thought the malign portents chaps were a precursor to seeing a lot more small releases. We are getting more stuff with the shadespire warbands, the troll one is odd and not something I would have expected GW to ever make in that style again. They could do some super small releases for forces that have no need for a full battletome or release, a cross between the shadespire sets and the old mordheim gangs. Even if had all come from forgeworld or been limited release. But nothing.
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