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The Lost Sigmarite

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Everything posted by The Lost Sigmarite

  1. If we continue to debate about that scythe rumour engine, Whitefang will be summoned to the thread and will deliver us some form of answer...that will leave us with even more questions.
  2. I don't really know. Clan Pestilens isn't very associated with scythes in their aesthetic, they're more into censers and bells. But you have me pretty convinced it could be the new Harbringer of Decay. After all, it's a finescast miniature, and we know those tend to get replaced now. And as much as i think Nurgle needs new units instead of new heroes, a redo of the Harbringer would still be welcome.
  3. It's been a while since Nurgle has had some love. They had obviously End Times releases, then that big release in the tail end of 1st Ed, and then only Underworlds and Warcry bands, and the plastic sorcerer. I guess it's the circle of life and decay and that now Papa Nurgle is going through a stage of drought to prepare the next pustulent bloom of life.
  4. Yeah, I know a Death rumour engine when I see one.
  5. "Even portions of the Eye of Chotec have been swallowed by the Gnarlwood, its realmshaper engines leaking their world-shifting power and suffusing the Wyrdhollow with arcane energy. These terraforming engines threaten disaster – either the realm fails to digest them, and chokes itself to death, or it consumes them and vomits forth a wave of raw transformative energy. The ensuing explosion of the power of the Old Ones mixed with Ghur’s rage would create a cataclysmic eruption of bestial change, stoking the realm’s fury beyond reason." Do you see the lore for the end of edition big event coming ? I sure do... A huge boom of Old One infused amber magic to send the Era of the Beast out with a (literal) bang. I think GW is planning something with the Gnarlwood and the Eye of Chotec, planting little seeds to move the overall plot forward.
  6. I feel like wanting massive Destruction waves for all Destro armies (GSG, Ogres, Ironjawz/Bonesplitters)+ Grotbags + BoC + Skaven + monster themed updates for Idoneth and FS on top of Kruleboyz, the obligatory SCE beginning of edition release and Cities is asking for a bit too much in the 3 year lifespan of this edition. GW still has to balance 40k with AoS and that's a similar number of releases to what 40k got in 9th, and as 40k is their main source of revenue, it will have more releases than AoS. But, for now, Era of the Beast had : - Kruleboyz - Better proportionned SCE - Bite size but welcome updates for Sylvaneths and Nighthaunts - Chaos Undivided - New Warcry season set in Ghur with some of the sickest sculpts GW has ever produced, all games combined And we're going to get Seraphon, FEC and Cities of Sigmar before this ends. Without counting the inevitable end of edition narrative event, and maybe who knows, they'll drop some sweet releases to accompany it and send the edition with a bang into the next one, with maybe even a surprise army. I too, want to be showered in AoS plastic goodness. But GW has to balance a lot of things and sadly can't do that. AoS is a huge undertaking for GW and it will take time to properly flesh it out. But I'm optimistic for the future, I think the game is on the right tracks and I think that in due time everyone (even BoC, Skaven and FS) will get some loving !
  7. I love how this thread passed from Cities to Ogre lore and its implications on Dawi lore (and the new minis it might create), to Chorfs. In a single page. I love this thread so much. It's so glorious.
  8. Just had some interactions online with WFB players on a hobby group. We were talking about the Chorf DLC for TWW, and blabla End Times, AoS... guess where it went. Honestly, this is one big problem for me wanting to get into TOW when it comes out. The community. So far, the elements of the Old World/Fantasy community I have met online don't compel me to join them to play TOW with them when it comes out. I'm sure there are so good people in there, but most of the guys I have met so far are at best grumpy, at worst toxic. I'm not sure this is the kind of people I want to hang out with playing games at the FLGS. And it's sad, because I feel like this is a disservice to the game at large. Do you think the WFB/Old World community at large will have an impact on TOW when it comes out and after that, on its growth ?
  9. Sadly I don't see it coming soon as unlike Morathi, the 2 forms of Radukar come from 2 different sets. GW is not greedy enough (yet) to make a warscroll that needs you buy 2 boxes to use it.
  10. It's always great when Warhammer factions actually use their brains instead of just smashing and bashing each other.
  11. You can tell GW has learned from its mistakes because now the first thing to get updated in range refreshes are the basic troops, be they infantry or cavalry. And you're right. I started the hobby in late 8th ed WFB, and it felt weird to see High Elves, they had those modern new sculpts like the phenixes, lion chariots and elite units next to the antediluvian sculpts of the spearmen, archers and silver helms, that you where forced to use because you needed 25% base for a valid army.
  12. That's why Gardus Steel-Soul is many people's favourite Stormcast ! And why his mini was well received (that and his AoE ward). With Era of the Beast, I think it's time for another famous Black Library Stormcast to get his mini. Come on GW, give us Hamilcar Bear-Eater in plastic !
  13. Damn... I can almost hear "Can You Feel My Heart" going on in my head as I look at those faces and physique.
  14. Isn't there also a Gazul narrative arc where the Dawi are out for grudges because Nagash defeated Gazul in the Age of Myth ? Tying the Dawi against the Zangunaz for some good old fashioned grudging ? Between the teased return of Grombrindal, whatever Grungni is up to (return of Valaya, a new Duardin bloodline, or new machines) and that Gazul arc, GW has left a lot of doors open for our favourite stunty little grudge gnomes. Wazzock ! That's a lot for even one edition.
