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Everything posted by Requizen

  1. That usually depends on size and shelf space. If it's one of those smaller strip mall sized ones, then they generally don't have room for stuff outside the two flagship games other than maybe a couple box sets (like the main Shadespire box). If it's a larger one with more wallspace, then I'd be a bit more concerned. For reference, I'm close to two GW stores. One is relatively small - only one table and just enough shelf space for the main line stuff, I think they only have the main Shadespire box and even that's under the table and not on the shelf. The other one is quite large, 3 full sized tables, and there's an entire display area for Shadespire including Orruks and Skeletons. Considering they just starting showing off Organized Play and Grand Clashes have been going well, I doubt they'll be decreasing coverage of the game.
  2. These guys look completely different to any other Warband we've seen so far. There's no clear hard hitter, usually there's at least 1 or 2 models that are designed to punch out solid damage, in this one it's obviously supposed to be Skritch and Krrk, but neither has cleave and even Inspired they're nothing special. However, lots of Double Defense dice and fairly insane speed means they get to dictate engagements against pretty much everyone except Khorne. Whether they're good or not depends heavily on their Objectives. As the Neutral Objectives stand, they're not great at the fighty ones, so they'll likely take Objective cards, though their squishy statlines and lower numbers means they're not as good at it as Skeletons. When all the new Objectives hit we'll have a better idea, just not sure how they'll play at this point in time.
  3. Khorne will be interesting. I think that matchup gets decided T1 - if Khorne can alpha and kill either Fjul or Tefk (or both), it's almost game over. But if they fail... Hoo boy it's gonna get bad for them. Skellies will be interesting. If they remain defensive (which seems to be the case), Dorfs will just put objectives in the middle and it'll play out much like Orruks. I think it'll be a similar matchup, but more chances to gib a Dorf early on with a good Champion/Second Skeleton combo.
  4. Thinking of Earthen from Warcraft - stone colored with glowing blue effects. Might be a bit too hard for me though haha.
  5. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2018/02/05/warband-focus-chosen-axesgw-homepage-post-1/ With this preview I think there's enough to start a discussion thread. Much like Orruks, the Chosen Axes have a very strong leader, a solid "right hand" dude, and two bros that are useful but not crazy. I think much of the focus will be on getting Grimnir and Tefk inspired and then trying to one-shot baddies with them. "Push" ploys and Shifting Shards will be nice for guaranteed Inspire on T1, but I think mobility and defensiveness will be good for brawling. I don't really see these guys as Turtle playstyle but it could work that way too. What are you guys thinking so far?
  6. Actually I think Reavers will have a good matchup against Skaven. They already have a good matchup against Skeletons, and I'm expecting Skaven to be very similar - Garrek will be able to farm Glory off of small Rats, Saek will be a screaming missile to take out the named dudes. If they rez in your backfield, Reavers are fast enough to go back and smash them, especially if you send back Karsus with his extra reach. I could be wrong, but I'm imagining Clanrats to just be Petitioners with higher speed, so I'm thinking Reavers will have a field day in the matchup. We'll see though!
  7. Eh, I wouldn't be so sure. While Spiteclaws have the speed and rez, unless Krrk is on the same scale as Saek, Reavers will have the blitz punch to remain relevant, as well as very strong faction-only cards. We'll see how the meta shakes out but I don't see any one Warband becoming "useless". Keyblade conversion? I'll paint it up like Oathkeeper
  8. I kind of want Dwarves to all be HP4 on Dodge. In AoS, they're more hardy with that Ward save, which you can interpret as more HP, but their regular save sucks. Could be fluffy to make them hard to one shot but represent the lack of armor with a bad defense die.
  9. There's a Warhammer Studio Preview on Thursday (for LVO), I would imagine we see both new Warbands previewed along with other stuff (Aelves?)
  10. Hoping it's out before Feb 20th so I can use it at Adepticon. Current rumors put it early/mid Feb around the end of Custodes releases, so we'll see in a few weeks.
  11. The helmets and red skin look badass, major props.
  12. Took some advice and finished the Sepulchral Guard. Not as good as others in this thread but I like em!
  13. Maybe. Was more going ghostly than space but I guess it turned out that way. Dunno how to make the eyes green, never really learned OSL. What if the Sword was the same rusty color as the shield? I kinda like the eco glow but maybe it doesn't fit.
  14. Here's a WIP model for my Guard, what do you think about the color scheme?
  15. Is it just me or do Ironjawz feel like they have the best Objectives in the game right now? I feel like no other Warband has Objectives that are as easy to get and mesh as well with how they play. Make 3 charges? Charge 3 different units? Kill the enemy Leader? It's all the stuff you want to do anyway.
  16. Played against the Boyz the other day. Ironskull with a damage upgrade is absolutely terrifying, especially for Stormcast players who don't have anyone to "sacrifice" into him. The game made me really interested in trying them out, it seems that they have lots of interesting combos and tricks, moreso than the very straightforward Stormcast.
  17. I fiddled around with decks this weekend and really like the idea of a Power deck just stacked to buff Garrek/Saek and essentially "saving" them for Turn 3. If you can hurt down your opponents with Arnulf/Targor/Karsus on the first two turns, then end of T2/rest of T3 Garrek and Saek can basically solo the SCE warband once they're Inspired and have a few Power cards on them. Dunno how it'll work out against Orruks/Skellies though.
  18. I would imagine there will be people selling boards, cards, etc on eBay as well. It's clear they want anyone who wants to get into it to buy the core box regardless of whether they like Stormcast/Khorne or not, but people will buy it for their own reasons. Also we might see boards as separate releases in the future like they did with Blood Bowl mats.
  19. I thought I heard somewhere that you could have 20+ with no duplicates, but I think most people will want as few cards in their deck as possible.
  20. Couldn't be more excited. For sure going to get a SCE warband and paint it Anvils of the Heldenhammer to match my main army, but very excited for the Deathrattle expansion as well. I've never played TCGs before, are the Card Sleeves worth getting? In general, not specifically the GW ones that I'm sure are going to be quite higher than going to a FLGS for something non-branded.
  21. Torn between this and the 40k champs. I generally like Sigmar more but I only wish it was a 2 day event =( Sent from my ONEPLUS A3000 using Tapatalk
  22. Though the Anvil there may mean something else. Dwarves are pretty close allies of the Stormcast, they might share some Heraldry or some sort of mixed icon?
  23. I kinda hope not. Order has gotten enough attention lately, hoping that we get Death before Aelves or maybe something neat in Destruction.
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