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Everything posted by Chikout

  1. I was initially dubious of the September steampunk Duardin rumour but if what adhoc says is true(and I think it is) then the 40k stuff will come in August, leaving a space in September for a big aos release. I imagine the next horus game will follow in October. That would have Tzeentch coming at the end of the year. Sad panda mentioned that this was a possible timeframe for a new Lord of change to come out. Somewhere in the midst of all that bloodbowl will come out. I wonder if this week's Wd has a hint in it. It is the last weekly white dwarf so it may not.
  2. That is probably my favourite bloodbound model and I will happily paint it up, but I was hoping for something new.
  3. Very dubious of thus. They just put it in the start collecting box. I suppose it could be an extra gorechosen model. . . . Actually writing this has pursuaded me it might be true. I am still hoping for something completely new though.
  4. Yup. A steampunk Grombindal would be amazing. I was considering the subscription anyway, but hearing that it would be an Aos mini pushed me over the edge.
  5. So I broke and bought the white dwarf subscription, just based off that news from adhoc.
  6. I wonder if that means that we will see deathwatch in August then. That would leave September free for the new duardin.
  7. Unfortunately, it is probably a fake. A new starter with a Stormcast duardin alliance against Tzeentch would really get me excited, but this is probably someone messing with us.
  8. There is not a points calculator. I bought it in the app as I was going to get it digitally anyway. Currently the functionality is not very good. When you put a warscroll in the my battle page of the app and click profiles, the points info appears like this but it is not interactive. Also interestingly the beastclaw Raiders points show as not yet are available even though they are in the handbook. I hope the app gets improved in the future because there is a lot of potential but right now it is not up to scratch. It definitely needs an option to unlock the book in the app if you bought the physical or iTunes versions of the books.
  9. But that's the point. July was Slyvaneth plus extras. September seems to be Deathwatch plus extras. August will presumably have one big release. The contenders would seem to be Arcanites or Duaridin.
  10. 4 battletomes in 4 weeks is impressive. With 40k chaos and deathwatch rumoured for September, I wonder what August will bring, maybe the Arcanites?
  11. I wouldn't get too excited about the battletome. It is probably rules for the board. The contents of the Stormcast start collecting set are 5 liberators, 3 prosecutors, 2 retributors and a Lord (celestant?) on foot. If those are the multipart box sets that is £95 individually! The ironjawz are 3 gore gruntas 10 ardboyz and a warchanter. About £86 individually.
  12. Am I right in saying that you can use any combination of factions from different grand alliances you like, but you lose out on some bonuses if you do so?
  13. Any photos of new models in the book? I imagine you can't share pictures, but a thousand words would do! P.s. Thanks for the info.
  14. So this appeared on the Internet. If we count from the assassins game in spring 2015 to Bloodbowl in spring 2017 that is 11 new boxed games ( including AOS) in 2 years. Crazy!!
  15. It takes two to play the game. If two friends split the set between them, £10 each is a very affordable way to get into the game. L
  16. So I am really looking forward to the Sylvaneth. I love the Dryads and Treemen. New treekin that fit that aesthetic sounds great as do the Hybrids. There is just one problem. Beetle legs give me major heebie jeebies! I cant even look at picture without my skin crawling. I hope the new model is not too beetly as I really like the alarielle art.
  17. I am hoping it is much more than 4. Deathwatch lets you chose 4 from a pool of 10. I hope this is the same.
  18. I am extremely excited for silver tower. I really hope it delivers. I am waiting with baited breath for more info.
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