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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. Limited to killing everything that moves
  2. Any number below 1000 points for him is probably a misunderstanding. He's pretty much unkillable and kills everything else. Save for some spam competitive lists with tons of mortal wounds.
  3. Hi, I see this new broken realms box for Skavens. Easy to assume it will contain stormfiends. Can somebody please support me with a playable list that contains: Thanquol and/or Verminking or something from his multi kit Stormfiends but not in spam quantities (2-3 units) Bombardier These are really cool models and I want to see what is it needed to play then. Thanks!
  4. Yeah, I think so. You should easily sell Drycha alone. I have Drycha, 15 Spite Rev and 10 Tree Rev. I don't need more of these models but I'm looking forward to battalion and maybe warscroll improvements.
  5. If they removed inspiring presence it might be a thing. Currently battleshock phase has only little impact on the game. I can't recall one game in the last year on my side that I cared for battleshock phase.
  6. "Warsong Revenants are consummate all-rounders who make fantastic additions to all Sylvaneth armies. As well as possessing the ability to enhance the Bravery of friendly units while reducing that of your enemies " Just when you expect a strong support for the army that is considered the weakest you get a guy who buffs bravery. Not to hit, to wound, to save but a +1 to bravery. That will for sure help Sylvaneth jump on top of the ladder.
  7. It might be the time that we need to jump between those services. You know, May with netflix, cancel, June with Hbo Max, cancel, July with Warhammer+...
  8. I'm really surprised about the lack of excitement regarding Warhammer+. I thought that for Warhammer geeks like us it is like a Christmas gift we always wanted. And the animations look really good.
  9. GW either has great plans for Warhammer+ or they were really afraid that netflix might demand some changes in their shows. It wouldn't be the first tv show that was twisted with netflix enrichment.
  10. This trailer. So beautiful. So dark. So... Pure. No nonsense. Just Warhammer. I'm so impressed that they resisted the temptation to netflixize it, at least in the trailer. If GW is really going down this path you have a faithful subscriber.
  11. Judging by her face expression, I'd say that our new chaos lady has already achieved that and many other things. She's not easily intimidated...
  12. You saved the day. Thank you sir. Was it so hard, GW?
  13. You are right. I don't know why I assumed it that way. Perhaps because pop-culture usually serves us attractive women on every front page.
  14. If she only had normal hair, maybe. 😉 I hope she gets a helmet option in the box. 😀
  15. Ahhh, thanks for reminding me new Slaanesh female models. There's still hope. But this lady right here? My eyes bleed
  16. Edited. Seems I accidentally caused anger in other forum members. Sorry.
  17. How about that's a hand grenade? Edit: @pitzok was faster.
  18. We are talking about a situation that will arise if gw brings all Dwarfs into one battletome, so future. And if we talk about future: Sylvaneth (I'm obsessed with elves, and believe me they are elves just gw makes it a secret 😉), Daughters of Khaine, Idoneth Deepkin, Lumineth Realm-lords, Malerion, Kurnothi. It might turn out that Kurnothi will be implemented in Sylvaneth and Malerion (doubt it) will be merged with Morathi. That's still 4 aelf battletomes vs 1 duardin (if they happen to be merged into one faction). There really is no need for that. Just give some new models for Fyreslayers, like 2 or 3. It will make a big difference to a range that consists of only 3 units (not talking about heroes). Honestly Kharadron Overlords feel complete to me but their theme is so easy to be expended it's a sin not to. I don't know what to do with Dispossessed honestly. I think Cities did pretty well with giving them a second breath. But I know one thing: Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords are sooo different, and they both have potential to work on its own that bringing them together will cause more damage than help to them. I've said it before. All factions so far that received combo battletomes are dead in terms of new releases and I understand why. It's easier to support one strong theme like fire berzerkers or steam punk dwarfs than introduce a unit that matches both those themes. It could be done with Orruk Warclans or Skaven but Fyreslayers and Kharadron Overlords? Impossible.
  19. I'm an all time elf player and get excited each time another breed of elfs is announced. Wood elfs? Great. Cow elfs? Give me them. Psychopathic sadistical shadow elfs? Two boxes of each unit please. With elfs it's down to aesthetics and their haughty nature. I dare to say most elf players feel a bond with each other. As for elfs vs dwarfs. They don't have to be equal in numbers but c'mon - 5 elvish battletomes vs 1 dwarven? That's a grudge.
  20. I don't have enough knowledge on Ironjawz story but I think I can recall that instead of retreating Old World they stayed and fought Chaos for millennias which is super cool. And now they are done kind of fungus? That's also crazy and makes them some sort of force of nature instead of just mindless barbarians.
  21. Given how AoS tends to twist every traditional concept (dwarfs the most mobile army in the game - Kharadrons, elves tough as rock equipped with hammers) maybe we will witness diplomatic orcs. Imagine that is their actual name instead of Kruel Boyz. Destruction Battletome: Diplomats and Scholars. On the front page an Orc wearing glasses, white wig and a gown.
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