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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Update No painting has happened so far, mainly due to work, Mother’s Day and me giving into my wife and getting this fuzzball… Hoping to do some stuff this weekend but currently hyped about the Adepticon reveals and trying not to get distracted.
  2. Probably. Might be more Sunday with the preview but I don't think it will need much hyping. I'm expecting another teaser trailer.
  3. I was going to say it probably won't due to Fat Shark having the trademark but then I remembered it's a licence from GW so they own it! I think it's unlikely though to remove any confusion with the game. (would be really cool though!!!)
  4. I think there will be a fair chunk of 40K if the rumours at moment are true (Blood Angels and Krieg!) and with the Amazon TV shows appearing later this year, I wouldn't be surprised. However, it's highly likely it's 4th edition of Age of Sigmar this year. We've seen the Skaven weapon team leak which will mean we will see a full reveal or a teaser. I'm not aware of any other events between Adepticon and June/July apart from UK Games Expo and I don't think they will show anything new off there. I was at one about 7 years ago when the Primaris were first shown off and I don't think they did anything special outside of the seminars apart from a web reveal. So there is a good chance we will see something juicy. So have some faith in the Horned Rat (or quiver in fear as you should do!)
  5. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can I suggest we start a new topic around anniversary miniatures and the meta watch Thanks
  6. Just to repeat this folks… My advice is to write a constructive email to uk.custserv@gwplc.com and ask them about it. Say you would love to have an option to get one of these and explain where you are. I'm sure if enough people write in and write in a constructive way (use common sense here please!!!), you can make them aware about the demand for such models. Please email them. Enough demand will get them to do something (hopefully). PS - let’s get back to rumours.
  7. Yup, although in my experience any sort of lead tends to do less designing and more meetings (I say this from experience ). He's also a ex-Eavy metal painter and has been at GW for around 20 years. He's designed some amazing miniatures (like Maugan Ra). He seems a nice bloke as well. I'll have a look at his socials later if he is posting lots of Skaven stuff.
  8. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Just an update for EVERYBODY. TGA is a place for EVERYBODY, no matter your background, gender or race. We will not tolerate abusive behaviour towards anyone and there has been some comments made by @MitGas recently as well as in the past, which crosses the line. They have been banned from using the site for a month. I have also chosen not to remove the comments as I try not to do censorship and I want people to see what happens if you behave in this way. TGA is for everybody BUT if you act in a way that is abusive towards anyone, we will react. This is a forum to discuss Warhammer and how much we enjoy it. Please keep it that way Thanks
  9. I don't think a petition would do much. Lots of people emailing "I want those models but it's difficult for me to get. Make it easier for me to buy them" will probably have more sway on a company selling stuff for a living
  10. My advice is to write a constructive email to uk.custserv@gwplc.com and ask them about it. Say you would love to have an option to get one of these and explain where you are. I'm sure if enough people write in and write in a constructive way (use common sense here please!!!), you can make them aware about the demand for such models.
  11. Totally get the grumpiness around event miniatures and availability outside UK. My advice is to write a constructive email to uk.custserv@gwplc.com and ask them about it. Say you would love to have an option to get one of these and explain where you are. I'm sure if enough people write in and write in a constructive way (use common sense here please!!!), you can make them aware about the demand for such models. Anyway, back to rumours.... More heavy boxes going to US. Might be 4th edition or might be something silly like Space Marine branded shampoo. Who knows? PS it looks fine on my monitor, so squint a bit
  12. Personally there will only be a doom for them if Dark Elves appear in The Old World. This is probably years away, so I wouldn't worry. If it does happen, they I would either expect a reimagining or drafted into a new concept, but we may be in 5th or 6th edition then!
  13. Yup as well as get people going to local stores 'just in case' theres any in stock. Problem is when brought at local GW's, is that stores have targets to meet each month. Whilst the store manager might pull a face if somebody brought all of this, they would still allow it so they hit their targets. It's totally annoying wherever the person buying it, is doing it for profit or to help out other gamers but from a store point of view they will look the other way. Warhammer World may be different though. Yup. Very curious if the Darkoath would have been shown off or they were something that was going to be shown over next few weeks. Makes you wonder if showing them off early means we are getting a 4th edition reveal and they will devote more time to it?