  15. The man-things are building many new city-towns across the realms. They guard-guard against threats from the land, or sky, but not from below... We will infiltrate their gutter-sewers, yes-yes, from the under-cities. The under-empire has been building in the shadows. Soon the Skaven will invade the surface world, yes-yes ! As the council demands ! Maniacal laughter as ramshackle skaven contraptions explode all around in green mushroom clouds and the Vermintide theme plays in the background
  16. I'm stoked for the end of the Era of the Beast. So many things could happen, my personnal wish is a return of Morghur. There was a Broken Realms short story about a beastlord talking to a mutating human if I remember, and he said that Morghur was coming back. Apparently this was continued in the BoC BT. And Whitefang haha reacted my post on Morghur (I know I say it a lot but I will never shut up about it because it's my greatest achievement here), it means there's happy times ahead for the beasty bois. Or it could be something else entirely. GW has dropped so many teases. This beastly edition will have a wild ending, I'm sure about that.
  17. Or you could allow their respective BTs to "soup" with each other. A bit like CoS and SCE do now, like in a DoK army, 1/4 unit can be a Malerion elves/Umbraneth unit, and vice versa for Malerion's BT access to DoK units. That would be a great way to fill in the army lists with new options in a lore friendly and fun way while keeping both BTs separate for more unique lore and rules.
  18. I don't know if that Kruleboy shaman was already revealed on WarCom or is it was leaked online, but he looks stellar. I wouldn't worry about Kruleboyz in the next editions. Looks like GW will always have something for them. I feel like those soup BT are here as placeholders while they flesh out the factions. Sometimes we forget how much of a colossal undertaking AoS is... they can't do everything at once. Like how Gitmob gobbos are inside GSG, they could have launched a warscroll that would've been "pure Gitmob" but it would have had 0 synergies with other gobs and no one would've wanted to play or buy the minis. Wow... really ? That's a bit extreme to say, don't you think ?
  19. Thanks for that artwork... those new Dawnbringer are not just "inspired by 15th century burgundians", they're pretty much carbon copies in a fantasy setting. Another well known inspiration (to me) of these new Sigmarite humans, is Berserk. The gritty medieval, "down to business" look, but still quite well armored, seems straight out of a Miura drawing. It's even more fitting since both are ordinary humans facing off against demons, monsters in an unforgiving world. They even have the rumoured bombards coming with the rest of the range ! Very pleasing for me as Berserk is one of my favourite fantasy works of all time. I hope GW goes with this inspiration even further, and we get some of the other the top, intricately ornate armors and weapons like those the manga is known for. Give me some fancy Sigmarite drip !
  20. Looks like a big trophy rack to me. Someone got these 3 big claws or tusks and wants to expose them. The paint at the base looks sorta metallic. Like some steel wire placed inside those bony structures to hold them.
  21. Stormcast are the good guys faction, easy to paint and build with large smooth areas and large sizes, straightforward in their gameplay, and demand less miniatures in an army because of their elite nature, which translates to less money to spend on them compared to other factions. They're the perfect beginner faction, that's why I don't see them going anywhere as the starter set/beginning of edition release faction.
  22. Ironjawz will never be bankrupt aesthetically. There's always going to be new ideas for big, brutal Orc war machines and warriors. The "maybe" before "new ardboyz" is pretty telling, this is now a midhammer kit but it's aging pretty well. I wouldn't worry about Ironjawz personally. Tinfoil hat time but the their underworlds warband really felt like a demo for new Bonesplitterz models. A bit like the Snarlfang and Seraphon ones. Those demon units could be updated via 40k too. And among those, the screamers are the "less ugly" ones. But I agree on the flamers and spawn. When new Tzeentch are brought up here, it's always "armored mortal warriors" and "armored mortal warriors on disks", but the spawns and flamers always fly under the radar, while they would need new models fast. I would also add Nurgle to your list. They still have Forge World units like the plague toads. I would like to see plastic plague toads. Alongside new Nurgle stuff, maybe brand new, maybe plastic reboots of the old Tamurkhan Forge World minis like the plague trolls and plague ogres. Nurgle really feels like the poor sibling of the Chaos gods. Strange for the god that keeps on giving... Also btw, Whitefang heart reacted your post. Time to decipher what it means...
  23. You've make me change my mind. It's just that the old SCE models where limited by the way GW handled minis back then. I liked some of it, like the animal helmets of the vanguard chamber, but most of the pre-2016 SCE look too bulky, clunky and static for my taste. And fair to say, most of the models don't live up to those artworks you posted. Imo SCE started to really get into their own when Sacrosanct released. The poses where more dynamic, we got more female SCE and I love the talismans and togas/robes they wear. Overall, I think a mix of different armor patterns would be great. I would make them less like soulless which was one of the biggest criticisms of Stormcasts at launch. I like me some variety and dynamism. And it would be the occasion to introduce some new ideas too, like new armor patterns, new motives... It would fit the theme, since SCE have a big Greco-Roman vibe to them, and those people used different patterns of armor across the ages, even in the same time periods. Like for example, I never understood how vanguard hunters could be sneaky going around in massive golden plate armor. And please GW, a pet dream of mine, please redo the Dracothian Guard with actually dynamic and varied poses.
  24. To get an idea of which ranges GW will make Old World exclusive, and which ones will be cross system with AoS, we need to ask ourselves "how can GW please both the AoS and TOW communities with the least expense ?". If GW can kill two birds with one stone and update a range for AoS and TOW at the same time, of course they will. With the same amount of cash spend, you appeal to two communities and two "different" (because there's definitely gonna be overlap) customer bases and so earn bigger profit than if you did it for one of them only. This is an educated guess, but I think the only ranges that GW is going to make "Old World exclusive" are Tomb Kings, Brets, Empire, Dark, High and Wood Elves, Dwarfs, Kislev and Cathay. And that's already a lot. The rest of TOW armies that are cross compatible with AoS I think would be upgraded in AoS : BoC, Chorfs, Skaven, Ogres, Bonesplitters. This is what I would do if I was GW to maximise profits while diminishing costs.
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