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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. Profits are up again. Regarding AoS they admit that delays robbed AoS of some momentum but claim they have some exciting releases in the pipeline.
  2. I watched the how to play video. It really does look like the only major change is reactions. They also said they'd be talking about the future of warcry next week. Hopefully we will finally get a hint towards some warbands from other grand alliances.
  3. The thing about warcry is that it genuinely is a very fun game. For me it is probably the most enjoyable game that GW makes. There's a small part of my brain that thinks I should buy the box simply because I really want this game to succeed and have continued support for years to come. On the other hand, I have a couple of the official warbands and enough AoS minis to make 9 or 10 more. I will watch the reviews with interest and if the changes are minimal as seems to be the case, I might just make do with the compendium. If the game is meaningfully improved, I might pick up the rulebook too.
  4. That's how they get you though. If this was Seraphon Vs Skaven the scenery depicting the inside of a Searphon temple, I'd find it very difficult to resist even at this asking price.
  5. I think I REALLY need to love a box set to pay that much money for it. This set doesn't quite cut it. Didn't the original warcry box cost £95? A 50% increase in three years is quite something.
  6. There are at least 6 more warbands coming in year one. The existence of the Legionnaires outside a dual box allows for the possibility of more. The next box is due in October, which is not too far away from the release of the Tzeentch book and before the Slaves book. So either the next box is Khorne Vs Slaanesh or we are getting some non chaos warbands. Again the fact that they are releasing the Legionnaires so soon and not in a dual box suggests to me that gw are clearing the way for a couple of non chaos warbands, though trying to apply logic to gw's release strategy is a bit of a futile task.
  7. I just realized that after this release slaves to Darkness will be the second most updated faction after Stormcast with about 35 new kits since AoS started. That's more than Lumineth and IDK combined. This will also technically be the fourth Slaves to Darkness focused book since launch. Again that's more than anyone except Stormcast. I'm curious why they escape the criticism that everyone sends the way of the Aelves and the stormcast.
  8. Is @Nezzhil our new rumour munger? As for Warcry, I'd be willing to bet that the third warband is the Chaos Legionnaires. I'd love to be proven wrong though. edit- I just realized that a third warband means more than 8 in the first year which is pretty exciting.
  9. There's been a lot of talk about the slow pace of releases for AoS this year but it looks like AoS black library is finally building up steam. There have been 11 AoS novels released or announced this year which is already a record for a single year and we are only in July. I've read or listened to almost every AoS book released before this year but I actually have a bit of a backlog now.
  10. I'm both disappointed and relieved that Warcry isn't up for pre-order next week. I really want to know the full details of this edition and I don't think we'll get those until the reviews are out, but I have another week to work on my backlog. It's amazing how much an imminent release increases motivation.
  11. I'm not sure about the idea of doing a big box every three months. I imagine they are doing it because the individual scenery boxes didn't sell that we'll. Still I'm happy to see that we'll be getting 8 warbands in the first year.
  12. Yeah, I would have thought so too, but they've done a warcry article every day this week and nothing for Chaos. Nothing else from the preview is being promoted this much. The only reason to do it is to prepare for an imminent release.
  13. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2022/07/14/heres-how-warcrys-gnarlwood-setting-fits-in-with-the-rest-of-ghur/ Yet another Warcry article. It doesn't say much but it has me convince that we are going to get a pre-order announcement on Sunday. I wonder if they think it's a big enough deal to get a two week pre-order.
  14. The first edition book introduced 8 chaos warbands. The catacombs box with the shadowstalkers was a bit of a surprise especially for those who were waiting for the Scions. Red Harvest was also a bit of a surprise but once again it had 2 chaos warbands. The end result was 10 chaos warbands, 1order warband, 3 big monsters and 2 sets of small monsters. In comparison with the first set, the biggest disappointment is the lack of monsters. The monsters in the first box were a cool addition and gave you something to add to the warband as it went through the campaign without having to buy any other minis. With this edition it's really impossible to know what they are going to do. They could just do a bunch more chaos warbands, they could add upgrade sprues like kill team or they could just do a variety of individual warbands like Underworlds. Anything is possible. I really hope they do a roadmap at launch just the words "new destruction warbands" would get a lot of people onboard with this edition.
