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Everything posted by ScionOfOssia

  1. I’d personally suggest switching from MP to NM for this build, trading a unit of Deathriders for a Soulmason, and giving one of the Mortisans Hoarfrost because the Spears can basically have their downside when compared to blades completely negated by Hoarfrost. But overall, it’s a fairly solid “No Mortarch” build.
  2. These guys seem like they’re going to eat horde armies like they’re made of cotton candy, but I definitely expect a points raise on Ushoran if he isn’t keyword locked out of the 4+ Feeding Frenzy.
  3. I’d be fine with it. DoK, KO, OBR, Fyreslayers, and several others need more models, while Ogors and BoC need a range refresh.
  4. God damnit, the Ghouls got a Bone-Tithe mechanic before the Bonereapers.
  5. I feel like if they do put a Morghast in Warcry, for AoS itself they might have to split the warband (Like Huanchi and Terrawings), because unless they do all Morghasts or unusually fast Ossiarchs, a Morghast will substantially outrun the rest of its warband.
  6. That’s literally just a Morghast’s wing from the OBR. They also said that there will be new rules for all Death factions, so either they’ve given up balancing them, or there’s more stuff pending.
  7. So, what’s the over-under on there being secretly more models for Book 4 that we haven’t seen yet? The Morghast wing rumor engine remains unsolved and now is the only remaining candidate for that wing, so it’s now or several months from now for that.
  8. I think Death will see FEC and the Morghast from the Rumor Engine as the other faction for Dawnbringers 4.
  9. I feel like I did when I first saw Katakros’ model and that’s a dangerous thing for my wallet. Fortunately, I’m far more tempted by my crippling addiction to Morghasts and we might get an AoR for them which pleases me greatly.
  10. Okay, now THIS is a model worthy of being called a Mortarch.
  11. I don’t think Nagash trusts the Mortarchs (Besides Arkhan and on good days, Katakros)
  12. You know, the only part of that that caught me off-guard is that Ushoran (Nagash’s biggest hater) is a bloody Mortarch.
  13. Only if they reinclude the ability that let the Corvus Cabal wall-run.
  14. I’m more excited for the next book (For admittedly obvious reasons) but I will admit that I’m genuinely surprised that they made me not completely ambivalent on Kragnos.
  15. Army of Renown: The IRS. You can bring any models that are carrying a scroll, book, tome, or ledger. Your opponent has to fill out a 2 page document each phase before they roll their dice and failure to comply results in an automatic forfeiture.
  16. I scored my Battleforce because my LGS could place orders for their stock on Tuesday and I made my interest known early.
  17. The rumor engine was either one hell of a fakeout or it’s literally just a Morghast. The speculation is on the Hero part, but the OBR are candidates for a wave 2.
  18. I propose we call the new Morghast hero the Additionalghast
  19. I expect that we’ll probably see the full FEC range and maybe the new mystery Morghast model for Dawnbringers 4, because there hasn’t been a Dawnbringers book so far that only gives something to one faction. Regardless, smart money is on FEC.
  20. Maybed, but the hex nut doesn’t seem like it fits the FEC. The whole thing looks too industrial.
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