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Everything posted by Trav

  1. Full unit of knights done for another doubles tournament next week. 5 didnt quite cut it, 10 look badass
  2. Hi all. Any ideas for an effective 1000 point list that wont be too hard to put together? cheers!
  3. Yep, nice early night for me before tournament!
  4. Finished my summoning pool for a tournament this weekend. Should be fun. 750 point doubles, my partner is running khorne with bloodcrusher and daemon prince. No idea how we will go!
  5. Now working on some daemons to summon. Should be fun in game.
  6. Thanks. Yeah i think the snow is good with the pink. The blue does jump out a bit, but i guess excessive is characterful. I love the giant too, sadly he doesnt see a lot of action though
  7. Interesting to see what happens. In the meantime I will paint my remaining warriors and knights and try to actually play some games! i would be down for a chaos dragon
  8. What is the benefit of charging in your hero phase?
  9. I have these units ready to go. I have 10 warriors with sword and shield and 5 knights to finish up. I also need to put the hellstriders onto smaller sized bases as these were the only ones I had at the time. I generall play 1000 point games so this gives me plenty of options.
  10. I also finished this unit of chosen, looking forward to buffing them up with the lord of slaanesh
  11. Haven't played AOS in a long time and decided to paint up some new units for my mortal slaanesh army. I just painted up my sorcerer lord. Quick and easy and used a wood elf head as I am not a fan of the original. next I have some chosen to paint. Many say they arent great but they are my favourite unit.
  12. The units arent lacklustre at all, justbdont have the overall damage output that the top armies have.
  13. Thanks! They are really fun to play with. It can be hard to win against stormcast due to their fragile nature. They just take a lot of skill to make sure you stay out of combats you dont want and to make the most of shooting. Many people add sylvaneth as they are harder to kill. I prefer to play pure wanderers as i find it a fun and cool force to use. in saying all this, i havent played a huge amount of games with them.
  14. Just finished the wayfinder. Here is a group shot of the charcters together. Orion is next on the list, looking forward to working on him.
  15. Thank you. It does seem pretty hard to win with these guys but they are so fun to play. yeah the gladeguard are great models, I love them
  16. Squeezed out a few waywatchers this week. Quick and fun to paint.
  17. Not my best work and will have to touch them up. Have another 5 to work on.
  18. Thanks man! It is only small but so much variety, got a couple more u its to paint shortly- sisters of the thorn and wardancers. Trying to get a wardancer lord but he is impossible to find!
  19. Thanks man. Yeah the snow is definitely different. Like the idea of the elves marching out of their realm to war across a snowy wasteland. I also did the same basing on my chaos army and thought it might be cool to match them. And thanks, pretty happy with how the colours look together and always wanted to do flaming fire arrows. wood elves have so many fun units and the characters are awesome- especially the waywatcher lord. Unfortunately they don't seem super strong in the game but they require skill and finesse (not that i have that much!) and are rewarding to play. It feels so awesome when everything goes right and all the tricks work! Plus they have a great feel and synergy. yep you got all the dragon rider parts, easy to do and really effective. good luck with your build and welcome to the game- it is so much fun
  20. Cheers guys. I haven't seen a lot of wood elves in aos which is why I decided to build some. Pretty happy with the colours too. Wardancers are coming up next. here are some close ups of the dragon. Just the highelf dragon with converted rider and green paint job!
  21. Hi all. Last couple of months I have been collecting and building a smallish wood elf army. These guys have been really fun to paint and play with so far. I just wanted to share what i have done so far and track my progress.
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