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Darth Alec

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Everything posted by Darth Alec

  1. Looks like we might get a pair of Norwegian teams then If people don't flake that is...
  2. Let me get the dates straight: We have until september 30th to get in our deposits (for internationals), and the 31st of oktober for the full payment?
  3. Hence the cheating! I'll figure something out... Just need to find a batallion that works with something I want to bring. Maybe fill out my Deathrattle.
  4. Soooooo, can I cheat? There's a certain batallion in the Tomb Kings battletome based on my Death army. Would love to be able to bring that to the event 100% officially unofficial narrative!
  5. Some repacks have rebates, some don't. It seems most of the newer ones are "ran out of WHFB boxes, lets just make AoS ones" rather than some overarching plan. Given how haphazard the choices are, I doubt it's working towards anything. On the other hand, that Disspossessed name with the hammers is pretty sweet. Minor thing, but cool.
  6. Oh, that box. That's the one with the carboard building as well, IIRC. Not that interesting then. Still, Vandus and Khul getting their own scrolls is dope.
  7. Blood and Thunder? Anyone care to post THAT rumour?
  8. Good strategy would be to drop aelves after 40k har sold through its pre-orders. Brings hype back to AoS. AoS' momentum is dead ATM as people jump ship to 40k, aelves would bring some back and hypen the AoS-faithful.
  9. Monster on the front left has several small stubby legs. Looks like the previous rumour engine picture. Beast of Nurgle perhaps?
  10. The idea of a proper AoS roleplaying game is... Wow. That would be amazing. This weekend is going to be intense on the news side.
  11. The Grot stuff is interesting. But the Stormcast stuff is really as expected. GW has been going that way since the very first fluff pieces. It's going to to be super interesting to see how it pans out though. I expect that Stormhosts will have even more tangible differences, like chapters of Space Marines have now.
  12. We know that plastic moulds are super expensive. Hence the complete lack of "special" models in the last 10 years. No anniversary, limited run (Storm of Chaos), event-exclusive stuff, because GW proper wanted to go 100% plastic and limited runs can't support that. We have seen them change their minds here though, as there have been loads of them the last 2 years. Notably though, they're all in resin. Resin molds are super cheap comparitively. A Nurgle book would undoubtably include either Pestilens directly, or at the very least a Pestilens artifact/spell lore/command trait section.
  13. Are those low wall ruins new? I can't remember seeing them anywhere before. Might be a kitbash, but might not be.
  14. It seems highly unlikely that GW will use another company's mats. Unless they've teamed up with Frontline or something. It would be a great opportunity to reveal the new mats though. A PR scoop from GW. Good eye there, if it's true.
  15. GW continues to make the best skeletons. No angry eyebrow-skulls! Yet loads of personality. Love that.
  16. That is amazingly stupid. I love it. Will download.
  17. Death has gotten its overhaul already. Nagash, the Mortarchs and the Morghasts are the new direction. We just haven't seen any more releases in this vein yet. They spoke about it at some length in the White Dwarf around Nagash' release.
  18. He's a real fighter. But a lot of people judge him on "can he take a full turn of Kurnoth Hunters to the face". He's a named character though. So he'll be wierd to see in non-whatever-his-port-city-is.
  19. I think the more interesting aspect here is GW's seeming commitment to the new army book style. This will be the second full book which is mostly rework of existing stuff. Updating older books to a new style. It tells me that they are very much enjoying the allegiance ability mechanic and that the new direction is working for them. You can practically feel the designers having fun when reading Tzeench/Stormcast. It's nailing the narrative and mechanical integration in a way that AoS couldn't at release, yet without restricting players from their Grand Alliance armies. Aelfs are obviously waiting for a proper model release, possibly the Adepticon reveal. So any updates there will have to wait. Death too seems to be waiting for something. Deathrattle could have been its own tome ala Bonesplitterz. Deathlords could have gotten an Archaon treatment (plus bonus formations). But it's not easy to speculate on GW's internal workings. The guys working there obviously can't comment on it. And you'd very quickly go from "informed speculation" to outright guesswork and wishlisting.
  20. GW right now: I'm not 100% sold on these guys, but I feel like the moment I see an actual model I'll love them. They feel like dwarfs made with a proper vision. Not just "steampunk dwarfs" or "classic dwarfs". It's a twisted, insane vision, but a vision non-the-less. And everything else they have announced seem like solid hits as well. GW is just doing the sort of stuff that none of the other miniature companies are doing right now. The rescue process of the "sinking ship" feels done. They aren't sinking any more. GW is back.
  21. Stormcast flying chariots. LIke they're going all Thor on the Mortal Realms. Yes please.
  22. IIRC, several of the old school rumourmongers just lost interest in GW/Fantasy. The End Times and AoS killed the passion, so they haven't bothered with it for a while. I may be misremembering though. Tile is definitely Nagash' head. But whether it's a tile for a board game, new battlemat or just some new art I can't say. Would love a Shyish-themed 6x4 battlemat.
  23. Doesn't the mask have the wind of magic symbols on it? That would mean AoS. It could be Malerion? Real eyes hidden behind a mask. What with Malekith always being masked in the old world.
  24. Ah, that is true. I had actually forgotten there was a human there at all. Definitely a possibility. But It seems the Devoted have been somewhat merged with the Order of Azyr, as they had fanatics in the City of Secrets. Freeguild are more heavily featured ATM. Eh... no. Let's not
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