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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. With today being preorder day for Gloomspite I’m pretty sure they know the Gloomspite would already be revealed. The flesh eater courts reveal is a very welcome surprise and the skaven are overdue to get something new. Can’t wait to see what else is coming for those armies. Maybe a new battletome for each? This year has already been full of pleasant surprises.
  2. A little disappointing for those who collect them but not a surprise. I have not seen a single mention of gitmob in any AOS fiction, the models do not hold up and unlike spiderfang they do not have a strong thematic identity. Dispossessed and freepeoples do have a place in the setting already and are definitely safe at least until gw refreshes the regular human range. I could see regular greenskins going for much the same reason as gitmob. Some of the smaller Aelf factions that don’t have a space in the lore yet may end up going when they do new light Aelf and shadow Aelf factions. I could see some of the slaves to darkness kits going when the Darkoath comes out. I am also expecting some big changes to come for the skaven at some point.
  3. I counted the fungoid shaman but not the underworld guys. I do think there is some stuff I counted which probably won't make it into the book like the squig gobba and rockgut troggoths. It will be very interested to see what new units are added. Edit. GW are wise to people freeze framing of their videos as many of the pages in the flip through are blurred out. I assume GW is very happy for us to do this kind of speculation as it fuels excitement for the release.
  4. Looking at blurry screen grabs from the battletome you can see the pitched battle profiles. Not counting endless spells, battalions or scenery there are 31 warscrolls. If you add the existing Moonclan, spiderfang, troggoths and gargants together including forgeworld kits you have 21 warscrolls. So that makes at least 10 brand new warscrolls. So far we have only seen two new units which are not reworks of existing units; the Loonking and the alternative build for the fanatics. Given that some of the blurry kits we have look to be new versions of mangler squigs and sourbreath troggoths, it makes you wonder how many kits are in this release. I think we will probably be seeing quite a few new heroes and several multibuild kits. Blurry screenshot for reference
  5. These new models are fantastic. Another awesome looking army, the best endless spells yet and an extraordinary scenery kit. The only problem is that gw is making it extremely difficult to settle on an army. I don’t have the time or money to paint a whole army every couple of months. I just got the awesome new black coach for Christmas to add to my small nighthaunt army, but I am already getting way too excited about these grots. The only thing stopping me from rushing out and spending way too much money on these guys is the knowledge that the Darkoath, Slaanesh and who knows what are coming soon. Still I am very excited to see the rest of these minis, especially the big kits.
  6. At this point I would be extremely surprised if that is not the case. Also someone twitter expressed disappointment that there was no Christmas reveal at the weekend. Ben Johnson replied and said "it's not Christmas yet."
  7. Bloodletters get the mortal wound on six in addition to regular damage so that is a slight compensation. Bloodcrushers trigger the murderous charge on a 2+ instead of a 4+ and their points will go down ten to 150. Ben said on the livestream that the khorne side costs 500 points and the Slaanesh side costs 520. I guess that doesn't include battalion points.
  8. A little bit of aos news from the 40k weekender. Wrath and Rapture is coming in December. Ninjad!
  9. GW is doing a new years open day on January 5th. That will be the next event that has Aos news. Hopefully we will see a full moonclan reveal then.
  10. Oh look an actual rumour. This week’s rumour engine.
  11. They will cost the same as two start collecting boxes. £100 in the UK.
  12. Wow. If the minis manage to emulate that artwork they will be awesome. Very happy to see that Moonclan are officially on the way. Still not sure what to make of the darkoath. I think the guy with the big axe is a little too goofy for my taste. I haven't bought a 40k mini since Aos came out. Blackstone fortress will probably change that. Overall it was a pretty excellent set of reveals.
  13. Apparently it will be £60 though that info is less reliable. Faeit usually shares prices from retailers every week and it is the one thing they usually get right. This week that info only includes the kits with new scenery and not the bundles or the paint sets. The £60 comes from the comments section.
  14. The Azyrite townscape will be £32.50 and is up for preorder this weekend.
  15. So in terms of officially announced products we have Blackstone fortress which will almost certainly go up for preorder on November 24th, which leaves three preorder weeks in November to fill. I am expecting one week to be Wrath and Rapture, one to be specialist games stuff and to be terrain and painting bundles which would follow the pattern of the last couple of years. I think the first two books of next year will be Moonclan and gsc for 40k. They could then do Slaanesh in March which would be enough time after Wrath and Rapture to rebox some of those minis. We will probably see Darkoath somewhere in there too. There may be space for a surprise beasts of chaos style book at some point but I think it is highly likely that the next 4 big miniature releases will be Moonclan, Slaanesh, Genestealer cults and Darkoath. Looking forward to being proved wrong on Friday.
  16. So it looks like the news is coming there is a retailer event which includes a 30 min GW segment happening tomorrow late afternoon Germany time. Beasts of war has a tour of the GW booth up which shows nothing special except for the three mini games which are already available in the states.
  17. It is actual fact. That said, they just have a booth and won't be doing a seminar. I would expect official news to appear later today, possibly with a bit of follow up in a couple of days time.
  18. Looked up the spiel news from last year. We got the release date for Necromunda, prize support for Shadespire and a new bloodbowl team, so I wouldn't expect too much this week. Blood and glory will probably have more stuff.
  19. If anyone buys this models, paints it up and then manages to transport it to a tournament they deserve to win some games. I am glad the warscroll is very good. It would be awesome to see it in a tournament.
  20. They said there will be some reveals at Speil. Last year it was focused on specialist games and Shadespire. I think it is likely we will see that again this year. With 40k getting it's own November event at warhammer world, hopefully we will see a couple of things for AoS at blood and Glory. That said, we only saw one Aos mini and one Shadespire warband last year so it is probably wise to manage expectations.
  21. Yup it's definitely a 40k chaos sorcerer. Sorry Fyreslayers fans.
  22. Very interesting art. I am looking forward to these two warbands. Regarding the missing minis, it is worth pointing out that the art of both the Skaven and skeleton warbands only shows 4 minis. The two new warband seem to be following this rule, though the grots are already cheating by adding two squigs. Maybe the Troggoth is missing simply because it would make the art too crowded or change it from the style all the warbands have followed so far with the large leader artwork in the back and the minions in front.
  23. Not completely aos news but Nightvault is up for preorder on September 22nd with a release on the 29th. I wonder if they will have info about all 8 warbands in the rulebook again.
  24. A pretty good start collecting set to go with the book.
  25. War of Sigmar. They are promising a beasts of Chaos review on September 15th. It seems that will be the preorder date; a week earlier than I thought. In other news we have a pretty good nurgle spawn model, courtesy of bloodbowl
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