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Gaz Taylor

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Everything posted by Gaz Taylor

  1. Hummm…. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/04/29/slaves-to-darkness-new-battletome-and-daemon-prince-unveiled/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=warhammer-age-of-sigmar&utm_content=slavestodarkness
  2. +++ Mod Hat On +++ Can we please get back to rumours!!! Any other conversations should be started up in their own topic. Thanks
  3. Not going to disagree but they have shown off 40K and AOS as well. Last one I went to was just after Soul Wars was announced and it was the first place you could see the models in person. Also it was the first place you could play Dark Imperium when that came out. Im not expecting anything like that this time, as I think they have been preparing for the Heresy release and I suspect AOS has suffered as GW hasn’t had all the resource to support upcoming releases as they have done in the past. Note - this isn’t me saying GW hate AOS or it’s going to be dropped but they put all their production and distribution effort to Heresy and did the bear minimum for other systems. If they do a preview, hopefully it will be around the Chaos and Order releases they teased earlier this year.
  4. There’s the UK Games Expo which I believe that GW are sponsoring this year. They may have a preview around that time but I suspect the focus will be on Heresy at the Expo. If you can go, it’s a nice day out if you like lots of board games. I met Ian Livingstone at one a few years ago!!
  5. Maybe.😂 Im expecting it to still be a joke but if it is real, my money would be on a Kill Team PS - I’m not good at gambling so don’t take this as I know something!!!
  6. Just recently it’s started doing this, so the latest update. Personally I was a bit shocked and annoyed at first then realised I didn’t look at most of the warscrolls apart from the ones for models I play with. So if I unlock with the book I use and can still make lists, I’m okay with that. I started playing with 40K and Fantasy where you didn’t have this info, so it’s not the end of the world. Also if I want to research new lists/armies, I’ll watch battle reports, listen to podcasts and read things. I’m not very good at theoryhammer so I’m okay with this in the app.
  7. 100% this. Whilst it’s nice having access to all the warscrolls, in reality I don’t look at them apart from the ones for models I have. Anything I’m interested in for the future, I’ll watch some battle reports and read some reviews to get a feel for them as I find it difficult to theory hammer
  8. I disagree with this. Some playtesters are competitive but all of them. I don’t know any of the details but my thoughts are they might need the cash or want to try a new army or even game (must resist talking about Horus Heresy!!!). And with the new book coming, probably a good time to sell? It’s all fun gossiping but do we have to be so negative about it? Just because somebody is selling something doesn’t mean it’s bad. I mean, most of the new books have had comments about them not being that great and they seem to be doing ok.
  9. It’s all Harlequins at the moment and pinks and purples seem to be the colour 😭 Totally agree but again it’s what people have said they don’t like. I don’t think it will go from books and white dwarf for AOS. Hopefully we will continue to see stuff on YouTube which I always thinks helps as you can see the model being painted
  10. I don’t think that will happen as different audience compared to 40K. I think the general feedback is people like the pages showing little tips in AOS.
  11. In a bit of a reverse, I’ve now seen the announcements and preview show. Overall I liked it. Lots of cool stuff coming out over the next four months or so and I’m very excited about Heresy (my wife tells me off about talking about it now and I’m not allowed to show the trailer!). I think some good things were shown for AOS however I can see why some people are a bit grumpy. But if you look at 40K in the show, they got two codexes, a chaos knight and a teaser about Chaos Marines. I like how AOS is still in the era of the beast and Ghur as I did have concerns that things would shift this year which isn’t great as a lot of people didn’t get chance to play a lot last year. Also it fits in the timeline I have in my head where we will get DOK and Nighthaunts by end of May and the Chaos and Order teasers will be in September. I really think there’s production issues for GW and more so with AOS. I think we just got used to a high pace of releases and expect to see that now but if I’m honest, I like the pace we have now as it gives chance to enjoy and focus on what we are collecting, painting and playing with.
  12. Depends if there’s anything associated with keywords…. 😉🤣 They sound quite good and I like the idea of having lots of units appear on the board anywhere to do some damage to things. Could be cool to chip away at units holding objectives. (Assuming Nighthaunts can still move around as much as they can now).
  13. My two pence - I doubt very much GW would not release stuff for AOS unless they had no choice. Theres a giant Stormcast Eternal in front of their offices and AOS is one of their core games. I doubt very much they would just drop it. Its easy to jump on board with the negativity or spend time gossiping like fish wives about stuff like “GW hates AOS” or “They got the interns to do it” but please just have a moment to pause. There is a lot of stuff happening globally and none of us know how that’s effecting plans in some companies let alone in GW. The guys who work on AOS are really passionate about it and will be doing what they can to make the game fun. But they don’t get everything right and make mistakes. So rather than jumping on the negativity wagon, just think about some of the comments people are making and how it makes you feel. Im not having a go at anybody specifically or saying everybody should be nodding dogs, but being surrounded by negativity isn’t great. I’m pretty sure we will see some cool stuff for AOS come Thursday and GW will continue to support and release stuff.
