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Gaz Taylor

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Posts posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. 19 minutes ago, Riavan said:

    Tbh I think the price reduction might be to get some of the sales instead of third party eBay sellers who are splitting the starter set.

    Like in Australia it's 20-30 dollars off eBay for 5 libs from the starter set. Or 80-90 for five from a GW box. Even with the fact you are not getting the great weapons, it's hard to justify that.

    I could be wrong, but I think it seems less likely for other factions (except maybe khorne BB). I hope I'm wrong.

    Might be a bit of this but I suspect it's more because they want players to feel that they are getting more bang for their buck and offer sets with better value. It's also more inviting for new players 


    10 hours ago, Immersturm said:

    What's with the Angelios key word on the Hunters? Something I missed?

    Its been mentioned but I think its for some sort of Fast Attack/Scouting force you can choose in the new book.

    13 hours ago, Siegfried VII said:

    I think that their usefulness will depend a lot on their points and whether they will be battleline.

    Other than that they seem to be good at taking care of warmachines, shooting units and weak characters such as wizards.

    I don't think they will be battleline but as mentioned, seem useful for attacking support units (warmachines, shooting units, wizards. etc). If they are cheap points wise, make Stormcast even more scarier!

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  2. 4 hours ago, Nevvermore said:

    Sorry to say, but I myself am a FB friend of mr Blanche even though I've never spoken a word to him. Hes friends with a big part of the INQ28 group on FB, it doesn't actually mean that they know him.

    If you ever do get chance to meet him, like pretty much everybody at GW he is a really nice guy! I met him a few years ago at a GW Heat for fantasy and he was just sitting out of the way doodling in a notebook. It was great to chat with him, especially as I was in awe as I love his work!


    2 hours ago, Malicth said:

    Wow didn't think you guys would be talking about my post on Facebook. Don't know if I should feel flattered it made its way here or under pressure lol.

    Under Pressure of course!!! ;) 

  3. 5 hours ago, Ben said:

    This is edging ever closer.  

    Did everyone see the new Stormcast models in White Dwarf?  The new battletome will be played at Alliance.  

    Don't say stuff like that as it makes me want to speed paint an army I know I have no time to speed paint!

    Also are you doing grudges as I need to sort out Mr Johnson with my frosty elephant ;) 

  4. 50 minutes ago, Chris Tomlin said:

    That puts me on 11 games for 2017 so far...none of which I've reported on so far. Arghhh! Not the start I wanted for the blog :S

    I think that's really disgusting Chris..... ;)

    Seriously, it's all fine. Problem with real life is that somethings are difficult to do and with all the gaming and podcasting you are doing, you shouldn't worry too much about it. Also I'm dead jealous of all the gaming and hobby stuff you do!!!!

    • Like 1
  5. 14 hours ago, AdamJ said:

    Just linked my Amazon Prime membership and there seems to be two Warhammer TV channels which are:



    Only the first has uploaded video. Anyone know why there is the 2nd channel?

    The second channel was the original channel when they did the Warlords GT coverage. Not sure if somebody else had the Warhammer label but they seemed to have got it now and using that (which makes sense as this is what they are rebranding to).

  6. 39 minutes ago, Aelven said:

    I think it is a dwarf based on the nose and other dwarfish details. Is it confirmed a mage or was that just speculation from the stream? I think it could be a dwarf priest of some kind. Perhaps these dwarfs have some descendant from Fyreslayers and therefore some fire priests still bestow the power of flame. Or maybe its our first clothed fire slayer. Surely he would not commit such a crime against his naked brethren traditions!

    I'm 99% sure it was confirmed on the stream by Rob and Eddie, however I was being kicked in the face by my son who didn't want to go to sleep in his pram and decided that Daddy was more comfortable, so I may have been slightly distracted ;) 

  7. 2 hours ago, Carnelian said:

    It definitely looks like a duardin face to me. Plus he's much lower down in the picture which suggests he's pretty short. This is aos after all - maybe duardin will have wizards?

    As mentioned by @CoffeeGrunt, it's dramatic positioning ;) 

    Also it was mentioned in the stream it was a Bright Wizard (but you can argue that could be a lie). 

    Could Duardin have wizards? I think so. Things have changed since the days of the world what was ;) 

  8. 36 minutes ago, Thomas Lyons said:

    Interestingly, a source seemingly in the know said I was really close.  I bantered a bit with them but they ultimately said they couldn't say more but to check out the Mistweaver from Silver Tower more closely because there are hints there. Then I looked at the mist coming out of the staff (posted by another person), see below.  This theory might have some legs. So, Death-aligned shadowkin coming to a store near you in the coming (6?) months (maybe?). 


