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Everything posted by Aeryenn

  1. @Whitefang Are silent people or bug people or whatever... Basically insectoids... are they going to be an AoS army with a battletome? You know, reaction to this post should be enough not to spoil too much if you can't. 😉
  2. However we call or describe it, it doesn't solve the problem of people wanting model support for their faction. People don't want soups, they want models. We as customers can tell gw our expectations. If they don't have plans for expanding Fyreslayers and Ironjawz maybe they should change their attitude? People want to give their money for new models. What other incentive are they waiting for?
  3. Vicious circle. Fyreslayers and Ironjawz are less and less popular because they have small model range. They don't get new releases because they are not popular. GW can either give up on them or support them with a good second wave and see them becoming popular.
  4. And isn't it a problem? Is there any reason why not to give a few more models to Ironjawz?
  5. But you will be probably hurt by the lack of a proper Ironjawz second wave release. 😔
  6. For cities getting a soup battletome was be or not to be. It was pretty clear that each component race of this army will either be souped or not supported. This is the only case where souping was actually good. But in terms of new models I explained above. In case of these two vampire hunters all the aelves and disspossed are neglected because they don't match aesthetically. You might have your opinion on that. Legions changed their identity so hard becoming Gravelords that I wouldn't call it just a change of name. Rules changed drastically as well.
  7. Two new models for a faction that consists of humans, high elves, dark elves, wood elves and dispossessed? Wow, what a flood of minis, what a great support. That's exactly what I'm afraid of. Instead of giving an individual model or two for every race/subfaction/"armybeforesoup" they release two models for all taken together. Underwhelming at best. The scenario I see for Duardin Mix battletome is 1 Kharadron (since they are most popular dwarven army) mini once in a few years and that's it. Nothing for Fyreslayers, nothing for Dispossessed. And now compare that to Stormcasts, Lumineth or Slaanesh waves. If GW just puts a little effort they can and should release proper releases for Duardin. Oh and the thing with Legions of Nagash is different than you described. It's not "didn't get new models until it got new models". It's "it was erased to make space for a different army". But why lower your expectations to the lowest common denominator? Why not ask for a suitable 2nd wave instead of half a dozen stormcast, lumineth or whatever next releases? Or a break in releasing new factions to support older ones? Souping doesn't really solve problems with small mini ranges for many players. We have several pages now with posts of people who don't want to mix their Fyreslayers with Kharadrons and vice versa, I'm being one of them. Same is with orruks. If I were an Ironjawz player I wouldn't want to mix them with Bonesplitterz. Just like that, because I think aesthetically they don't match. If souping was just "get two battletomes in price of one" I wouldn't linger. But it's not. It's half the story, half the releases for each faction individually.
  8. The rumour thread is already about rumours only 30 % of the time at best.
  9. And Cities... And Skaven... And Nagash until his battletome was replaced... So far not very impressive with new releases. It's almost as an excuses for GW. Hey you won't get a single new model since start but look! New rules! 😑
  10. One battletome for dwarves make as much sense as one for elves. Covered in blood Witch aelves fighting side by side with shiny Lumineth Wardens both under flying turtles of Deepkin and listening to a playing Warsong Revenant. Seems as delicious as a drink of mixed jalapeño, milk, anchois and sauerkraut. Bon appetit!
  11. That's a hint towards one mixed duardin battletome. 😔
  12. Please do. And I also think that Arch-Warlock is a must. What a great mini!
  13. I still struggle whether or not to make a whole 2k of Clan Skyre but my collection of minis seems incomplete without them. At least I would like to have Thanquol, Stormfiends and a Doomwheel. Great minis.
  14. Do you have a playable (not tournament but good enough) list to use with 2x Broken Realms boxes? So 6 Stormfiends, 2 Warplighting Cannons and 1 Bombardier (2 is probably too much)?
  15. Good point. A discounted box of 2 Hearthguard Berzerkers and a hero would help a little. They could really use a battleforce box. But it won't happen probably. 2x berzerkers, lizard, vulkites and 1 small hero.
  16. I really don't need those Skaven, right? 😑
  17. A bald one probably. He will be powerful
  18. @Ganigumo Yes of course, but it doesn't justify Alarielle's overpriced warscroll. GW must either adjust her points or her warscroll to be a valuable and playable model.
  19. If you all tell he is unplayable over 500 points I'm curious what kind of wonders will gw make with Alarielle to make her playable at 600 points... Ok, many of you gave good examples but he is far from being bad. I'm sure he will be feared when faced. One good charge of his will win games.
  20. And what if Kragnos walks around your chaff, deals 15 mw to your crucial unit, then deals 15 more to another 3" away? And then comes his friends and finish the job? GG turn 1. Of course it might turn differently and he will be stuck fighting with some blobs. But maybe he will basically destroy 1/3 of your army turn 1 if he charges where he wanted to.
  21. I don't know, correct me, but how do you see taking him down? Don't tell me you don't have to and chaff is enough. 10" movement is far from bad. Not having flying might hurt from time to time but most of the time he will wipe out other centerpieces or elites. No allegiance? In my opinion he doesn't need any with such a save and damage output. If somebody deserves the name of one man army it is him. It's my opinion off course and you are welcome to think otherwise.
  22. I see your point but then again he is superior in combat than probably anything else? He can one shot most units this games had to offer and withstand them. I mean charge + his attacks is like 25 wounds a turn?
  23. Limited to killing everything that moves
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