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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. I think we are through all or almost all models for OBR and apart from catapult I see no range units? I'm pretty sure @Thomas Lyonstold a rumour they were supposed to be a ranged army.
  2. I'm really afraid of this Marvel announcement. I have Marvel Unlimited since April, and since March I'm rading DC Comics. Warhammer deserves grim dark, not Disney clowning. Political correctness and overall childish aproach to many titles is repulsive to say the least. At the same time I'm like through 30 TPB of DC's New 52. Most of the titles were mature, kept in dark colors with uneasy situations (dinner at Batman: Death of a family to name one). Warhammer would be so much better at DC.
  3. The Grymwatch are next reason why I believe all old factions should be remade. They look so much better than anything FEC have to offer. I'd love to see DoK, Bonesplitterz or Spiderfang with completely fresh miniatures.
  4. If at least those new space marines where original. They all look the same. No progress.
  5. I would keep current design. Armies like Sylvaneth, Idoneth, Kharadron Overlords, Nighthaunt, Kurnothi, Gloomspite Gitz, Ossiarch Bonereapers are what I expect from Warhammer right now. With all the respect - I can't imagine something more boring like reanimating Bretonnia, an unoriginal faction of conmon knights and soldiers. This is THE MOST IMPORTANT aspect of AoS for me. Brand new armies with al lot of details even among basic troops making them look like heroes. It's a joy to paint and look at them.
  6. For the Kurnothi, we’ve had our first look at what seems to be a brand new race in the Mortal Realms… For me that's enough to believe Kurnothi will get their own army. They wouldn't get a place in a new Beastgrave box as well if they weren't planned for something bigger.
  7. They are being silent with CoS and Orruk battletomes as if they were ashamed of them. Maybe they should? (no new models, even spells or terrain)
  8. To be honest I'm ok with that. I'm the kind of prrson that buys a lot of in advance whenever I see something interesting and discounted. I still have more or less 2k points of unopened boxes of Kharadron Overlords, Idoneth Deepkin and Gloomspite Gitz each. It goes even worse with video games. Since I can only spend time on my hobbies between 8 pm and 10 pm few days a week it takes many months to finish painting an army. Bonereapers are too fresh for Battleforce imo. If I were to guess - Nurgle, Nighthaunt, Slaanesh and Gloomspite have the highest chances this year.
  9. Great job with Bonereapers. Now just waiting for a larger box. I don't like starting an army outside of start collecting, battleforce or dual boxes.
  10. Sorry but this is just... well for me it's pathetic. If Khorne and Fyreslayers received their "Endless Spells" there is much more sense that CoS and Orruks received them in the first place. Lazy release. My firend playing Ironjawz sure will be dissapointed.
  11. Fair point but I don't think that it was most important for GW to consider. I'd lean more towards creating original, not seen before concepts and maybe IP rights.
  12. I wasn't comparing old Deathrattle Skeletens with old Deathratlle Skeletons. I was comparing both of them vs Ossiarch. The other (round bases) are better, yet still much worse than new Ossiarch infrantry IMHO. The amount of detail and overall quality of the sculpts are waaay better in what OBR have to offer. I wish GW did the same with basic infrantry of DoK and GG - I mean, don't mix new and old models to create new/updated faction. The gap is too huge but you are free to have your own opinion.
  13. I compare them because with Bonereapers on the horizon we have very little chance of another Skeleton army in AoS (GW themselves called them Skeletons on warhammer-community). Thus, they are THE PRESENT SKELETONS. No Deathrattle update happening, I'm pretty sure. Too similar.
  14. I pointed exactly at old Skeletons Warriors. Nobody uses Sepulchar Guard as their battleline but many use Skeleton Warriors. It's like with forced old battleline with case of Stabbas for GG or Witch Elves for DoK, which I mentioned... +++ MOD EDIT +++
  15. See generic/boring models fans are on the rise. First of all I'm glad we are not having a recycled style faction like DoK, where 50% of models are 10 years old. Was really afraid we will be forced to buy dozens of Skeleton Warriors like in the case of Gloomspite Gitz with Stabbas. Few people argued that Skeletons are just perfectly fine and should stay. C'mon, it's just silly when you compare new vs old (the other sculpts aren't much better) Even if they are not the same faction - it's not a gap in terms of quality. It's an abyss. I really dislike funny models in AoS (looking at you Nurgle). These guys however are not. These smiling skeletons look like madmen. Far from silly nurglings or horticulus. Army full of elite crazy oriental skeleton deathcast? Count me in. Also, in my opinion Warhammer had problems with skeleton horses. Now we have skellies riding sort of rhino, sabretooth and God knows what else. A joy to watch and paint. And those samurai-like riders... Great. Caterpillar-skelleton-contstruct catapult? Masterpiece. As for the big boss of Ossiarch Bonereapers maybe it's good that we have one static Behemoth. He seems to be more of a tactician rather than Bloodthirster type of character and I assume we will see more of support warcsroll with command abilities and magic instead of damage dealing machine. I'm defenitely buying that stuff. Silly thing it will be my 8th AoS army but hell, who needs sanity? Good job GW.
  16. So when is the next event where we can hear some news for AoS?
  17. I don't believe in removing Seraphon. No way. It's GW's original concept. They won't do it. It's like trashing Skaven. Don't believe in icluding more Dark Elf units in DoK. If they wanted it, they would have already done so. I don't see a Stormcast vs Ironjawz box coming. There are no new units for Stormcasts lately and it is more likely Ironjawz (if at all) will be paired with something fresh. Someone from GW already mentioned that they are thinking of expanding KO. StD won't get a battletome this year. It's too crowded. This rumour is so unlikely I don't believe in any of it.
  18. Can't imagine sth more boring than 2 weeks of space marines previews. Seriously, the last faction I'd like to play in 40k. Why? Because of that obtrusive marketing with them. Stormcasts are barely behind.
  19. Yeah, I'd just rather they kept chronological order. This way I have the impression as if those AoS premieres were least important.
  20. It's strange that GW still hasn't previewed CoS o Orruks. Or maybe it's not if they can spam 3 articles about space marines every day (which were announced AFTER AoS battletomes). Sigh...
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