  14. I wouldn't be surprised if they do something around Dwarfs in The Old World.
  15. Update I’ve been busy this weekend but I have managed some progress. Started on the Kruleboyz and got six mostly assembled. I left the shields off but marked on each model which shield goes with each by writing under the base with a sharpie. The models are great but I’m old now and I found them fiddly to assemble. I dread to think how somebody new to the hobby would feel! I’m hoping to get another six assembled in the week but not going to push too hard as it’s Mothers Day in the UK next Sunday and I don’t think it would go down well if I was hobbying! On another note, I’m signed up to a Warmaster tournament in May that a mate is running and I’ve joined a gym, so you can see how I get distracted! 🤣
  16. Nope. Just weekend and sometime. If I was going to guess, I'd say around midday Saturday UK time but it could be any time. On another but similar note I doubt the preview is two hours long but allows for a Q and A session with people. For UK time, that's 21st March at 0100.
  17. I think you will find it will be one 40K model, one AOS model and then something else. And maybe an announcement about Dwarfs. But all the big stuff will be Adepticon and it makes sense not to spoil anything before it to keep the excitement up.
  18. There's a internet craze around this time of year, started many years ago by Games Workshops Nick Bayton. For those who don't know, Nick is the Battle Report presenter for Warhammer+ and has done all sorts of jobs at Games Workshop over the years. He is really passionate about anything to do with Games Workshop but he is really passionate about Ultramarines. So he started saying "March for Macragge" where you paint up Ultramarines during the month of March. That sounds really simple, except I want to paint up some stuff for Age of Sigmar. Oh and I have the attention span of... oh look Squirrel!! Okay, basically I want to get some stuff painted up, do a bit of a blog about it and probably inspire or entertain people along the way. But I'm going to need some guidelines to follow (this is to help me kind of stay on track). March to March - I know I'll struggle to do anything so my time span is March 2024 to March 2025 Rule of Two - To keep me on track, I need to make two hobby updates a month. These can be WIP or a finished thing but should try and show progress This is for fun - The most important rule! This is just a fun thing. I shouldn't get stressed about not being able to do updates due to real life So with the prospect of 4th edition on the horizon, I want to make sure I have a new army ready to play games with. I've been sitting on a pile of potential for a while now, so I think it's time to get them finished - Kruleboyz! I think the models look great, it's a nice change from the typical fantasy Orc that we usually see, and their (current) playstyle looks interesting. With this in mind, I've decided they will be my army in 4th edition Age of Sigmar. My plan is to basically paint up what I have from the list below and add a few extra models. I'm not working to any type of army list as I have no idea how the game will work in the next edition (will it be a enhancement of what we have now or will there be big changes?), but the idea is to have some stuff to play with. 1x Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof 1x Killaboxx with Stab-Grot 1x Murknob with Belcha-banna 2x Swampcalla Shaman with Pot-grot 1x Beast-skewer Killbow 12x Man-skewer Boltboyz 20x Gutrippaz 20x Hobgrot Slittaz I'll probably add some more stuff to this as well but this is the bulk of the stuff I want to get painted. Check back soon for some actual pictures!
  19. I think GW ran a couple of events last year for a Golden Ticket and I think that the Just Play guys ran an event as well. Not sure of any others.
  20. You may never know Just because somebody reacts a certain way through the internet, doesn't always mean it's the same what you think it is (as a Dad to an Autistic child, I have to explain stuff quite a lot because of how they perceive reactions) It looks like it
  21. I think it will be Adepticon. They waited months after the back of the Age of Darkness set leaked! This weekend will probably be next Dawnbringer model for AOS but that is me hoping they devote Adepticon to new edition!
  22. I've just split this off to stop the Rumour Thread going even more off topic!!!! Theres still a few around but they do seem to have reduced a bit in frequency. One I watch is https://www.youtube.com/@SeasonofWar
  23. There is for 30K - https://www.warhammer.com/en-GB/shop/fulgrim-transfigured-2023 Not yet for 40K and less of that here please This is the big problem GW have at the moment and I've heard they are trying to resolve this with an additional factory unit to be able to produce stuff. This is going to impact everything they do until they have the capacity and I really would expect GW to carry on with the FOMO for now. Not surprising but again I think they just can't made enough models for demand.
  24. not recently! (I didn't forget about them..... honest..... ) Okay yes, those guys use it a lot but is it something new or casual players use? This is what GW will look at.
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