  15. The number of previews makes me think that we are going to see warcry go up for pre-order very soon. I'm definitely intrigued by that map of factions. I hope it's a tease of new warbands and not just- "look you can take all these pre-existing factions".
  16. While I'm disappointed that this box is just chaos again I really like that Warcry thinks outside the box when it comes to the warbands. This feels like a great place to expand the Kurnothi. The forests of Ghur is a great place to reintroduce them. I'd love to see them be a bit wilder than the minis we've seen so far. I'd love to see a destruction warband that isn't greenskins, something completely new. Having said all that I'd love to see a saurus warband. One of the things I like about Kill team is how the newer kits let you build a generic unit or a unit of specialists. I'd love something like that for the saurus. I'd also really want them to push the savagery. One of the biggest problems with the current minis is that they look kind of dopey.
  17. I lot of very cool stuff in that preview. The warcry box is great but it would have been prefect if they had replaced one of those warbands with something not chaos. The underworlds warband is amazing. It's a very rare case when something is an instant buy for me but this qualifies. It makes me even more excited about we might see from the new Cities of Sigmar. There's also enough Witch Hunters now to make a warcry warband too. The Kill Team box was a massive surprise. I'm pretty sure not a single person guessed that this rumour engine was a kroot.
  18. Preview coming very soon. From left to right Witch Hunter, Amazon, don't know, don't know.
  19. Yes, same problem. I'm on Android. Everything else works fine but as soon as I type a single letter in the search bar it crashes. Did you send in a report?
  20. Angron looks like he could make a good alternative bloodthirster, which is both a good and a bad thing. Some people are suggesting there are Khongors in the background. Maybe we will be getting a couple of new units for Blades of Khorne next year. As for the leaks, I feel sorry for the designers who worked hard to make amazing minis only for them to be shown by the reliably awful potato cam. I don't feel sorry for GW who tried to take advantage of free labour but didn't even bother to listen to their advice (allegedly). @JackStreicher Everything's done 2 years in advance. The new cities models are done. They are probably putting the finishing touches to the 4th edition minis about now.
  21. The rumour engine could be new flagellants. They are a big part of the lore now.
  22. While I'd love to see more Seraphon we already know that last two warbands of this season from a very reliable individual who correct predicted every other warband this season. They will be Witch Hunters and Khorne. I hope we see both warbands. They are both probably going to come out in the next three months. The warcry starter will probably feature the Rotmire creed and the Horns of Hashut. It looks like the legionaries are also a warband. The big question is whether we are actually going to see any non chaos warbands this time out. It was a pretty big disappointment that despite the change of setting, the actual warbands are just more chaos humans even if the minis themselves are quite cool. I'm also curious to see what's in store for Kill team. The all new kill teams have been pretty good but the upgrade sprues have been a bit disappointing for the most part. A new box with two all new Kill teams would be tempting especially if one of them is Leagues of Votann.
  23. A quick Google tells me he started last October so he might have had a hand in some of the autumn battletomes but given the delays we might not see anything overseen by him until next year. He probably didn't have much to do with the current ghb but the faq was overseen by him.
  24. It's going to be very interesting to see how things develop for AoS in particular. I've no idea what kind of a boss Jervis Johnson was but there can be no doubt that he cast a very long shadow. It may well have been quite hard to disagree with him, especially for the playtesters. The new boss Mathew Rose is a former Ubisoft employee who hasn't come up through the ranks of GW. I feel like an outside perspective is what GW needs and if the recent changes are anything to go by they're already having an impact. 4th edition will be the first version of AoS that hasn't had Jervis in charge. Even Warcry was a joint effort between Jervis and Sam Pearson. I'm very curious to see how it turns out.
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