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Everything posted by KHHaunts

  1. Sure its been said a million times but for me it makes perfect sense for the daughters to be part of order as order has always been a shade of grey. It is important to ackowledge that "good" and "order" are vastly different concepts. Order is nothing more or less than the creation of a ordered society, kingdom, empire etc regardless of morals or ambition. Whfb dark elves are a primary example of this (without the slannash influence). There will always be overlaps (i can think of death showing alot of order traits) but ultimately if we step away from order as a single unified concept then its easier to except. Simply put if you dont want to avoid becoming the living dead. Being smashed into a pulp and/or eaten or having your body and soul transformed into some mutated sludge for the amusement of trans dimensional gods. Then order is your best fit. Also the dnd reference above is a good one.
  2. KHHaunts

    Black Coach

    Nice . Very Nice Wanted to add a black coach to my nighthaunt forces but thought the old model was bland. This has given me some great ideas for my own. Im really liking the rusty tail ends of the ghosts. What combination did you use for the ghosts themselves?
  3. New Rules for Vandus and Khorgus on the GW website now. also a new book "Plague Garden"
  4. Id agree with the sentiment. However i wouldsay that its not always to do with the realism. As some people have mentioned why bother having nice scenary at all if its serves no purpose. For me its not a realism thing its part of the games tactical appeal. If i have some uber fast glass cannon Aelves i want to be able to hop them from cover to cover concealing them from ranged units to try and pounce. My view isent "well if they were really behind that wall they would be crouching so you wouldnt be able to see that Aelves ponytail to shoot it!" Its simply that it take away from a great element of the game that if they are going to have at all they may as well do it well. I dont personally like the shooting into out of combat thing with no penalties or limitations. But. They have been very clear with that mechanic (Not the rule. as the rule for LOS is clear also) but as far as that game mechanic goes its "clean" . There is no mechanic for close quarters shooting. End of. If they had said " have a look at your model if the enemies weapon is x away from the shooting model it cant shoot etc etc" that would be the same problem. Put simply Either have a decent, realistic and tatically appealing rule for LOS or dont have anything and eliminate it from the game all together.
  5. Unfortunatley thats the thing about rules. The "spirit of the rules" is a fairly flakey concept to some. I agree with you in that despite being "legal" i wouldnt look to kindly on anyone who did that. However rules need to be clearand to the point as there are many things that people might use the "spirit of the rules" as an excuse for a rule they dont like or vice versa. like using Arkhans curse of years. I personally think that the ability should always fail on a 1. but the rules (including the 3 rules of 1) do not prohibit that ability from entering an unstoppable spiral that can wipe ANYTHING off the table. However is someone wanted to use that ability as the rules describe it is their right to do so. The rules will never be perfect. but GW have an obligation to keep working at them until these glaring issues have been resolved.
  6. At the end of the day i think we all have a decent handle on what a sensible option is (I subscribe to the body only idea, Although im also partial to % of model on occasion as sniping through a mm wide window with a cannon just seems silly) However its simple case of : The rules dont specify so anyones interpretation counts. The rules are clear and the original comment is 100% correct its virtually impossible to obstruct the view of certain models. Its stupid and wrong IMO. But its the rules non the less. All we can do is poke GW until they amend it in the future.
  7. I dont think they will come back. But i think we will see elements of them crossed with the Aesthetic we saw in Nagash and the deathlords.
  8. GW may want to go forward but uber strong fan desire + a really diverse aesthetic totap + some amazing pas model designs (Necrosphinx etc) = GW making use of all that in some way shape or form. GW seem to have a habit (Quite rightly) being unmoving in the face of people complaining and begging for stuff waiting until the hype drops and then finally giving what we want. In fact it reminds me alot of good parenting. AKA waiting until the child has stopped having a tantrum and calmed down. before letting them have something
  9. Very Tomb King esk. The plot thickens. Im still gonna say that the new death faction will be deathlord crossed with tomb kings. considering how GW likes to frustrate us to no end and when weve all but lost hope, blow our mind-holes it wouldnt surprise me if TK aesthetic was the core of the new design. Remember black pyramids from lord of undeath novel.
  10. I would guess it will apply more to the ones that we know are coming (Death, Shadowkin etc) than the "Azyr refugees"
  11. So cant see any new death models in shadspire. but . . . . A female stormcast. Honestly didnt expect that.
  12. Again. comes down to people confusing "order" with "good"
  13. No eyes because its from the realm of shadow?? It may be just a 1 off but since Kharadron overlords are the "other half" of the dwarven aethetic I dont imagine they will do a third/redo the dispossed in the near future and since the KO seems to be released as completely its own thing without absorbing any (or many) units or retconing lore from the old faction (Just like Ironjaws. They nabbed one unit from the old models and exist in the realms but so far so do the regular orruks). For this reason i would imagine that the new Aelf releases may or may not incorporate models from the existing factions. But i honestly think they will be entirely seperate from the other Aelfs. Therefore GW could put the "Shadowkin" in any alliance they want. Also it comes back to this "definition of order" thing again.
  14. Agree 100% Thats why i think that perhaps categorizing there should be a clear caterorgization between the "minion" models and "Overlord" ones. Skelies, Zombies, Dire wolves, Black Knights, Spirit hosts should all fall under a single category (I know they are all under death but i mean an additional one so we can keep the non necromancer summoned armies perhaps such as ghoul kings seperate) so that they can be included in any army not matter if its controlled by a vampire, Necromancer or God of death. Also i just want to be careful we dont wander of the rumor topic to much i can feel those Mod eyes on me . . . . . .
