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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. GW's communication has been truly rubbish of late. What happened to Cursed City expansions? What happened to digital White dwarf and digital battletomes? What aspects of the app will be free after the beta ends? Where are our f****** dragons???? Regarding the Stormcast situation, it is worth pointing out that the Necrons and Marines didn't complete their releases until May this year. Also in Japan the Kruleboyz just went up on pre order on Saturday, so the global situation is still pretty messed up.
  2. It's by no means a fullproof method but I checked the number of Instagram hashtags for each of the factions. The bottom three were Kruleboyz, Sons of Behamat and Beasts of Chaos. Stormcast were comfortably number one, well ahead of Skaven in second and that's probably because of the old world connection. Idoneth Deepkin had more than Lumineth or Daughters of Khaine. Obviously the newer factions are going to have fewer posts but it does suggest that not many people are painting beasts of Chaos. Even a sub faction like Bonesplitterz had twice as many posts as BoC.
  3. There is absolutely no evidence that this is real. Several people have come out to say that this is not the NDA they signed. It's seems to have originated from Spikeybits which is probably the least reliable Warhammer site on the internet. Even it is real, there's no evidence that it is aimed at influencers. It is possible it related to third party contracts like Hachette.
  4. Could you possibly keep pictures of actual spiders out of the thread please? Some of us have pretty severe arachnophobia!
  5. This was the announcement I was most looking forward to and it’s f******* spiders. Why did it have to be spiders?
  6. The big 40k rumour list was 100% accurate again. It’s a shame there wasn’t any AoS stuff in there. They mentioned one more preview and a tease. So either Warcry or Necromunda is just a tease. Edit. New Necromunda gang and a Warcry teaser in half an hour, still set in the eight points.
  7. These guys look pretty good. Most of them could go straight into a Khorne army with minimal conversion.
  8. Looks like we might get some news in an hour or two. There's a hidden Warcry and Necromunda video on YouTube. They wouldn't do a video if it was just a book, would they?
  9. The and more is Warcry. It's the only thing from the graphic that they didn't mention in the text of the first preview. That's means it's either a final surprise or not worth talking about.
  10. The price increase on Underworlds is a big issue, but the warband sizes haven't changed. They had three Stormcast in season 1 and three Stormcast and a pet in season 5. 5 Skaven in season 1 and 6 Seraphon in season 4. It's two small sprues each time which is part of the reason why doing something like a gargant is difficult.
  11. I just had a nasty thought. What if the Warcry preview is just the 2021 annual? The first preview said there would be books and we've only had box sets so far. If they were going to do a season 2 it would make sense to wait until next summer and echo what Kill team is doing this year. I really hope we see a new warband or two this week but I'm not very optimistic. All that said any Warcry news at all is good. I really want this game to become as well established as Underworlds is now.
  12. The head problem is probably another case of the eavy metal team being weirdly unable to paint female faces. I'm pretty excited about the Ulgu setting. Surely we will see Malerion's Aelves.
  13. I'm hoping for a new season of warcry featuring warbands from four different cities and four different Skaven warbands, each representing a different clan.
  14. You should watch the Warhammer weekly review. They give a more balanced take. It's a beginner army as it should be. They compare it to the fighter class in D&D. It may be considered boring but it is still the most popular class. I actually think the book is pretty good apart from the handful of warscrolls that they over simplified. The dragon build may be the strongest but they are several different viable builds. I will be very interested to see how people's opinions change after having a few games with it. People originally said that the Soulblight book was too bland but it's seems to be a pretty popular book now. I very curious to see if the next book follows suit. A GW problem over the years has been the inconsistency of their approach to the rules.
  15. I'll take the new Stormcast battletome over Lumineth any day. I'm kind of tempted to make a vanguard Astral Templars list. It may not have much power but a whole army that can teleport sounds fun.
  16. Yeah. This is the first thing that crossed my mind. I would absolutely love some more Kurnothi.
  17. Having seen that art it does look like the left image is a Stormcast. I'm a little worried that the warcry reveal might just be a book.
  18. The hanging sleeve is common in the sisters range and the crossbow looks really similar to this one. It has the same spikes on the limb.
  19. A slightly better picture. Could we be seeing an Order of Azyr warband for warcry? The middle picture is a black Templar. They will probably show the contents of the army box. On the right is probably a Sisters neophyte which is the rumoured next kill team set.
  20. New Underworlds and Warcry stuff is getting announced at gencon this week. Nothing for AoS unfortunately. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2021/09/13/get-ready-for-a-grand-host-of-announcements-from-gen-con-2021/
  21. The lack of warscroll is not surprising but it is massively disappointing. The free warscrolls, the free app and warscroll builder were a massive plus for AoS. Now only warscroll builder is left and I worry for its future. The delay to the AoS app doesn't exactly engender hope that it will be good. I'm not going to buy a battletome this year. I hope gw has a change of heart over this
  22. Gencon is usually reserved for side games. In 2019 they showed off beastgrave, Aeronautica and the lizardmen for Bloodbowl. This time I'd expect to see the full Underworlds reveal, more Killteam stuff and more specialist games stuff. I don't think we'll get another AoS preview until the majority of the Stormcast and Kruleboyz stuff is out. If we're lucky we may get some info about Warcry.
  23. The big 40k rumour mentioned a warpsmith so that looks like a pretty solid bet.
  24. Well I have been pretty unhappy with a lot of gw decisions like the digital books, the app and the latest faq but I just signed up for a year. I was very surprised by the pricing here in Japan. Gw stuff is usually unbelievably expensive but this isnt. It's ¥7000 for a year. The voucher here is worth ¥1900. In Japan a megaboss is ¥5800. So by signing up for a year I've kind of made my money back already. The problem with all the anger is that nuance gets lost. The Warhammer TV app includes a bunch of the free videos of YouTube which is nice but it doesn't include subtitles even in English which is not so good. I haven't seen anyone talking about the actual features of the service in any detail despite two threads about it. It's disappointing that the Warhammer vault isn't part of the app. There also isn't a way to save more than one book for offline viewing. I'm very nervous about the AoS app. In the recent financial report they talked about reconsidering their approach to digital products. I hope they rethink their approach, and that the vault is part of this. If I know that the digital lore of the new battletomes will come out in the vault in a year or two, I don't mind waiting.
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