  14. Totally agree. I think GW know this but they are stuck with their release schedule and I think 40K is more set in stone with redundancy while AOS is flexible. With out all the global stuff going on, I don’t think we would notice any bumps in the schedule. I really hope they can show some stuff off but I’m managing my expectation.
  15. I think so. Quite possible it will be next week and they may have early copies at Adepticon. Hard to tell as part of me feels that the AOS schedule is out of whack (maybe more print on demand closer to release??) while 40K seems to be going full steam ahead (guessing to get into a cycle of ITC support before next edition?). Anyway, back to rumours (ish)- with the DoK vs Nighthaunts possible up for Preorder, we could see them in May depending on things. With Adepticon next week, I’m hoping we see some cool stuff.
  16. At a guess at what the designers were thinking is that it creates a narrative in the game where you have a race to kill the scriptor before judgement is called. Not knowing points and how tough a scriptor is to kill but I don’t think this is all that bad. I think most armies have a way of getting to one of these by turn 3.
  17. I quite like that as it’s simple but would have a nice impact on the game without going too crazy.
  18. I think it depends on when the release will happen. They’ve just started with the articles for the new boxed set so I’m guessing that’s up for preorder in a few weeks. I wouldn’t be surprised if they don’t do anything and leave it as is to see how things happen between now and the changes in the new book. Personally (and late to the party but real life happens and it sucks), I quite like the update. Doesn’t fix stuff but can make things interesting and may make some players try different things. Also GW are trying something new which is great. I’ve learnt over the last week that it’s not worth getting too upset about stuff like this and just enjoy playing.
  19. Just updated on iOS and tried this and it’s working okay for me. Suggest you check that you have all your updates but if still happening let GW know. EDIT - here’s the survey link for feedback. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/3DSRJ8N?utm_source=WarhammerCommunity&utm_medium=Post&utm_campaign=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021&utm_content=TryOutWarhammerAgeofSigmarTheAppandtheStormForgeArmyList-buildingToolRightNowforFree15092021
  20. I’ve seen a rumour that Horus Heresy could be released in June. So I think that means June is not going to have much AOS wise. That suggests to mean that the DOK and Nighthaunts stuff will be April and mysterious Chaos and Order armies in September. Only a guess based on they’ve still got loads of stuff to come out plus summer goes a bit quiet.
  21. Hopefully not disappointment. I honestly believe we will see a bit more for Age of Sigmar! However I’m sort of expecting (and hoping… sorry) to hear a lot more about Horus Heresy as it will be my old man historical game 🤣 I think Ash Wastes will be later this year and we won’t hear much about it now. Cool! This could be in the next few weeks. Wouldn’t be surprised if we saw it up for Preorder next week so it would be on sale at Adepticon.
  22. Ooh so so tempting from a indie as well! Anyway! Back to rumours… Adepticon is about two weeks away and I’m fairly sure we will be getting a preview. Hopefully some more will be shown about the mysterious battletomes they put on the road map.
  23. Yup. It’s striking that balance which is tough as you won’t please everybody but you have to try and cater for them. I remember many years ago (25ish!!!), I think it was Jervis or Andy C who said why would you use Dark Angels or Blood Angels in 2nd edition 40K if you didn’t want to use Deathwing or Death Company. I think there is still some of that mindset now with some players but there’s a community who want to play those forces because they like the background. It’s getting the balance right. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see more command abilities and strategies with forthcoming Generals Handbooks and source books.
  24. Totally agree with this and you’ve explained it better than I did when I mentioned it 😁 I also don’t think it helped with the previews after Dominion dropped, we’re all quite lack lister and came across as an afterthought. There was lots of cool preview videos in 2nd edition when announcing things and they seemed to have been dropped for very function videos (which are nice as well but not exciting). Again with Adepticon coming up and the previews that will be happening, I’m hoping AOS gets a lot more stuff shown off and that will help get people excited as they go out gaming more.
  25. No worries 😉 I like their videos as they go into detail and let you know what you could do with it. This one was good as Russ doesn’t play Fyreslayers so you got his real point of view about what they could do. My thoughts are they aren’t point and click but solid if you use them right. I think this is a valid point. Again people expecting more of the same. I like what they are doing by stripping things back as it means it’s not too bloated as a game plus means they can do updates via White Dwarf fairly easily to let people have new ways of playing.
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