  15. I think that after the release of the Generals handbook, the feedback that followed, and the apparent success of matched play GW needed to re think the style of their battletombs. It makes sense that they would re-do some of the first factions to bring them up todate rather than leaving them be until the cycle come round again i am of the oppinion that i would rather GW "get it right" (as much as can be reasonably expected anyway) with what they have before moving on to the next big thing. As for death. You here so much complaining about them that GW cant be ignorant of the fact and they will likely play up to all of this and turn it into hype. I think its important for people to not be so Grand alliance orientated. The presence of these very specif battle tombs (Along with the fluff itself) make it clear that this whole grand alliance thing isent a flawless relationship and we are just as likely to see the order factions fighting each other as any of the others (Just like in WHFB) I like to treat all releases in factions not GA. GW can only effectivly bring one new faction in at a time and any way they do it someone is going to be annoyed (I doubt Dwarf fans gave a monkeys when Sylvaneth was released just because it was part of order). And im am a death player so i do know how it feels. honestly am happy to just wait our turn. As for what i think death should look like. I think a "Hordes of Nagash" incorporating Deathlords as the (High faction) with the others as minor ones with various links within similar to the knew battletombs to allow synergy between the "micro factions" (Deathmages) rather than trying to flesh out each faction into a new thing. With Skellie buffs and awesome alligiance traits i really dont know how people can see death as disadvantaged
  16. Am very interested to see someone paint them in a non Brass plus team colour scheme. Particularly the foot soldiers and im nota fan of an over abundence of gold.
  17. While not definitve the WH community thread did seem to make a big point of saying that these guys arent anything to do with the "Vanilla" Duardin and while their machines may have found routes from the gyrocopters they are very different and possibly arcane. So perhaps they really are leaving the "Vanilla" dwarves more or less as is. Like the regular orruks i guess?? Which i suppose is good as while the old school Duardin fans many not be getting a battletome (Yet?, They did sort bonesplittars out after doing the ironkaws) atleast the they not being removed entirely. On the subject of their tech. I am curious as to those"baloons" clearly their is some focul source or material that their race is built around (Like the fyre slayers ur gold) im curious to know what that is.
  18. I would have assumed so. However like the Tzeentch stuff alot of it may be the repositioning of older models aka Gyrocopters, Ironbreakers/Drakes and cogsmith etc Malakai, Malakai, Malakai! ok it may be unreasonable to expect him as a character but they have to give him a hat tip somewhere in the knew lore. That army looks like it came straight out of Makaisson heaven.
  19. They may be more variety than we think.The inital Diciples video didnt make all aspects of the release clear and the lighting in the vid makes it very difficult to pick out shapes. Ill hold off my final judgement until we get some clear shots I imagine they could quite easily as its amazing what an alternative color scheme can do. Im trying to imagine the gyrocopters in a brass like color rather than a mat finish and in my head i kind of get it. Iron breakers and iron drakes would fit right in. However that would depend on the stature of the new ones as they look fairly jacked to me! I think thats EXACTLY what they are going for. GW have all these people that have been begging for squats to come back. GW dosent have a way to fit them into 40k and they have a game where they want to attract as much new blood as possible. So they make a faction heavily inspired by the Squat idea that will provide an appealing AOS army for squat fans an a host of easy conversions for 40k Clever. I fully expected this release to sit badly with some. all the othe realses feel like the y have just evolved or updated existing styles: Sylvaneth developed off the already existing treelord models. Bloodbound just expanded on the khourne bezerker theme Orruks just got bigger with thicker armor Tzeentch has always been random and colorful so i think most things would have appealed. Etc etc However Duardin is the first faction where they have wanted to completey tear down the old styles to create something unique for GW just like with the Fyreslayers it is difficult to let go of a faction style completely. Because elts face it regardless of whether or not GW ripped off any of its old world faction inspirations they were still well established and awesome. I dont agree with you. but i certainly get where your coming from. As anyone had any thought to any special characters? I would love to have another old world refererence or revival. Captain Malakai Makaisson!!
  20. I actually talked about this in a seperate thread. It does seem like the rumormongers have stopped trying. Also does the "rumor" engine really produce rumors? Seem more like teasers to me. Its not really a rumor if GW has confirmed its existance from a site they control. I appreciate GW efforts but i miss looking at a grainy picture and spotting something in the background (Like the magmadroths and Archaon) Now we just wait until GW is nice enough to give us a teaser speculate about it for a bit and then repeat the process all over again. We miss you rumormongers :'(
  21. Most of the release schedulenthat people have.mentioned are the major ones though. Duardin and aelves. However its more than likely we will see some repackages and army revamps for others like with FEC. I wouldnt be surprised to see a death battletomb of some sort before the summer
  22. The latest post from aos facebook seems to suggest that thats it now for stormcast (for a while at least)
  23. Isent that a triangle or picture of the horned rats head? Or is that symbol new? i cant remember seeing it anywhere else for the horned rat
  24. i can see the duardin symbol on it. Is this some art of that first rumor engine post?
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