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Everything posted by Requizen

  1. That's not... terrible. Ordinator is in no way worth 140 without the extra shot tho, unless you're already at 4 Ballistas and are a crazy person.
  2. From the stream? Where'd you hear this? If true, that's nice. Chariot still being around makes me want to try a Veritant, and the Prime might be quite good with buffs.
  3. I wouldn't agree with that, but I haven't faced them much yet.
  4. Supposedly - let's not spread too much information until the actual reviews come out. That could be a Stormhost bonus, or an Artifact, or something else.
  5. The free Core Rules say this. "A command ability will usually specify when it is used; if it does not, it is used in your hero phase." Just take a Soulscryer. He can bring 2 Deepkin units with him (so almost always the melee Eels). They set up 6" from battlefield edge, 9" away from enemies, and he has an ability to increase their charge distance by 3". So Eels + Hero = 2 units with 6" charges to make, chuck Cogs into the list for 4" charges. Fulminators guaranteed Deep Striking would be good, but not insanely stronger than that.
  6. Eh... is that so terrible? Cogs are not easy to get off, and Gavriel's ability requires a Command Point and him to be nearby (so he can't Scions, since it happens in the Hero Phase). If you want the charge reroll on top, that's another CP plus a character in range. Honestly? Deepkin can already do a version of this that's as strong or stronger with Eels. I'm not really worried about it becoming broken.
  7. I'd like that. They did away with the roll in 40k, nothing makes me more upset than a good unit never hitting the table because I can't roll a 3+. I really only ever used it on Lib tax units to throw onto objectives.
  8. Anyone considering bringing in the new Nighthaunt stuff into their LoS list? The Wizards seem pretty ok if nothing else.
  9. If true, that's pretty dope. Would make dropping in way stronger than it is currently, would have to see the actual wording on it. There's gonna be a Facehammer podcast on the Battletome this Saturday, so I'm gonna listen to it a couple times when it comes out haha!
  10. Lots of stuff. Bricks of Plaguebearers that are -2 to shoot and have Disgustingly Resilient Things that start off the table and charge/shoot when they come in (especially if you're sacrificing army for CP) Nighthaunts that ignore the -2 Rend and have 6+ Death saves for everything else Legion of Sacrament armies where the General has Shroud of Darkness so is -2 to be shot, -3 with Look Out Sir!, and can rez bricks of dudes Mass Longstrike shooting will punk lots of stuff but is far from unbeatable. If you choose to activate it, the wielder gets more attacks but reduces their save for the Combat Phase. It's a Berserker weapon.
  11. Nah man, the sauce (imo) is Anvils + Longstrikes. Stack up multiple Command Points (maybe a Battalion), burn 3 in a turn, shoot 9xLongstrikes 3 times in your Hero Phase, once in Shooting phase. That's Aetherstrike but stronger. Or heck, Anvils + Retributors. Charge in, get a double turn, blow a bunch of Points to attack again in your Hero Phase. That'll remove any unit in the game.
  12. So it seems that either you choose an established Stormhost and get an Ability, Command Ability, forced Artifact and forced Command Trait - OR you make a custom one, choose your Command Trait and Artifact, but don't get the special Abilities. Trade off for flexibility vs power. If Staunch Defender and Mirrorshield are still around, it'll be a tough decision. Play Anvils as Anvils and shoot/fight multiple times per turn? Or take the better General options and lose out on that?
  13. The hope is that after the Battletome dust settles, we'll have a solid Battalion so we can get an extra CP early on. Assuming Hailstorm Battery has something to do with Ballistas and an Ordinator, but it depends on what it looks like.
  14. This is true. While they're not invincible, there's going to be a lot less things like Skyfires just killing all Heroes by T2 and ending a lot of armies immediately. Shooting units are still good, though, because there are other priority targets that aren't Heroes.
  15. Where was this revealed? I haven't heard anything about it.
  16. I don't even think the Prime is necessary (though he might change in a week), I might try Comet, Dragon, Heraldor x2. Maybe a Meteoric Standard Vexillor.
  17. My Narrative states that while my army wears the regalia of the Anvils of the Heldenhammer, my General is a shrewd tactician who will use the strategies of any other Stormhost if it makes sense for the mission that they are sent upon. Don't tread on my Narrative, bro. Most events allow Proxies if they are good conversions, so it'll be about the same - Clear with TO before going.
  18. Almost all is new, other than the last 3 (Shadespire, Pitched Battle Profiles, and Silver Tower). Obviously most of this doesn't affect us, other than the Core Rules Designer Commentary. Eh, with the current Cycle of the Storm interpretation, I don't think I'd take more than one, to be honest.
  19. It also means it can be dispelled easily, but since it does damage at the start of the Battle Round, if you cast it at the bottom of a Turn it's guaranteed to do landing damage and one round of pulse damage. It doesn't move, so it's a great area denial zone. Can't reach an Objective? Just nuke it and go after other ones ?
  20. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/06/27/27th-june-battletome-preview-endless-spellsgw-homepage-post-2/ Endless spells! Hammer Tornado seems reasonable. 40 points to hurt enemy shooting, not bad. Not amazing, since many good units (like Skyfires or Kurnoth Hunters) can just get away from it quite easily, but 40 points is not expensive. Dias gives better saves, Fly, and an additional Unbind, which is cool. Brings most Heroes to a 2+, and the extra unbind will be really nice in this edition. Glad it's not just a moving Balewind. The Comet, though, that thing is the sauce. 100 points is steep, but I think I'd bring this thing over a Purple Sun any day of the week. Nuke camping units, ****** over hiding Wizards. Potentially instagib a model 46" away from the caster. And casts on a 6? So, so good.
  21. Ballistas are quite strong for their points. The temptation is to put a bunch around an Ordinator, but if you just take a couple in cover, they're 2+ 7W long range platforms that shred things when they get close. Incantors are fairly solid. If nothing else, auto dispel will be invaluable if the game starts to go heavy on the Magic side of things. But yeah I hope the Battletome gives something nice for Castigators and Evocators. I think Castigators are... fine, but nothing special.
  22. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/05/20/20th-may-pre-order-preview-inspire-your-warband/ Warbands without cards are going up for preorder. Wondering if this is just to sell more models, or if it has something to do with the new set coming out.,,
  23. My wild speculation is that it's Nighthaunt (well that's basically guaranteed with the one card art) and either Dispossessed or Free Peoples. Lightning with an Anvil doesn't seem like it could be much else, other than SCE but there's already two of those.
  24. From the Adepticon preview panel: there will be more Shadespire teams in the future. Specifically called out Shadespire, not Underworlds. More boards are in the works, no news of when or how they will be available.
  25. Got a couple games in with the Dorfs tonight. They feel... awkward. You want to get on objectives to Inspire, but the cards and statlines want to fight. I'm sure there's some build out there that makes it work but I'm not really convinced of how effective it is.
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