    I look at that picture and think "Slaanesh" ;) 

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, KHHaunts said:

    Well considering we have seen a teaser for the Steamheads and all this tzeentch stuff is flying around. Id assume its going to be dwarfs and Arcanites since they are both in the realm of Metal. But who knows . . . .

    Ooh Forgotten about that but been distracted by all the cool 40K releases coming up soon!!!!!

    1 hour ago, KALITAS said:

    Yup and hopefully my copy turns up today for me to have a read through when I get back home (probably not as my son is teething and both me and my wife have had very little sleep!)

    • Like 2
  10. 9 hours ago, daedalus81 said:

    Cheaper kit.  I'd be glad since they're going to be fodder anyway.

    Pretty much this!

    Also we have no idea what will be happening with AOS over the next 12-18 months (or 40K), so we may see a big Tzeentch focus but personally I'm hoping for Aelfs and Slaanesh!

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  11. 19 minutes ago, Alcina said:

    2 crazy ideas for the rumour engine:

    - might it not be a part of a dwarf armour for Blood Bowl? I think the dwarf team is the next one to be released?


    From what I've seen so far of the Blood Bowl Dwarfs, I think not. I think pictures are somewhere in this thread but they don't match up with what was in the Rumour Engine post.


    20 minutes ago, Alcina said:

    - I think I read somewhere that something big is coming tomorrow (18th) or this weekend (19th). Might it not be a dual kit (both playable for AoS and 40K) with Dwarfs and Tzeench? It would be BIG, it would interest those waiting for the next campaign and new releases for AoS before Christmas and not really interested in the big starter boxes, and it would fit also with Magnus. But they said on the warhammer community site that is was something for next year only.... so don't know...

    The big thing is the Warzone Fenris pt2 coming out for 40K. It's basically where we see what happens to the Space Wolves and Fenris and get loads of lovely Tzeentchian models for 40K. No idea if it's the big reveal this weekend or next week

    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Lysandestolpe said:

    does this mean that we will see a new giant model (or reworked at least) for the release?

    Doubt it. This is just a repackaging of current kits with a funky battalion for Christmas.

    But with how cool GW has been this year, I'm happy to eat those words! ;) 

  13. 43 minutes ago, Malin said:

    It is identical, bought it few months back, hoped for something different this time around

    Wasn't the last Khorne set the Deamon one? It was very similar

    6 minutes ago, wayniac said:

    Still seems pretty lackluster to me.  Classic GW move, which is saddening as it appears they still haven't learned that if you only support a fraction of your armies with constant releases, those will of course be the top sellers, which results in you supporting them even more, rinse and repeat.  On the flip side, if you support the ones that don't get any love with updated rules and boxes, maybe people will think you're supporting them and actually buy them.

    I sometimes think GW is too scared to take actual risks.

    I think we can give GW some slack as the stuff we have seen this year from them is phenomenal! They've show to have been taking risks with the releases we have seen this year, opening up on social media, bringing back the Grand Tournaments and live streaming games from the Warlords event. Then there's all the cool models and stuff they have done.

    I understand what you are saying but at the end of the day, they have a massive amount of product ranges so need to consolidate those down to a few boxes for that last minute christmas sales rush. I'm hoping they will do some web deals or something as well on the back of this but I'm not holding my breath.

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, TalesOfSigmar said:

    Really hoping the Dwarf team comes out soon as they look great.

    I've heard soon as well ;) 

    On 07/11/2016 at 9:13 PM, Percivael said:

    They did huge Black Friday bundles last year with savings. Some people were disappointed that the savings weren't bigger. It's something they may try again to generate interest. But this is a post Start Collecting world we're living in so who knows!

    Not quite a sale but more of a deal :D 

    I think when it comes to anything to do with Black Friday, unless you have a stupid saving or discount, people do get disappointed.

  15. 1 hour ago, CoffeeGrunt said:

    Hehe, well at least I'm not alone in disliking that site, then.

    It's a horrible site, especially considering it used to be somewhere really good to get rumours and see some of the cool stuff in the US. Even worse if you try viewing it off an iPhone!!!

    54 minutes ago, Percivael said:

    Hmmm does sound a bit boring. I was hoping these premium boxes were a logical step to £100 per box to accommodate the likes of Fyreslayers and Rotbringers. I wonder if these are the first 4 and there is more to come in the new year? Yes I think Black Friday may be one to watch this year as GW have really improved their prices since last year E.G. Start collecting boxes, Army boxes etc.


    Just need to say this - Do not expect a Black Friday type sale off GW. Sales like this are usually to shift a load of stock before it is out of date or to make space in warehouses. GW stuff doesn't really go out of date in the same way as a lot of other stuff and they are fairly good at stocklevels now. Black Library on the otherhand may have a sale....

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